(13) Blaðsíða 7 (13) Blaðsíða 7
IN ICELAND. by tlic B. M. Cat.(4), with tlic statcracnt tliat “A copy of tliis work in the collcction of the Rev. J. Franck Rright bcars thc dato 1G37.” Thc present copy agrecs in de- tail with the one thus indicatcd, still in tho possossion of l)r. Briglit, tlie distinguislied Mastcr of University College, Oxford. The present collection possesses copies of botli issues; comparing them, it is seen tliat tlie dif- ferenccs relate to tlie first (title) folio and the final (un- numbercd) folio. The issue dated 1637 (at ’end 1644) has: 1. Several variations iu the title, ‘Aull,’ instead of ‘011,’ ‘wtlogd,’ ínstead of ‘vtlogd,’ ‘Iorinaaluin’ instead of thc sarae wordprinted witli a singlo character for tlie ‘aa’, etc.; 2. The elaborate border about tlie title page is the ono used in tlie first edition of the Icelandic Bi- ble (1584), wliilo tlie later issue has tlie samo engraved border for all tlic three title-pagos; 3. The text of tho rescript of King Christian, on the reverso of tho titlc- folio, forms, not including the date, 16 lines, whilo in tlie later issuc it is in largcr type and counts, witli tlie date, 19 lines; 4. Below the rescript is a printcr’s ornament (bókarhnútur), lacking in tlie later issue; 51 Tho final fo- lio is wholly wantiug in the later issue (at least in the three copies examined), its contents being a final note by Bp. Þorlákur, rejoicing at the completion of thc print- ing, a list of the more iraportant errata, thecolophon, as cited above, and finally a benediction of five liues, ending witli AMKN. In botli issues, lines 1, 3, 6 and 7 of the first, or general title-pagc, are in red. 9. Meditationes I Sanctorum Patrum | Go- dar Bæn|er, | Gudrækelegar Huxaner, | Aluar- logar Idranar Aminningar, | Hiartnæmartack- argiorder, og allra | Handa Truar Idkaner og | Yppuakningar, og St-|yrkingar. | Vr Bo- kum þeirra Heilogu | Lærefedra, Augustini, Bernnardi, | Tauleri, og pleire annara.Saman- losnar | j í*ysku Mmle Med nockru pleira | sem hier medpylger.| Gudhræddum og Godpusum | Iliortum Nytsamlegar og | Gagnlegar | Marti- nus Mollerus | Preíitadar ad nyu aHoolum j j Hiallta Dal. 1655. 8°. ff. [236]; sig. )( (in 4), A—Þ, Aa-Ee; ornamcnts; initials; paginal catcliwords and signatures; on reverse of titlc-folio a woodcut (Crucifixion) witli Biblical cita- tion. Contcnts:—Title-folio ; preface, ff. 2a-3b; second preface by Bp. Guðbrandur Porláksson, 4a; tablo of contents, 4b; text, 5a-236a (final page blank). The pro- per end of thc work is with tlio section devoted to St. Jo- roine, wliicli closes f. 234a, followed (234b) by certain ‘Iluggunar Greiner,’ wliicli terminate f. 236a (Ender Bo- karenar.)—Tliis is thosecond cdition of Bp. Guöbrandur’s version of M. Möller’s compilation, the popular title of which is ‘Forfe^rabænabók;’ it was first published at Ilólar 1607 (B. M. Cat., 3). For tlie thirdcdition, entitlod ‘Paradisar Likell,’ Skálholt 1686, see no. 18.—T.he cppy is dcfective, lacking ff. 1-3 and 235; the titlo-pagc is supplied in MS, as givcn abovo. 10. Psallfcare | Þess Kon|unglegaSpamalns Dauids. | Huorn sa heidarlege og | Gudhræd- de Kieneman, sailuge S. | Jon Thorsteins son, sem var Prestur | j Vestmana Eyum, Hepur miuklegawt|sett, ? j pagrarSaungvijsur snued, riott i eptor Textanum. Med Argurneptis | Am- brosij Lobwassers ypor | slerhuorn [sic] Psalm. Prontadur epter margra | Fromra og Gud- hræddra MaHa | boon, Leikra sem Lærdra. | A Hoolum j Hiallta | Dal. Anno. 1662. 8°. ff. 8, 5 (=4), [152]; sig. [1 folio in 8, 1 folio in 4= ff. 12, without signatures, but numbercd at bottom], A—T ; 2, 3 and 4-liue Gotliic initials; ornaraent (at end of dedicatiou); paginal catchwords and signaturcs; title-jiagc in border, rcverse blank; music in text (psalms cxxxvi and cxlvii). Contcnts:—Title-folio; dedicatory letter toBorsteinn Þorleifsson, sýslumaítur (d. 1705), signed by I»orkcll Arngrimsson (Vidalin, d. 1677), dated at Garðar á Álptanesi 1691, ff. 2-8 (numbcrcd at bottom); prefacc (Gudliræddum Lesara), signed by Jón Jónssou, the author’s Ron, 1-4 (numbered at bottom, but 4 is, by error, 5); text (I Psalmur), ff.la—152a=sig. A—T viij, the rcverse of thc final folio blank.—This is the original edition of this me- trical vcrsion of the Psalms of David, tho autlior of whicli, JónPorsteinsson, called Jón‘pislarvottur,’ or the martyr, (Ilálfdau Eiuarsson, 61), was killed iu the Westman islands, wliere he had been rector sinco 1612, during a raid of Algerine pirates on the coast of Iceland in 1627. The editor of tlie ‘Tyrkjaráns-saga’ of Bjórn Jónsson á Skarbsá (Reykjavik 1866, ]>. 42) montious tlirce editions of thcse psalms, 1622, 1675 and 1745; the first date is doubtless a misprint for 1662; the second sccms to be supported by thc authority of Finnur Jónsson (iii., 727); and tlie tliird should be 1716 (B. M. Cat., 10). The edi- tions would thus be 1662, 1675 and 1746, the last witliout the dedication and preface. Tlic autlior wroto otlicr vorse, especially the ‘Genesis sálmar’ (B. M. Cat„ 5, 11). —The presentcopy lias S i and viij and T i—viij supplied in very neat aud exact MS. 11. Soliloquia De Passio[ne Jesv Christi.l Pad er. | Eintal Savlarlenar vid sialfa sig| Huorsu ad | hunr Christen Madur han a Dag- le-jga j Bæn og Anduarpan til Guds, ad | trac- tora og liugloida ]>a allra Haleitus|tu Pijnu og Dauda vors Herra .Tosu Christi, | og ]>ar ap taka aigiætar Kieningar, og hoillnæmar Iíug- ganer, til þess ad Lipa | Gudlega, og Deya Clirisfce|lega | Saman teken vr Gudlegre | Kit- ningu, ? Scriptis ]>eirra Gnm lu Lærepedra, Enn vr Þysku vtlogd | Af S. Arngrijme Jons Syne | Prentud en ad nyu a Hoolum | j Hiallta Dal. | Anno 1662. 8°. ff. [208]; sig. A—1», Aa—Bb; initials and orna- ment (at end); paginal signatures and catchwords. Con- tents:—Title-page; dedicatory letter to Ilalldóra andKri- stina, daugliters of Bp. Guhbrandur Porláksson, signed by tlie translator ulider date of 1599, ff. lb-5b; text, 6a-2046b,; prayer (Þackargiprd), 205-20Ga; hymn by Magnús Ólafsson, 206b-207a; hymn by Jón Magnússon, 207b-208a.—Fora later edition of this vcrsion by Arngri- mur Jónsson of Martin Möller’s Soliloquia Animœ (styled ‘Eintaliö’) see no. 46.—The copy is badly mutilated, laeking all of sigs. A (except A v), Aa and Bb ; tlic titlc- page is supplied in MS as givcn above. 12. HwsPostilla. | tJad er. | Skijr ogEin'- }3ölld Ytlegging yper oll | Suiíudaga x Haitijda Evangelia | sem pra Adventu Sunudeige, og til | Sunudagsins pyrsta j Fostu, Plaga Ar-|le- ga ad wtleggiast x prauisetiast. | Godum og Gudhræddum | Mofium til Gagns og Godrar | lJienustu. Samsett og wtlogd. | Af. | H. Gysla Tliorlaks | Syne, Superint. Hoola | Styptis. | lJryckt a Hoolum j Hiall|ta Dal. Anno. 1GG5. At end, ÍÞryckt a Hoolum j Hiallta | Dal An- no. 1667. 8°. ff. 8, [4281, of wliicli the final one is blank; sig. )-(, A—P, Aa—Þþ, Aaa- F ff (thc last in 4); ornaments ; 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6-linc Gothic initials; 4 woodcuts in text; paginal signatures and catchwords; title-page in border, reverso blank; in the f\rst signature ()-() thc folios 2-7 are numbered at the bottom, but tlie eighth is unnum- bered. Contcnts:—Title-folio ; preface, signed by the author, ff. 2a—7b; introit, f. 8a; Latin liexasticon (Men- tibus alraa pijs) signed Sigfusus Egillius, f. 8b; text—pt.i. (Advent to Lent), [la—240b); second jireface, signcd by autlior, [241ab]; pt.ii. (Lent to Easter), [212a-427b] ; co- loplion, [427b]; blank leaf.—This, with the next but one title, forms tlie origiual edition of these postils, fami- liarly kuown as ‘Gisla postilla,’ which remaincd forlialf a ccntury. or until tliey were supersedcd by those of Bp. Jón Vídalin, tlie standard religious reading-book of the Icelandic liouseliold; other cditions followed in 1684-5 (see nos. 16 and 17), in 1704-6, and a ncw issue of vol. ii. in 1710 (seeno. 25). According to Finnur Jónsson (iii., 726) they were largely translatcd and edited from the sermons of Hartmann, Creidius and Joliann Gcrhard. Tlieir autlior, Gisli Þorláksson (b. 1631, d. 1684), was tlie son of Bp. Þorlákur Skúlason, and succeeded his fatlier as bisliop of Hólar in 1657.—The prcscnt copy lacks thrco leavos, sig. Y viij and Z i and ij. 13. [Kristilegar Bæpir, samsettar af D. Jolianne Avenario; á Íslenzku. útlagðar ’af HerraOddiEinarssyni, Superintendento Skál- holts Stiftis.] At end, Iíoolum, | Dryckt ap Hendrick j Kruse, Anno | MDCLXIX. 12°. ff. [192]; sig. A—Q; initials and ornamentsí paginal catchwords. Contents:—Title-folio; tcxt (Su-

Bibliographical notices I-VI


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