(22) Blaðsíða 16 (22) Blaðsíða 16
16 JlOOICS PIÍlNTEV 7a; Aminingar Form, 7ab; Juramontum, 7b-8b ; Mcnda typographica, 8b. 60. Lag-Þijnges | Booken, | Ifiehalldan- dc | Pad or Giordest og Framfoor fyrer Log- Þijnges-Rettenum | vid 0xarai| Anno □ 1765. | — | Prontud ai Hoolum i Hiallta-Dal, | Af Ey- riki Gudmundssyno Hoíf, 1765. 4°. íT. [12]; sig. A—C; initials and ornament; pagi- nal catclnvords; vignette monogram ofFrcderick V. on title-page, which in tliis, and the subsequenlly citod Al- Jiingisbækur, again occupies thc entire íirst pago; tlio last pago is blank. Contents:—Title-page; text (nos. i-xxiv), ff. lb-llb; index, 12a. 61. Log-Þijngis | Bookin, | Innilialldan- di |Pad sem giordist og framfoor fyrir Log- Pijngis-Kettinum j vid 0xaraa|Anno □ 1771. | — j Prontud ,m Hoolum iHiaBta-Dal, | AfJoo- ni Olafs Syni, 1771. 4°. ff. [19]; sig. A—E (the last in 3); initials and ornamcnt; paginal catchwords; on title-page crowned monogram of Christian VII. Contcnts:—Title-page; text (nos. i.—xxviii). ff. lb-17b; Ilrof og Ivauplijsingar, 17b-18b; Forordning, 19a. The final pago (19b) is blank; no index. 62. DKottins vors JEsu Cliristi | Fæding- ar j Historia, [Med Einfalldri Textans | Ut- skijringu. | I Priaatiju Capitulum ifiriottud. optir | þoimÞriartijuFædingarPsalmum. I Af Sr.| Stopliani Halldors Syni j Presti ad Mirkat. | —| Solst Inbundin 10. Fiskum. | —| Þryckt av Hoolum i Ilialltadal, I Af Jooni Olafssyni. 1771. ' 8°. ff. [2]. pp. 1-144, ff. [2]; sig. )( (in 2), A—Iv (the last in 2); initials and ornaments: paginal catchwords; on revcrse of title-folio a woodcut (Infant in tlie manger), with scriptural citation. Contcnts:—Title-folio ; i»re- faco by Bp. Gisli Magmisson, 1771, f. 2ab; text (cap. 1-30), pp. 1-144; New-year hymn, ff. la-2a; errata, f. 2b.— These meditations by Stefán Ilalldórsson, rector of Myrká, and aftorwards of Laufás (á. 1721, d. 1802), are bascd on tlie Psaltcrium natalc of Gunnlnugur Snorrason (see no. 57). 63. Islendsk | Psalma-|Book, | Med mor- gum Andlogum, Christelegum | Lof-Saungum og Vijsum, I Somuloidis morgum aigætum og hijngad til Ö-|pricktum Psalmum, wt af sier- legustu | Christilegrar Trwar | Hofud-Groin- urn, | aukinn og endurbætt. | G-udi Einum og trennum | til Lofs og Dijrdar, og | Innbygg- iurum þessa Lands | til Andlegrar G-ledi og Sailu|hiailpar Hota. [stc] |— | Selstlnnbundinn 80. Fiskum. | — | Prentud ai Hoolum i Iliall- ta-Dal | af Jooni Olafssyni 1772. 8°. ff. [2], pp. 1-481, ff. [G]; sig. [2 leavos without signaturc], A-Æ, Aa-Ff; oruamont and initials; paginal catcliwords ; musi'c in toxt. Content3Extra titlc-fo- lio; title-pago; table of contcnts, f. 2b ; text (1-5 höfub- greinir), pp. 1-403; appendix (Vidbætir), pp. 403-484; iirst lino index, ff. la-5a; cditor’s note, with errata, by Hálfdan Einarsson, 5a-Ga; list of authors, 6b;—Tliis edi- tion of tlio Hymnbook, bcing arranged according to the chicf articles(höfuögreinir) of tho Christian faith, is known as the ‘liöfuðgreinabók’. Tlie prefixed extra title-folio (rcvorso blank) roads tlius:— Þoirrar | Islondsku J Psalma-jBookar |Sij- dari Partur. | med tilhlijdilegu | Kegistro. | —| Þrycktur a Hoolum i Hiallta-Dal | Anno 1772. Tho collcction lias two copies of tliis sccond part of tho 1772 hymnal, but lacks the first part, to whicli tlie name of ‘Flokkabók’ was given, as it is mado up of cer- tain distinct collcctions of hymns, eacli forining a Iong pocm (flokkur).—Tho hymnbook of tlie Icelandic clmrcli wliich succcedod this, and was tho autliorized ono through tlie first thrce quarters of the prcsent century, was com- pilcd by Magntis Steplicnsen and I5p. Geir Vidalin, but was frequontly given ílic namc of tlic former. It undcr- went revision in some of its cditions, and an appondix (vibbætir) to it was published. Mr. Jón Þorkclsson’s list of its editions is as follows:—1. LeirárgarÖar 1801; 2. Lei- rárgaröar 1802; 3. Vibey 1819 (and Viðbætir); 4. Viöey 1825; 5. Vibey 1832; G. Vibcy 18S3(?); 7. Vibcy 1835; 8. Viðcy 1837; 9. Iteykjavik 1847; 10. Ileykjavik 1853; 11. Reykjavik 185G; 12. Reykjavik 1859; 13. Reykjavik 186G, after which it gave placo to a wholly ncw compi- lation. The first and second cditions of tlie Stephcnsen hymnbook may botli bear tlio date of 1801; tliey were issued almost simultaneously, differing only in the sizes of thc typo. 64. Utlegging | yfer | Norsku Laga | V. Bókar II. Capitula | Ufu Erfder | med | Stut- tum Utskiríngum | á ]>ví sem Þúngskiled er. | Ginrd af | S. M. I. D. | —| Selz óiffbundon 10 skildingum. | — | Prentud ad Hrappsoy, | i því nva Konúngl. privilogeradaBók]>ryckorie | Ar 1773. 8°. ff. [8] ; pp. [1]-G3 ; sig. *, A—D; Gotliic lcttcr; or- namcnts and initials; paginal catchwords. Contcnts: —Title-folio (reverse blank); dodicatory preface of trans- lator (Iviæror Landar), ft’. 2a-5b; translator’s prefacc, Ga-7b ; rescript of Christian VII., 8ab; text, pp. 1-G3 (fol- lowed bv final blank pagc).—Tliis version of tliat portion of the Norwegian code relating to inlieritance socms to bo the first book printed at the Ilrappsey press, tlie estab- lishment of which was of groat importance, sinco, unlike Hólar, it was under tlio control of neitlier bisliop, and could dcvoto itself largely to secular literature. The translator and editor of tlie book, a man of grcat industry and intelligencc, was Magnús Ketilsson (&. 1729, d. 1803), the initials on tlie title-pagc aiul at tlie end of the first preface being those of the office lie lield—Sýslu-Mabur 1 Dalasýslu (prefect in Dalasýla). Long vowel accents were first introduced into printing in Iceland atllrappsey, but limitod to the lowor case; tho editor of tlie ‘Utlcgging’ alludos to tliis improvemont in liis preface. 65. Diarium Christilanum. | Edur | Dag- leg | Id-|kun af ollum DHottens | Dags Verk- um, med Samburde | Guds tiju Bodorda vid Skopun-larverkid og Miningu Nafn-|sins JE- su. | Skrifad og Samsett Af | Sr. Hallgrijmo Pe- turs | Syne Anno 1660. | Editio V. | — | Solst Alment Inbunded 7. Fiskum. | — | Prickt a Hoo- lum i Hialltadal Af I Joone Olafssyne, An- no 1778. 12°. f. [1], pp. 1-142; sig. A—F; ornamonts andini- tials; paginal catcliwords; on reverso of title-folio quo- tation from Psalms in border. Contents:—Title-folio; text, pp. 1-13G ; morning-hyinn from tlie Danisli, 13G-138; evening-hymn, 138-139; another morning-hymn, 139-141; 2 anecdota poetica, 142.—For provious editions sec nos. 23 and 51. The three hymns at the end do not include tlie two final liymns of tlio cdition of 1747. 66. Sio | GudrækoloRar | Umþenk-|ingar, | Edur | Eintal Christens Mans | vid simlfan sig, livorn Dag i Vik-|uni, ad Iívollde og Morgno. Samafiteknar af ]>eim Hoidurlega og Haatt- Upplijsta Kionomano, | Saal. Sr. Hallgrijmo Peturs Syne, | Sooknar-Preste ad Saurbæ av Hvalíiardar | Strond. | Editio V. | —J Seliast Alment Innbundnar 5. Fiskum. |—| Þrycktar av Hoolum i Hialltadal, Af | Joone Olafs Syne, Ano 1773. 12°. f. [1], pp. [1]-108; sig. A—K (the last in 6); ini- tials and ornament; paginal catcliwords. Contcnts:— Title-page; 2 Biblical passages, f. lb; tcxt, pp. 1-70; praycr, 70-78; 7 rules of life, 78-85; 14 daily praycrs, 85-105; evening liymn by IlallgrímurPótursson, 105-107 ; another ovoning hymn, 107-108.—For earlier cditions sce nos. 20 and 21. 67. Ooconomia Christiana | edur | IIuss- Tabla | sem serhvorium í sínu stande ]>afi rot- ta | christindóms vog fyrer sióner loidor, | í liódmælo samsett j af | þoim heidursverduga og liágáfada | guds manno | Síra | Joono Magnus syno | fordum sóknar-proste ad Laúfáse. | — | Selz óinnbunden 24 skildíngum. |—| Prontud ad Ilrappsey, | í ]>ví nía konúngl. privilogo-

Bibliographical notices I-VI


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