(19) Blaðsíða 13 (19) Blaðsíða 13
IN KJELANÐ. 13 and probably in tlie ycar cited, but no public library seems to possess a copy ; 8. 1711; 9. Hólar 171?, of which no copy is now accessible; 10. 1721; 11. 1730; 12. 1732; 13. 1739, being the last of tlie G editions issued under Bp. Steinn Jónsson; 14. 1717 (see no. 50); 15. 1749; 1G. 1755 (see no. 59); 17. 1765, wrongly styled ou the title- ]»age “Editio XVI,” instead of “Editio XVII;” 18. 1773; 19. Í779. It will be noted that, with the exception of thc Gtli, all the editions are from tlie Hólar prcss. Tlio 2d edition (1707) exists uniquelv in tlie collection of Mr. Jón Porkelsson, liaving tlie following title:— Gradvale | Ein Almene-|leg Messusaungs Bok | Samanteken og Skripud, til meire og | samjjyckolegre Einungar, j Jieim Saung og Ceromonium, sem i Kirkiunno skal syn-|giast x halldast hier j Lande, ep-|ter Ordinantiunne. | G. Th. S. | Latod alla Hlute Sidsamlega, og Skio-|kanlega pram para ydar a mille | 1. Co- rinth. 14. Cap. | ... Prentad ad nyju a Holum j Hiall-|ta Dal, Anno Salutis. | M. DC. VII. Tlie omittcd passage before the imprint is a second ci- tation from Scripture. Tlie title-page is in black, and tho signatures extcnd to Ilh iiij. 34. Gudrækelegar | Vikv | Bænor, | Med Mox-gun og | Kvnlld Versum, Item flei|re Naudsynlegum Bænum | ogPsalmum. j Saman- teknar | Vr Bæna Book j Dess Haxtt-Vppiijsta Doot. loliannis Lassenii. | Ap I Mag. Steine Jonssyne | Biskupe H. St. | — j í’riokt a Hoo- lum 1733. 12°. ff. [36]; sig. A—C; initials and ornaraents; pag- inal catchwords ; titlo-page in border. Contcnts:— Title-page ; prefaeo by iip. Steinn Jónsson, f. la; text, 2a-27b; 2 additional prayers, 28a-30a; 3 lirmns, 30b- 3Gb.—Bp. Stoinn says that these prayers liave been translated by him from the shorter prayer-book of J. Lassenius (ó. 1G3G in Pomorania, d. 1002), referring doubtless to tlie Auscrlcscnc Morgcn- und Abcnd-Gebcte, publishcd (Gluckstadt 1712) after tlie author’s deatli. This translation was again printed as an appendix to tlie Icuiandic liymnbook of 1751 (13. 51. Cat., 11). A larger liook of prayers by tlie same author was translated by Þorsteinn Gunnarsson (d. 1090), and printed at Hólar 1682 aud 1772 (Hálfdan Einarsson, 235). 35. Psalterium Passionale | Edur | Pijslar- Psal-jtaro | Ut Ap | Piinv Og Davda | DBOtt- olis vors JEsu Christi, I Med Lærdooms-pull- roTextans | Utskiiringú, | AgiætlegaUppsett- ur, | Ap | f’eim lleidui's-Vorda og Andrijka | Kiennemanne I Saal. S. Hallgrijme Peturs I Sy- no, | Fordum Sooknar-Herra ad Saur-Bæ | ax Hvalpiardar Strond. | Editio X. | — | Drickt a Iloolum i Hialltadal, Ap | Marteino Arnodds- Syne, | Anno M. DCC. XXXV. 8°. ff. [5], pp. 1-179, f. [1]; sig. A—51; initials aud ornameuts; paginal catchwords; woodcut (Crucifixion) ou , reverso of titlc-folio, with scriptural citation. , Óon- tcntsTitlo folio; dedicatio autlioris (to Ilelga Arna- dóttir and Kristina Jónsdóttir), dated 1G60, tl'. 2a-5a; preface of author, 5ab; text (hymns i-1), pp. 1-179; in- dex, p. 179-f.[lb] (tliat is, finalfolio); publislier’s note, f. [lb]. The note at end cxplains tiiat ‘Texteu' and ‘Utleggingen’ are distinguished as in tlie edition of 1722 (sec no. 39). 36. Heilagar | Meditationes | Edur | Hug- vokiur | jÞess Havt-upplijsta | Doct. Ioliannis Gerhardi. | Miuklega og N.'ukvæmlega | snu- nar i | Psalm-Vijs-|vr, | Af þeim Frooma og Gudhrædda | Kienemane, | Sr. Sigurdo Jons- syno, I Ad Prest-Hoolum. | Editio VIII. | — | ÍJrickt a Hoolum i llialltadal, | Aiio 1740. | Af Marteine Arnoddssyne. 8°. f. [1], pp. 1-139, f. [1]; sig. A—I; initials and ornaraents; paginal catchwords; on reverse of title-folio a woodcut (Ascension), witli scriptural passage._ Con- tcnts:—Title-folio; text (liymns i.—1.), pp. 1-135; liymu li. (Med Fögrum Ton i Liood settur, Af . . Joue Einars- syne), pp. 135-139; index, p. 139-f.[lb].—A reprint, closely imitated, of the seventli edition, issued in 1728 (see no 33) of Sigurður Jónsson’s vcrsified version of tlie ‘Hugvekjur,’ or Mcditationcs, of J. Gorhard. 37. Psalma Book, | Inelialldando Almene- legan | Messu-Saung, | Med Daglegum Mor- gun og Kvolld-|Psalmum, Lijk-Psahnum og odrum Lop-jSauugvum. | Eirnen | Collectur, Pistla, Gudspioll | Og JEsu Christi Pijningar Historiu, j Med Arlegum Kyrkiu Bænum, sem ad lesast | ap Predikunar Stoolnum, a sijnum Tijd-]um: aisamt odrum Naudsynlegum Bæn- |um i adskilianlegum Tilpollum: Er | siost ap næst epterpylgian-|de Bladsiidu. | Epter þeim i Guds Sofnudum a Is|lande hiingad til Brwkanlogu Messu-Saungs-| Bæna- og Hand- Bookum, I þessu For-|me Inrettud, til Guds Dyr-jkunar, So vol i Kyrkiun-Jum, sem i Hei- ma | Hwsum. | —| Pryckt a Iloolum i Iíiallta- dal, | ap Marteino Arnoddssyne, Ano 1742. 8°. f. [1], pp. 1-590; sig. A—1», Aa—Nn ; initials and ornaments; paginal catcliwords; music in text. Con- tcnts:—Title-page; table of contents, f. [l]a; Almcnelc- gur Saungur (with order of service, pp. 1-Gl; IMessu- .Saungur, G2-193; Psalmar og Lofsaungvar, 193-239; Morgun Psalmar, 239-258; Kvolld Psalmar, 258-274; Andlegcr Psalmar, 274-278; Skijrnar og Confirmation Psálmar, 278-280; Hioona Psalmar, 280-282; BordPsalmar, 282-285; Lijk-Saungur, 285-302; Iluggunar og Ydrunar Psalmar, 302-306; Vers fyrer Gudspialled, 30G-319; in- dex of first lines, 319-327 ; Collectur, Pistlar og Gudspiqll, 328-52G; PijningarHistorian, 52G-550; Collectur ogBænir, 550-589; errata, 590.—Tliis liymnbook is popularly known as ‘Prestvilla;’ it was issued at tlio instance of Dr. Ludvig Harboe, afterwards bishop of Drontkeiin and Zealand, who visited Iceland in 1741-1745 as general ccclcsiastical commissioner, with tho view of effecting cortain reforms in tlie cliurches and scliools. 38. Foi'ordning, | avhræi'ande | Vngdooms- ins | Catccliisation | i Islande. | wtgepiix av | Hirsch-Holms Slote, þan 2Ö. Maji Anno 1744. | □ | — | Prontud av Hoolunv i Hialltadal, Anno 1744. 4°. ff. [G]; sig. A—B (tho latter in 2); initials and ornaments; paginal catclnvords; vignette on title-page, crown and monogram of Christian VI. Contcnts:—Ti- tle-page; tcxt (ordinance of Christian VI.), fi'. lb-5a; ve- rification of Harboe, 5a; ordinance of Christian IV. in regard to Luther’s catecliism, 5b-Ga (final pago blank).— One of tlie ordinances issued in consequence of the rc- Iiorts made by “General Visitator” Ilarboe. See also nos. 39, 43-45, 47, 48, 54 and 55. 39. Extract | Af | þvi Konunglega Allra Navdugasta B.escripte | um | Confirmation-|o- na, | Nær og liversu hun oige hallden ad vov- da | i baidunv Stiptum | Skailhollts og Hoola | i Islando | Datorud av Hirsch-Holms Slote ]>an 29. Maji | Anno 1744. | —| Dryckt lianda þeim sem þetta Efne ailirærer | ai Hoolum i Hiall- tadal. 4°. ff. [4]; sig. )(; initials and ornaments; paginal catchwords; second and final pages blank ; printed in 1744. Contcnts:—Title-page ; rcscript, ff. 2a-4a ; veriti- cation of L. llarboe, 4a. 40. Ileilagar | Ilugvek-|ivr, | Þionande til þoss, | Ad orva og upptendra þan Inra Man-|en, til sanarlegrar Gudrækne | og Goods | Sidfer- dis,J Samanskrifadar Fyrst i Latinu, Af Þoim | Virduglega og H:u-Lærda Doctore | Heilagrar Skriftar, | Johane Ger-jliardi, | Enalslendsku wtlagdav, Af Þeim [ Virduglega Herra, | H. Thorlanke Skwla-Syno, | Byskupe Hoola-Stif- tis. | Editio 7. j —I Seliast Alment Inbundnar 24. Fiskum. | —j Þryckt a Iloolum i Iliallta Dal, Af | Ilalldore Eirikssyne, Anno 1745. 8°. ff. [193]; sig. (title-folio and) A—!•; initiais and ornament (at end); paginal catchwords; on revcrse of title-folio biblical extract (1. Pct. v. 3. 4. 5.) in border.

Bibliographical notices I-VI


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