(26) Blaðsíða 20 (26) Blaðsíða 20
20 BOOKS PRINTED tlirec female friends of the deceased Karítas Bjarna- dóttir. Tlio first letters of caeli stanza unitod form the names of tlie tliree mourning maidens, Ragnliildur Bo- gadóttir, Guðrun Brynjólfsdóttir and Margret Bogadót- tir, the last of whom the poet subscquently married.— The final leaf of tlie sheet was i)robably blank. 91. Inntalc | úr nockrum peim nýustu Kongl. j Forordningum, | som Almuganumer navdsynlegt ad vitá. | □ | — | Hrappsey 1785, Prentad i pvi konungl. privilig. Bok]>rioke- rie | af Magnuse Moberg. 8°. f. [1], pp. [3]-72; sig. A—F. (tlio last in 4); ini- tials; paginal catcliwords; tlie text opeus and onds witli the royal arms; title-page vignetto monogram of Clirist- ian Vll. Contcnts:—Title-folio (reverse blank); text, pp. 1-72. 92. Log-t'ingis | Bookon, | Innehaldando l>ad, sem giordist og fram-|foor fyror Log- Pingis-Rettinum | Anno 1786. | — I □ I — I Pren- tud ad Hrappsey, | i pvi nya konungl. privi- legerada Bokþryckerio 1786, | af Magnuse Moberg. 4°. f. [1], pp. [3]-G2; sig. A—H (tlie last in 3 leaves); initials and ornaments ; paginal catchwords; royal mon- ogram on titlc-page. Contents:—Title-folio (reverse blank) ; text (nos. i-xvii), pp. 3-54; kauplysingar, 51-59; cautioner, 59-G0; announcements, G1-G2. 93. Log-Þingis | Booken, | Innehaldando l>ad, som gioi’dist og frani-|foor fyrer Log- Pingis-Rottinum | Anno 1788. | — |D| — | Prentud ad Hrappsoy, | i pvi nya konungl. Bokpryoke- rie 1788, | af Magnuse Moberg. 4°. f. [1], pp. [3J-44; sig. A—F (tlie last in 2); title- page vignette crowned monogram of Christian VII. Contcnts:—Title-folio (reverse blank); text (uos. 1-18), pp. 3-38; kauplysingar, 38-43; notices, 44.—Sce no. 27. 94. Andleger | Psalmar | Og | Kvædo sem s;n Gudlirædde Kenemann | og Ypparlega Þiood-Skailld | Saxl. Sr. | Hallgrijmur Peturs- son | kvedod hefur; | Og nu i Éitt oru saman- tekner, til G-udræ-jkiÍograr Brwkunar og Froodloiks, | ]ieim er noma vilia. | — | Seliast Inbundnor 28. Sk. | — | Éryckter ;n Holum i Ilialltadal | Af Marcuso þorlaikssyne. | 1797. 12". f. [1], pp. 1-276, ff. [11]; sig. A—M (tlie last in G), )(; initials and ornaments; paginal catcliwords ; music in tho text. Contcnts:—Titlc-page; advertiso- ment, by Bp. Sigurður Stefánsson, f. lb; tcxt—pt. i., pp. 1-47; pt. ii., 48-158; pt. iii., 159-250; barna spur- ningar, 251-2G5; bergmál, 2G5-26G; first-line index, 2GG-274; poetical culogy, by Páll Pétursson (d. 1731), 274-27G; preface by Hálfdan Einarsson, ff. la—lOb; poein on author, by Ilallgrímur Eldjárnsson (d. 1799), llab.—Tliis collection of liymns and otlier sacred vorse by Icelaud’s eminont liymnologist was first compilcd from edited and inedited sources in 1755 (B. M. Cat., 11). It is customarily known as tlie ‘Ilallgrimskver.’ In the present cdition tlio preface, containing Hálfdan Einarsson’s life of tlio poet, is placed at tlie cud of tlie volumc. Eloven editions of the ‘Hallgrimskver’ liave been issued, namoly, Ilólar 1755, 1765 and 1770; Ivaup- mannahöfn 1770; Hólar 1773 and 1797; Viðey 1828, 1834 and 1838; lteykjavík 1852 and 1858. 95. Andlegar | Hugvekiur | til | Qvold-les- tra, | fra \ Vetur-nóttum til Lánga-fostu | og um serleg | Tíma-skipti, | flestar frítt útlagd- ar eptir | Christópher Christiáni Stúrm | af Markúsi Magnússyni, | Stipt-prófasti Skál- liolts-stiiitis, Prófasti í | Kiaiarnoss ])íngi og Sóknar-presti til | Garda og Bessastada. | — | I. Bindi. | —| Selst almennt innbundid 60 skil- díngum. | — | Leirárgordum vid Loirá, 1797. j Prentad ad bodi ens Islondska Lands-|Uppfræ- díngar Fólaí?s, | á kostnad Biorns Gottskálks- sonar, | af Bókpryckiara G. J. Schagfjord. 8". ft'. [3], pp. [lj-318; sig. a (3 leaves), A—U (7 lcaves); ornaments aud iuitials; paginal catchwords. Contcnts:—Title-folio (reversc blank); translator’s pre- face, ff. 2a-3b; text, pp. 1-318. Laclcing vol. ii. (Pas- siu Ilugvekjur til Qvold-lestra frá byrjun Lánga-fostu tii Páska), publislied tlie following year; and vol, iii. (Andlegar Ilugvekjur til Qvöldlestra frá Páska til llvita- sunnu), Beitistaðir 1818 (and previously Loirárgarðir 1802 V)—Markús Magnússon’s (b. 1748, d. 1825) transla- tion of tlie German tlieologian Sturm’s (1710-178G) ascetic Unterhaltungen mit Gott in dcn Morgcnstundcn auf jcdcn Tag des Jáhrcs was probably made from Hans Jörgen Birch’s Danisli version (Copenliagcn 1778-80); the va- rious volumcs liave been reprinted in Iceland at diffe- rent times, editions being cited of vol. i., 1821, 1833, 1835, 1848; of vol. ii., 1838, 1838; and of vol. iii., 1831, 1838. See no. 123.—Many of tlie books printed at Leir- árgarðar are publislied by “Hið islonzka Lands-Upp- frœðingar Félag,” or, as it styled itself later, “Islands Vísinda-Stiptan,” an institution founded by Magmis Stepliensen (b. 1762, d. 1833), tlie most remarkablc pub- lic cliaracter of Icoland during tlie closing years of tlie XVIIItli century and the first quarter of tlio XlXtli. Tlie learned socioty lie establislied liad little moro tliali a nominal existence, Steplienson being its sole dircctor, and almost its sole active member. 96. Tilraun | ad snúa álslondsku | Pópes | Tilraun um Mannjnn, I eptir danskri útlog- gingu. |—| Af JóniÞorlákssyni, | Sóknar-presti til Bægisár og Backa | í Vodlu-sýslu. j — | Lær, madui'! sjálfann pig ad peckja og ]jonn-jann lieim, ]>ecking og olsku Guds ei gleym! |—| Loirárgordum vid Leirá, 1798. | Prentud af Bókjjryckjara G. J. Schagfjord. 12°. in 6s. ff. [2], pp. [5]-132; Sig. A—L; orna- mcnts and iuitials; paginal catclnvords. Contcnts:— Titlo-folio (reverse blauk); dedication to Stefán Póra- rinsson, f. 2ab; tcxt, pp. 5-132.—Popc was a favoritc in Icelaud, as elsewhere, in tlie last ccntury. Besides tliis vorsion of tlie Essay onMan by Jón Þorláksson, reprint- od as the first piece in liis ‘Ljódabók’ (i., 1-120), tlierc exist a translation of tlie Tcmplc of Famc by B. Gröndal (b. 1762, d. 1825), first publislied in tlie ‘Rit þess Konúng- liga Lærdómslista Fólags,’ (x., 285-312 and xi., 280-288), and tlien in Gröndal’s ‘Kvæði’ (1833, 1-45); of tlie Odc on Solitudc in ‘lvlaustur-Posturinn’ (1818, i., 30-31); and of tlie Universal Praycr in M. Stepliensen’s ‘Vina-Gleði’ (1797, 322-323). The translation of tlie Essay on Man is from a Danisli version by C. K. Lous (Sorö 1750). 97. Sá gudlega ponkjandi | Náttúi'U-sko- dari, | þad er | Hugleiding | yfir Bygg'íngu Ileimsins, | edui' | Ilandavork Guds á Ilimni og Jordu. j Asamt annari | Hugleidingu | um Bygdina. | Utdregnar af Ritsofnum Kammer- liorra | og konúngl. Sagnaskrifara j Péturs Fri- deriks Súhms, | og á Islondsku útlagdar af | Jóni Jónssyni, j Sóknar-presti til Grundar og Modru-jvalla i Eyjafii'di. | — | Soljast almennt innbundnar 21 skild. |—| Leirárgordum vid Leirá, 1798. | Prentadar, á kostnad ens íslend- ska Lands-|Uppfrædíngar Felags, | af Bók- pryckjara G. J. Schafjord. 12°. in Ca. ff. [3], pp. [vii]-xvi, [1]-152; sig. a, A—N (the last in 4); ornaments; iiagiual catclnvords. Contcnts :—Title-folio (reverse blanlv); dedication to Ste- fán Þórarinsson, ff. 2a-3b; preface, pp. vii-xvi; tcxt— Heimsins bygging, pp. 1-140; Um dygdina, 111-152.— Tliesc two bricf treatiscs by the Danisli liistorical writer P. F. Suhm (1728-1798) arc, in Nyerup and Kraft (294), mistakenly ascribed to the tlieologian Sturm. The trans- lator, Jón Jónsson (b. 1759, d. 184G), is known as ‘Jón lærði’ (learnod); Jie succeded liis fatlier, ánd was followed by liis son (all of the same uamc), as rector of Grund. 98. Margvíslegt | Gaman og Alvara | í Safni Qvæda og Smárita | ymislegra Iíofun- da, | útgefnu | af | Magnúsi Stephensen, | Log- mannií Nordur ogYestur Log-|dæmi Islands. j — | Fyrsta H&fti. | — | Det er en ædel Fryd at lære, lyse, gavne, | Og aagre med det Pund, som Himmelen os gav, | YorLon ei borto er, skjont vi den lier maa savne, | Og see Uskjon- somhed indtil vor Dod og Grav. | Fester. | — |

Bibliographical notices I-VI


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