(11) Blaðsíða 11 (11) Blaðsíða 11
IN ICELAND. 11 cditions, forras a wood-cut with ornaments.—The third edition of vol. ii. of the ‘Gíslapostllla’; tlic third edition of vol. i. was not printed until two years latef (see no. 35) For a list of the various oditions soe also tliat number. 34. Meditationum Litanevtiearum Te- tras. | Pad er ] Fioorar Ydrunar Predik-laner, a ])an Almeiíelega Ydrunar, Bæna og | Betru- nar Dag, sem Arlega halldast a, j Epter | Kongl. Mayst. Allra Nardugustu Befaling, | þan pioorda Fostudag epter Pavska. | l'riau' poirre til Havmessu, Vt ap Jieitn Spmmanlega Texta, Esa. 55. Cap. v. 6, 7. j En ein wt af hinu Evangeliska, Matth. 3. Cap. v. 8, 9, 10. | Hvo- rium ad pylgor j Ein Bænar og Packlætis Pre- dikun, j som lesast ma j Hwsenu, j í’aii fyrsta Vetrar Dag | Samanskrifadar od Einfaildlega- sta I Af | Birne THorleifs Syno, Sujter. Hoo- la. St. | — | Pricktar a Hoolum j Hiallta Dal, Anno Í705. 4.° ft'. [44] ; sig. A—L. This first edition of tliese four serraous by Bp. Björn Þorleifssou, is publislied as an appcndix to vol. ii. (1701) of tlic ‘Gíslapostilla’ , but with its own title-page and signatures. For tlie 2d edi- tion see Bibl. Nót., I., no. 20; that was publislied, in the same way, with the 1710 edition of vol. ii. of the ‘Gíslapostilla’. The contents, with tho exceptiou of typo- graphical variations, of tho two editious are alike, tlie date of thc prcface in the 2d editiou being changed to 1710. In the preseut copy the final folio (44), contain- ing on the obverse the end of tlio work, and on the re- verse the errata to the ‘Gíslapostilla’ and to the four sermous, is supplied in raauuscript. 35. Ilvss-Postilla, | Þad Er | Skijr og Ein- ])o-|lld wt])ijding, yper oll Sunudaga ogHartij- da E-jvangelia, scm Ared um Iíring kiend í Sredikud verda | i Christelegre Kyrkiu. | I [vorre pranisetiast Lærdoomar, flugganer og | Amifiingar, wt ap sierhvoriu Gudspialle, Gude Eilijpum pyrst j og premst til Æru, Dyr- dar og Vegsemdar, En Goodum og j Froomum Guds Bnrnum hier i Lande, som hana Idka j vilia, til Savlargagns og Nytsomdar. | Fyrre Parturen | Fra Adventu til Trinitatis Sunu- dags. | Med Kostgiæpne Samanteken, Ap H. GYsla THorlakssyne [ Superintendente Hoola Stiptis. | Editio III. | — j Prentud ad nyu a Hoolum i Hialltadal, Anno 170G. Epter Osk j Veledla Madame Kagneidar JonsDoottur I Ap Marteine Arnoddssyne. 4.° ff. [208]; sig., ).(, A—1», Aa—!■]), Aaa-Ccc. ContenU Titlo-folio, ou revorso a largo woodcut, rep- resenting tlic Ascension, witli passages from scripture; dedicatory prefaco of tlie author dated 1684 ; Formaile Ilerra Gysla Thorlakssonar Byskups | ad Hoolum. , f. [2]ab; dedication of tlie present edition to Ragnheibur Jónsdottir, at wliose instance it was printed, by Bp. Björn Porleifsson, dated 1706, Vcledla, Gudhræddre og Dygdumgiæddre Höpdings Matronæ. , f. [3]ab; the same bisliop’s prefaco to the reader, Til Lesarans., f. [4]a; a prayer, f. [4]b; the text (commencing with sig. A,) fF. [5]a-[208]b, followed at the bottom of the reverse of the final folio by the errata.—This is tlic third edition of vol. i. of tho ‘llúspostilla’ of Bp. Gísli Porláksson, and tlie last issue of tliat volume. See Bibl. Not., I., nos. 12,14,16,17, 25 and in this issue no. 33. The collection now possosses all tlie cditions of eacli volume, which are as follows Vol. i., 1667,1684-5, 1706 ; vol. ii., 1670, 1685, 1704, 1710. 36. Calen-jdarium [ Grogorianum, | Edur | Sa Nio Styll, | Vppa hvorn Gregorius, 13de Pave i Rom, paii Afio 1582. fyr|er Hialp og LidveisluAloysiil LiliiStiornumeistara.| Hvar med og pylgia | IslendskMisseraskipte, | epter pvi sem pau liafa vered | brukud a tveimur næst pyrerpa-|rande 100. Aara 011dum. | — | Prentad a Hoolum, | Ap Marteine Arnodds- syne, | Ano 1707. 12.° ff. [14], pp. 1-19-1-. Tho pagination begins witli f. [15]b (== p. 1). A defective copy, lackiug all aftor p. 19 ; tlio continuation is supplied in 25 pp. of 18th century manuscript, but whetlier complete or not it is difficult to say. The printed portion contains :—Title-pago; prefaco (Lectori Salutem.), signed Jon Arnason and dated Ilollto, l>an 4. Julij. | Ano 1706, fi'. [l]b-[3]a ; calendar (eacli month filling 2 pages), ff. [3]b-[15]a ; explanation , Stutt Vtskijring yper | þetta Calondarium. pp. l-4j ou Lent, Vm Nijuvikua Fostu., 4-8; on Easter, Vm Paskako- mu., 8-13 ; on AdvenJ Regla um Adventu., 13-14 ; note, 14-15; ou Summer, Vm Suinarkomu., 15-16; on Midsum- mer, Vm Midtsumar., 16-17 ;_on Winter, Viil Vetrarko- mu., 17-18 ; on Midwinter, Vm midiafi Vetur. , 18-19-P. Tho written continuation contains various headings :— Einmánudur, Suinarauki, Rymspillir, Allder (with tables extonding from 1601 to 1913). 37. Catechis-|mus Minor | D. Mart. Lu- theri. | Fro Pueris. | Uná cum appositis S. Scripturæ | Dictis. | Sar Miiie | D. Martini Lu- thori. | Catecliismus j Vngdomenum til Vpp- præd-jingar. | Med tilsettum Greinum wr j Heilagro Iiitningu. | — | Prentadur a Hoo- lum | Ap Marteine Arnoddssyne, | 1708. 12.°in6s. ff. [72]; sig. [A]—[M]. An iinperfect copy of tlio edition of the sliorter Catechisin of Lutlier, in Latiu and Icelandic on opposite pages, prepared by Bp. Björn Þorleifsson. It lacks sig. A3—A4, Cl, C6, and all of tho two final signatures. On the reverso of tlie titlo- folio are a passagc from scripture (I Pet. 2. v. 2.) and an epigram on Luther—botli inLatin, witli translations iu Icelandic ; tliese aro followed by a prefaco in Icclandic ff. 2a-3a (V); the Latin tlien apparently begins f. 3b and the Icelandic f. 4a (being the 10 commandmcnts) ; tlie book probably ends on f. [M6]a, liaving tlie reverse of tho final folio blank, but the copy in the Copenliagen lloyal Library, liko this one, lacks the last folio of sig- nature [M], and no positive statement can be made as to the final leavcs. The running title is : Catechismus | Latiuo Islandicus. Tlie number of sections or cliapters is 20. 38. Graduale [_Ein Almeneleg | Messu- saungs Book, j Vm Þan Saung og Ceremoniur som i Kyrkiune | eiga ad sijngiast og halldast hier i Lande, eptor goodro og christo-jlogre Sidveniu, sem og vors allra Nardugasta Arpa ICongs og Horra, | Christians pess Fimta Kyr- kiu Kitual. | Editio VIII. | — | Þryckt a Hoo- lum i Hialltadal, Ap Marteine Arnoddssyno. | Anno Domini M DOC XI. Obl. 8.° in Gs. if. [13], pp. 1-327, ff. [3]; title-pago in border. Contents :—Titlo/-folio, on reverso extract from Psalm. 96. v. 1. ot 2. (Latin and Icelandic); preface of Bp. I»órdur Þorláksson, dated 1691, ff. 2a-3b ; pref- ace of Bp. Oddur Eiuarsson, la-7a; preface of Bp. Gubbrandur Þorlákssou, and order of service, 7b-12b ; text, pp. 1-327; Registur , p. [328]-f. 3a; Errata f. 3ab ; correction to tlie ‘Gubspiallabók’ of 1686, f. 3b. This edi- tiou appears to be priuted from tliat of 1691, and may possibly lack tlie Appendix (6 folios) of that issue. Tlio liue, Ein Almeueleg, in the title-page is , as usual , en- gravcd and ornamentcd. Sce nos. 8, 30, 49 and 7*8. 39. Psaltarium Passionale j Edur ] Pijslar- Psal-jtare I Vt Ap | Piinv Og Davda | DKÓtt- ens vors JEsu Christi, | Med Lærdoms-pullre Toxtans Vtskiiringv, | Agiætlega Vppsettur, | Ap | Peim Ileidurs-Vorda og Andrijka | Kio- nemane | Sal. S. Hallgrijme Peturs : Syne, | Fordum Sooknar-Herra 'ad Saur-Bæ j aa Ilval- piardar Strond. | Editio VII. | — | Prickt a Hoolum i Iíialltadal, Af j MAKteine ARN- oddssyne, | Anno M. D. COXII. 8.° f. [1], pp. 1-17D, f. [1]; initials and woodcnt; pa-inal catchwords. ContenlaTitie-folio, on ro-

Bibliographical notices I-VI


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