(86) Blaðsíða 76 (86) Blaðsíða 76
76 TRACINGS OF ICELAND AND THE FAROE ISLANDS. established with her tub, using the hot water which jetted up by her side for the purification of her clothes. In the other group, which was the more interesting of the two, I counted thirty boilers in full work, blurting forth hot water, which flowed over the incrusted sands into the lake. One of them, formed of two apertures close together, and shewing large cavernous bores, projected water two feet high in one continuous stream, which, plashing out on all sides, was evidently forming a basin of the same character as that of the Great Geyser. The other apertures were mostly very small; some so much so, and with such tmy jets of water, as to look like so many little tea-kettles on a fire. So much petty fuss, and fume, and splutter, had in it an element of the droll, at which I could not help—solitary as I was—falling a-laughing, and that heartily. There was at the same time much to fix the grave interest of the scientific inquirer, in the way in which the silicious matter was disposed round the orifices. The style of the incrustations evidently depends on how the water behaves. Where it quietly runs, the silica is deposited in thin flakes, forming a laminar crust. 'Where it falls in a plash, a cauliflower-like crust is formed. I apprehend, when the lake is full to its banks, all this scene of natural ebullition takes place under water. The people of the bye supplied us with some good fresh milk, which only wanted being free of black specks of dirt to be entirely acceptable. As we reposed on the grass in the powerful sunshine, with our steeds grazing near by, the families of the place came out and sat down beside us, regarding us with a stupid wonder and interest. There were one or two good faces among the children, but the majority looked like persons to whom neither nature nor circumstances have been kindly. In the evening, as we were approaching Thingvalla, the fine Italian weather was suddenly exchanged for a cold easterly drizzle, which made us arrive at the end of our day’s journey in no comfortable state. Our good friend the parson had been so kind, however, as prepare a large dish of trouts for our supper; and he once more received the senior of our party into his humble manse. The night passed exactly like the former one at the same place. Once more we stretched ourselves in that
(1) Band
(2) Band
(3) Saurblað
(4) Saurblað
(5) Mynd
(6) Mynd
(7) Blaðsíða [1]
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(96) Blaðsíða 86
(97) Saurblað
(98) Saurblað
(99) Band
(100) Band
(101) Kjölur
(102) Framsnið
(103) Kvarði
(104) Litaspjald

Tracings of Iceland & the Faröe Islands


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