(23) Blaðsíða 17 (23) Blaðsíða 17
IN IGELAND. 17 rada bókþryckerie 1774 I af Eyríko Gudmunds syno Holf. 8°. 1T. [8], pp. [1]-15G, íT. [8]; sig. [1 shcet witliout signaturo], A—K, *(of which K in 6); ornamcnts and ini- tials ; paginal catchwords. Contcnts ;—Title-folio (rc- versc blank); anonymous prcface to tliis cdition, íf. 2a- 8a; tablo of contcnts, 8b; tcxt, pp. 1-15G; note on crra- ta, 15G: appendix—Kvædid Kllc-Froo, ff. la-5b; Ellc- Diktur, Ga-8b.—Thc autlior of tliesc six liouseliold lays, or pocms of daily duty, commonly styled tho ‘Hústatia’ was Jón Magnússon, rcctor of Laufás (b. 1G01, d. 1G75), wlio wroto much otlier vcrse of a religious character. The book was first edited by Jón Jónsson (i Greinivík) at Copenhagen 1734, and tlie latest edition appcared at Viðey 1842 (B. M. Cat., 18). 68. Nyfcsamlogur | Bæklingur, | Samante- kin | lioim til Andleg-jrar Uppbyggingar, Upp- nrfunar og | Andagtar Aukningar, sem i G-uds| Otta vilia finnast riettskiekadir | Bordsitiond- ur vid vors | HErra JEsu Christi hei-jlogu Kvolldmailtijd, | i pvi hmverduga | Altaris Sa-|eramonto. | —| Selst Inbundon G. Eiskum. | — | iJrycktur ai Hoolum i Hialltadal, | Af Pe- tri Joons syni. | 1774. 12°. flf. [2], pp. 1-139; sig. A—F; initials; paginal catcliwords. Contcnts:—Title-page; anonymous in- troduction (Til Lesarans), íf. lb-3a; text, 14 passages (Grcinor), prcliminary to Communion, pp. l(=f. 3b)-17; meditation (Ilugvekia) by P. du Moulin (15G8-1G58), 17-39; prayers by J. P. Frosonius (1705-17G1), translated by Gubmundur Ilögnason (5. 1713, d. 1795), 17-112; extracts froin J. Arndt’s ‘Paradysar Aldingardi,’ with 3 hymns, 113-139.—Tlie work scems to be cited by Bp. Pctur Pótursson (Historia Ecclesiastica, Ilavniæ 1841, p. 394) as if it had been originally compilcd in Den- mark by J. Rcscnius. The Icelandic translator of tlie larger portion, Gubmundur llögnason, was rector of Kirkjubær in tlie AVestman isles and a fcrtile rcligious writer.—Tlie title-folio of tlie copy is sliglitly mutilated. Tho pagination of tlie work begins f. 3b, which brings tlio evcn numbcrs on tlio obverso of the remaining folios. 69. Nockrar | Kross-Skola | Keglur, | Hvornonn Guds Born i sijnum | Moottheting- um oige sig ad hugga, og sier ad hogda; | In- riottadar ogsamann toknar ept-jer þeimaidur prycktu | Kross-Skoola Psalmum, | Af Sr. | Stepliano Halldors I Syno, Sooknar Pi-esto ad Myrkai. | —| Seliast Innbundnar 14. Eiskum.j —| Urycktar aa Hoolum i Hialltadal, | Af Pe- tre Joons Syne, 1775. 8°. ff. [4], pp. 1-208; sig. )( in 4), A —N; initials and ornaraents ; paginal catchwords; title-page in bor- der. Contcnts:—Titlc-pago; preface, by Bp. Gísli Mag- nússon, ff. lb-2b; prayer, translated from tlic Para- dicsgdrtlcin of Joliaun Arndt (1555-1621), 2b-4b; text, pp. 1-208.—Thirty mcditations in prose by thc autlior of no. 63, wliicli, according to Ilálfdan líinai'sson (242), aro “desumtæ & diductæ cx Ilymnis qvi Scholam Crucis W. Wudrian complectuntur.” The poctical version of tliesc hymns by the elder Wudrian was by Jón Kinarsson (d. 1707), wlio was, at difiercnt times, rcctor of tlio catlicdral schools of Skálliolt and Hólar, a versifier of some note, and translator of Barclay’s Argcnis. Thc edition of the ‘Krossskólasáhnar,’ uscd by Stefán Ilall- dórsson, vvas probably tlic second, issucd at Hólar 171G (B. M. Cat. 10). 70. Joacliim Pridrik I-Iorsters | Agrip j Af | Historium | Iícilagrar Kitning-|ar, | Mod nockrum | Widbeeter, | Som Inneholdur liid liollsta til | hefur bored, Guds Sofnudum vid- kom-jando frai þvi Postular Drottens lifdu | fraiii ai vora Daga; | Bornum einkanlega og Yngis-| Poolko til Uppbyggingar og Frodloiks sam-|anteked. | — | Selst Innbundod 16. Fisk- um. |—| Þryckt ai Hoolum i Iíialltadal, | af Potro Joons Syne. | 1776. 12°. flf. [2], pp. 1-403; sig. [2 leaves without signa- turc], A—lt (tlic last in 10); ornamcnts; paginal catch- words. Contcnts:—Title-folio (revcrsc blank); tablc of contents, f. 2ab; text, pp. 1-402; translator’s note, 402-403; crrata, 403.—Thc translator of tlie Dane, J. F. Ilorster’s (1741-1800), Kort Udtog af hihelskc Jíistoricr (Copenliagcn 1773) was llálfdan Kinarsson, who made various additions to tlie original. On pp. 286-295 is a brief abstract of tlie liistory of Catholic Icelaiul, followed (295-307) by notices of the Catholic bisliops of Skálholt and Hólar; this sketcli is subsequently (3G3-376) continued through tlio Protestant period, witli bricf biograpliics of tlie post-reformation prclatcs. Two copies. 71. Eiimur | af | Ilroolfe Komvngi | Kra- ka, | eru Ellefu fyrstu kvednar | aflSira Ei- riki Hallssyni, | en hinar Atta | af | Porvalldi Kognvalldssyni. | □ □ | —| Prentadar í Ilrapps- ey | í pví nýa Konúngl. privilegorada Bók-| þryckerie, | af G. Olafssyno 1777. 8°. pp. [lJ-152; sig. A—K (the last in 4); initials; paginal catclm'ords. Contents:—Title-folio (reverse blank); text, pp. 3-152.—The authors of these riraur, Eirikur Tlallsson (see no. 51) and I'orvaldur Rögnvaids- son (Æ. 1G80), wrote otlier vcrse, much of it still incdited. Two copics. 72. Log-Pingis | Bookin, | Innelialdande Þad, som giordist og fram-lfoor fyrer Log- Pingis-Eettinum | Anno 1778. | — | □ | — | Pren- tud ad Hrappsey | i pví nva Konúngl. privile- gerada bókprykkorio 1778, | af Gudmundo Olafssyne. 4°. f. [1], pp. [3]-32, ff. [4]; sig. A—E; initiais and ornamcnt; paginal catchwords; on title-pago crowued monogram of Christian VII. Contcnts'.—Title-folio (reverse blank); text (nos. i-xxiv), pp. 3-28; Bref og Kaupiysingar, 28-32; Forordning (um Danskra Banco- Scdla), ff. la-4a (reverso blank).—Pagination was intro- duced into tlie Alpingisbækur in tbc first ono printcd at Hrappsey (1773). 73. Salomons | Lof-Kvsedi | Sem er and- logurElsku Saungur | Brwdgumans JEsuChri- sti ogliauns | Brwdur Cliristnennar; | Iluoriu fylger | Andlegt Vikuverk, | Innehalldando Fioortan Morgun- og | Kvolíd- samt jafnmar- ga | Ydrunar-Psalma | med fleiru hicr ad lw- tando; | Hvad alltiLioodmæle settliofur | Sr. Gunlaugur Snorrason | Sooknar Prestur til Helgafells og | Biarnarliafnar Safnada. | — | Selst innbunded 8.Fiskum | — j Prentad ;u Iíoo- lum i Hialltadal, | Af Petri Joons Syno | An- no 1778. 12°. ff. [G], pp. 1-191; sig. () (in 6), A—II; initials anfl ornaments ; paginal catchwords. Contcnts:—Ti- tle-pagc; preface, dated 17G0, íT. lb-Ga (reversc blank); text—Lof-Kvædi, pp. 1-111; Vikuverk, 112-177 ; 4 hymns, 177-191.—Solomon’s Song is liere rendered in 2G hymns, each onc of which is preceded by tliat portion- of the prosc text tlius versified. Thc ‘Vikuverk,’ as statcd p. 112, is trauslated from a Danisli vorsion (Copenliagen 1G9G) of a book of prayors by J. Lassenius. For other works by Gunnlaugur Snorrason, seonos. 57* and 74. 74. Gottfried Soliultzens | Ny-Yfersko- dud | Heims-Kringla, | Hvar inne | 011 ICoys- aradæme, Koongsriiko og Stioorn-|arvollde, um lieila Heimenn, aisamt Trw-|arbrogdum, Sidfordo og Ilaittalage; | Lika eirnenn | Aller Paivar, Keysarar, Ivongar og Fiirstar, | eirn eptor anaíl í stuttu mále, | uppteiknador fin- nast. | Ur Þýdsku Málo utlogd á Islendsku, | af | Sira Gunnlavgo Snorrasyne, | Presto ad Hellgafelle. | Hvorre og filger eirn Vidbæter um Biblíuverk | og Cliristnebod í Nordurailf- unno, med fleiru. | Ur Donsku útlagdur af ]>eim sama. | —| Selz óinnbundonn Sl.Skildinga. | —| Prikt í Hranpsey af Gudmundo Olafssyno 1779. 4». ff. [4], pp. [l]-328, ff. [2]; sig. *), A-Z, Aa-Uu (tho last in 2); initials and ornamcnts; paginal catch- words. ContcntsTitle-folio (reverse blank); pro- face, IT. 2a-4b; text, pp. 1-298; appcudix, 299-328; tablq

Bibliographical notices I-VI


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