(16) Blaðsíða 10 (16) Blaðsíða 10
10 UOOKS PIiINTED bæ a I Hvalmardarstrond. |—| Þryokt j Skal- kollto ap | Jone Snorrasyno, | Anno H. DC. LXXXVIII. 12". ff. [18]; sig. A—D; initials and ornaments; pag- inal catchwords. ContentsTitle-page; 2 scriptural passagcs, f. lb; tcxt, 2a-3«a; prayors (proso), 39b-42a; 2 prayers (verse), 42b-44a; rulps of life, 4-4b-48a; max- ims of Luther, translated by Olafur QuSmundsson (?), 48ab (?). Ilálfdan Einarsson (241) cites an cdition ot tlicse meditations in prose t>y tlie poet. Hallgrimur Pé- tursson, printed in 1G77 ; editions are likewise quoted of Hólar 1082, Skálholt 1092 (soe the next titlc), Ilólar 1773 (seo no. 6S) and 1794,—Tlio prcsent copy lacks ff. D nij, ix, and xij. 21. Sio 1 Gudrækelo-lgar Vmþeinkingar,! Edur | Eintal Christens Mans | vid sialpan sig, huorn I)ag j | Yikuiie, ad Kvollde og | Morg- ne. I Samanteknar ap Syra | Hallgnjmo Pe- turssyne Fordum | Soknar Preste ad Saurbæ a | Hvalpiardarstrond. |—| Pryckt ad nyu j Skallhollte, ap Jone Snorrasyne, | Anno M.DC.XCII. 8° fF f384-]; sig. A—E; initials and ornaments; pag- Ínal catclnvords.—Tho fourtli (?) edition of these modita- tions by Hallgrímur Pótursson, but tbe copy is m an ím- perfect condition, lacking tbo title-folio (tbo title-page being supplied in MS as above), and any otlier mtroduc- tory leaves tliere may liave bcen before tbe sig. A i; tbe text, liowever, is intact, boginning on tbe obverso of A 2, and.terminating on tbe reverse of E 7 (tlio bnal folio of tlio present copy). Sec uos. 20, 53 and 66. 22. Stutt Inehalld | Catechis|mi. | Fyrer Born I Samsett * skripad j Latinu | Ap | Luca Lossio. | 1G□ 93 | Prentad I SKALholite. 24°. in Gs ; ff. [54]; sig. A—I; ornamcnts; 2 and 4-line initials ; pagc-lines 1G, cxclusive of tlie signaturo; paginal catclnvords; on tlie titlo-page a circular vignetto, in a wreatli a sorpcnt entwined about a cross forming tlio letter S (=Skálbolt V), tlie wliole between tlio 1G and 93 of tbe date; on tlie final pago (f. 54b) a woodcut, tbo crowned stockfish, witli tlic word ISLANDS above and VOPEN below. Contents:—Title-page; profaco of translator, signed Þ: Tli: S:, ff. lb—2b ; text (catechism), 3a—34b (Ender pessa litla Catc|cliismi.); prayers and meditations, 35a—53b; tho gloria in Icelandic (Dyrd sie Gude F0d|ur), 54 a; arms of Iceland, 54b.—Tbo autlior of tliis brief Catecliism, Lucas Lossius, was rcctor of St. Jolin’s 8cliool at Lilneburg, was born at Fach or Vacha in Ilesse 1508 and died 1582. Tho translator, Bp. Þórður Þorl&ksson, states in liis profacc tbat tbc Catechism was written in 1550 and subsequcntly printed at Wittenberg. __This interesting little book forms tlie first of a series of 7 religious opusculi, publislicd under tbo direction of 13p. Þórður, in wliicli tbo printed page moasures only 8 by *5 centimeters. Tbey were likewise issued bound to- gether in a volume, witb a prefixed folio, baving on the obverse a list of tliem:—Þetta Kver hefur þessa Bæk|linga Ine ad ballda. j 1. Catocbismum Lossii. | 2. Þa Andloge Fiebyrdslu. | 3. Ydrunar Roos. | 4. Samvitskunar Pro- fan. | 5. Þa Andlegu Ilprpu. | G. Iluggun Eckna £ Fod-| urlausra Barna. | 7. Þau liloomgudu Boin. | Eru alls 11. Aurk. Of theso tracts, 2, 3, 4 aiul 7 bear on thoir title- pages tlio dato 1694; 5 and G liave only undated bastard titles; 3, 4, 5, G and 7 bavc continuous signaturos. Tbc wbole, including tlie contonts-loaf, form a volume of [199] folios, wliicb is found complcte in tbe Copenhagen Boyal Library.—Tlie copy of tbo Catecbism cited in tbo presont list is imperfcct, lacking 5 loaves, tbat is, sig. II ij, v, vj and I i and vj. 23. Diarium Christi-|anum. |Edur | Dag- leg Idjkun ap ollum DB,Ott|ins Dags Verku, med Samlburdo Guds tiju Bodorda vid | Sko- punarverkeíí, og Miningu I Nafnsins JESu. | Skrinad og Samsett | Ap S. Hallgrijme Pe- tursísyno, Ano 1660. |—f Pryckt j Skalhollte Ap | Jono Snorrasyne, | Anno 1693. 12°. f. [1]- PP* 1-238; sig. A—K; ornaments; 2, 3 and 4-linc initials; paginal catcbwords; on reverse of title-folio a woodcut (Adam and Eve), witli scriptural text. Contcnts :—Title-folio; text (Sunnudags Idkun), pp. 1-194; appendix, by Jón Jónsson, [195]-231; liymu (Stutt Vmþoinking), by Steinn Jóusson, 232-238 (Ender Bæklingsins).—Previous cditions of tbis prose tlicolo- gical work by tlie liymn-writor, Ilallgrimur Pötursson, ai>peared, it would seem, at llólar 1677 and 1683 (Finnur Jóu8son, iii., 727 aiul Ilálfdan líinarsson, 241); later edi- tions are tliose of Hólar 1712 (Bruun, i., 427), 1717 (soe no. 51) and 1773 (see no. 65) and Akureyri 1860.—Pago [195] of tlie volume forms a sccond titlc-page:— Appondix | Þrefalldur | Trwar Fiosoodur pess | Polennmooda Johs, Ap I 19. Cap. hans Bookar. | Vfclagdar og Samann | skripadur, Ap S>eim JIeidur]lega r Vellærda Kenemane, I Sr. one Sal: Jons|syne, Ad Hollfce j Onundar- fyr-|deFordumPropastej Vestara | Partelsa- fiardar Syslu. Tbis tractato, based on a passage in Job, cnds, as stated, on p. 231. Of its author, Jón Jónsson (d. 1G81), rector of Ilolt (i Önundarfirði) and a rural dean, little appears to be known (Finnur Jónsson, iii., 5G1 and Hálfdan Einars- son 241); no otlier edition of liis work ever appcared. Tbe liymn wliicli closes tlio volumo (Vakna min sál, og virb fyrir þör) is by Steinn Jónsson, afterwards bishop of Hólar. 24. Soliloqvia Animæ de passione Josu Christi | bad er. | Eintal Sailaren|ar vid sialpa sig, hvorsu ad hvor | Christefi Madur ai Dag- lega j Bæn og And|varpan til Guds, ad Hug- leiga }ia allra hai-leitustu Pijnu ogDaudavors Herra JESV | Christi, og þar ap taka aigiætar Kieningar og | heilnæmar Hugganer til jioss ad lipa Gudflega og doya Christelega. | Saman- teken wr Gudlegre Rit|ningu ogBookum hoir- ra Gomlu Lærepedra | Af þeim Haitfcupplysta Guds Manne. | D. Martino Mollero. | Enn wr Pysku Vtlogd ap Heidurleg|um og Hailærdum Mane. | S. Arngrimo Jonssyne aijMolstad for- dum Officiali Hoola Stiftis. | —| Pryckt I Skal- hollte, I Ap Jone Snorra Syne. | Anno M. DC. XCVII. 8°. ff. [5], pp. 2-353, ff. [3]; sig. A—Z; ornaments and initials; paginal catcliwords; on reverse of title-fo- lio a woodcut (Crucifixion), beneatb it a citation froni Isaiali. Contents:—Title-folio; dedicatory prefacc ad- dressed to tlie daugliters of Bp. Guðbrandur Þorláksson, signcd by translator and datod 1599,.ff. 2b-5a; text, f. 5b-p.*^18; prayer, 349-351; liymn by Magnús Ólafssou, 351-353; table of contents, ff. la-3a (Ender Bookarennar), tbe fnial pago being blank.—Tbe fiftli (?) edition of tbe popular work known as ‘EintaliV (see no. 46).—The editiou is interesting as bearing tlio date of tbe last year of tbe existence of tbe Skálbolt press. After it no books were issued in Iceland uutil tbe re-establisliment of tlie episcopal press at Hólar in 1703. Tlic book is otber- wise notable for tlie occurrenco of tbe even numbcrs of tbe pagination upon tbe obvorso side of tbe lcaf, p. 2 being f. Ga etc. 25. Hvss-Postilla | Pad or | Skijr ogEin- po-jlld wtjiijding, yfer oll Sun-|nudaga og Hai- tijda Evangelia, sem Ared umjkrijng, wtlogd ? predikud verda i Christe-llegro Kyrkiu. | I hvorro framsetiast, Lærdoomar, Ilugganor og| Amiiiingar, wt af siorlivoriu Gudspiallo, Gudo Eilijpfi fyrst ? fremst | til Æru, Dyrdar og Vogsomdar, En goodum og fromum Guds | Bornum hier i Lando, som hana jdka vilia, til Sail-jar Gagns og Nitsemdar. |Aii'ar Parturon.l Fra Trinitatis Suiiudoigo og til Advontu.iMod KostgiæpUe samantokeii ap Horra Gijsla[Thor- lakssyne, Superintendonte Iloola' Stiptis. | (Blessadrar Miiiingar) |—| Priokt ad Niju ai Iloolum i Hialltadal, Ap | Martoine Arn'odds- Syne, Anno 1710. 4°. ff. [170]; sig. A—Þ, Aa—Tt (of whicli tbe last is in 2); ornaments; 2, 3, 4 and G-line initials; paginal siguatures and catcliwords ; 3d, or principal linc of title- page engraved. Contcnts:—Title-page ; text (Trinity to Advent), ff. lb-170b (AMEN.)—For tlio first edition of the ‘Gíslapostilla’ see nos. 12 and 14. This may be

Bibliographical notices I-VI


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