(20) Blaðsíða 20 (20) Blaðsíða 20
'20 BOOKS PRINTED kjavíkur,—Beitistodum , 1817. Prentud af I’aktóri og Bókþrykkjara G. J. Sekagfjord. 8.° f. [1], pp. d-16. Contents:—Title-folio, ro- verso blank; introductöry note, pp. [3]-5; life, pp. 6-6; sermon, pp. 6-14; grafskrift, pp. 15-16.—Þuriður As- mundsdóttir (5. August 6. 1743, d. Juno 4, 1817) was tbe wife, first, of tlio sýslumaður, Jón Eggertsson, and sec- ondly of the rural dean, Markús Magnússon (1748-1825), aud mother of Jón Jónsson (1777-1860), Lector Theolo- giæ of tlie Icelandic College. Tlie inscription at tlio end of the book is by the sýslumaður, Isleifur Einarsson.— The last throe titles bear tlio imprint of Boitistaðir, whero the printing-press existcd from 1815 until the middle of 1819. So rare liave its publications becomo that not one is to be found in tlio British Museum col- lection. For otlier works witli tlie same impriut see Bibl. Not. I., nos. 105, 106, 107, and IV., nos. 104, 105 and 106. 95. Æfisaga sáluga Klausturlialdarans Pauls Jónssonar, sarmn af Syni Hans Pauli Paulssyni , Candidat. Pliilosopk.—Vidoyar Klaustri, 1820. Prentud á Erfingjanna kost- nad, af Faktóri og Bókþryckjara G. J. Sckag- fjord. 8.® f. [1], pp. 4-22. Contents:—Title-folio, re- verse blank; life and pedigree, pp. [3]-16; graf-skrift , pp. 17-18; poem (Saknadar-Stof), pp. 19-22. Páll Jóns- son was born March 29,U737 aud diod January 29, 1819. Hi8 son, tlie autlior of xhis memoir, Páll Pálsson, was subsequcntly rector ofKirkjubær (á Síðu)and rural dean of Skaptafell (d. 1861). 96. Stef gjord vid fregn um Lát Adjunets vid Bessastada Skóla, Jóns Jónssonar, árid 1817, af Bjarna Tkorarensen, Landsyfirret- tar Assessóri.— Videyar Ivlaustri, 1820. Pren- tud ad forlagi Kaupmanns Sigurdar Sivert- sens, af Faktori og Bókpryckjara G. Sckag- fjord. — 8.° ff. [2]. Tlie text of this memorial poem be- gins on page 1. directly below tho imprint (lleyri ek hljóm | I húmi lágaun). Tlie pieco is reprinted iu the collected works (‘Kvæði,’ Copenhagen 1847 pp. 77-81, ncw ed. Copenliagen 1884, pp. 38-42) of its distin- guished autlior, Bjarni Thórarensen, one of the prin- cipal Icolandic poets of tliis century (1786-1841). 97. Hneig. ad. grund. höfdingi. frægur.. [Viöeyar Klaustri] 1823. Broadsido, in lieavy line-border. A funcral in- scription to the memory of amtmaður Stefán Tlioraron- sen (ó. 1754 and d. March 12, 1823), signed by M. Ste- pliensen. 98. Fifntiu Sálmar nefndir Píslar Min- níng, út af Pínu og Dauda Drottins vors Jesu Kristi.— Orktir af Vigfúsa Scheving.— Minnist á þann , er motmæli gégn sór af syn- durunum þoldi, svo þér ecki þreytist edur uppgófist í ydar liugskotum. Ebr. 12,3. — Vid- eyar Klaustri, 1824. Prentadir af Fakt. og Bókþryck. Schagfjord, á kostnad Skáldsins. 8.° ff. [2],^pp. vi-xvi, 2-152. Contcnts:—Title- folio, reverse blank; dedication to tlie Trinity (I»oim allsvaldanda llimins og Jardar Konúngi, Gudi Fodur, Syni og lieilogum Anda), pp. [m]-viii; preface (Til Les- arans), signed by tlio author, pp. [ix]-xvi; text, pp. [1]- 150; Prentvillur, pp. 151-152.—The preface is dated: Hellum í Mýrdal, þann 6tá Jan. 1817.—Tho author was Vigfús Jónsson Scheving, son of Jón Vigfússon, “Klaus- turhaldari, ” or guardian of the conventual property of lteynistaður. IIis son was a studont, but resided as a farrner at Hellur (i Mýrdal) near tlio southern coast of Icelaud. Ile was drowned iu 1834 in tlie outlet of a stream (Dyrliólaóss) liard by liis liome. Dr. Jón I»or- kelsson of Copenliagen, in a private note, gives tliis story of the book and its writer: “ I»að er sögu, að Vigfús Scheving liafi.fært Geir biskupi Vidalín liandrit sitt af ‘Pislarminning, ’ sem hann ætlaðist til að væri bragarbót Hallgrims Péturssonar ‘Passíusálma’ og ætti að útrýma þeim. En sagt er að biskup liafi haft liandritið hjá sér um hríð, og þegar Vígfús Scheving kom að heyra álit hans, er mælt að biskup liafi sagt: ‘Eg heldþú bætirþig ekki á honum Ilallgrimi, barnið mitt! ’ En Vigfús lét samt prenta sálmana, en aldrei feingu þeir niina vera- lega útbreiðslu, og voru vist mjög lítið notaðir.” 99. Stuttur Loidarvísir til Gardyrkju, ásamt litlum Vidbætir um Vidar-plontun, handa Bændum.—Saminn af Jóni Þorlákssy- ni Kjærnested.—Videyar Klaustri, 1824. Prentadur á kostnad Kithofundsins, af Fak- tóri og Bókþryckjara G. J. Schagfjord. 8.° f. [1], pp. 3-39. Contcnts:—Titlc-page ; pre- face (Kjæri Bóndi!), pp. [2]-4; text, pp. [5]-34; Vidbæ- tir, pp. 35-39, reverse of final folio blank.—Tlie author was tho son of Þorlákur Grímsson (of Skriðá), an Ice- lander greatly praised in liis day for liis offorts to improve agriculture and domestic economy. llis son was educa- ted at the expense of the Dauisli Royal Agricultural Society, roturned liomo in 1820 or 1821, gave instruction iu horticulture (1821-24) and establislied swimming- schools at Koykjavík and clsewhere (Klausturposturinn vi. 1823, pp. 63-4 and vn. pp. 100,116). Ile died in 1837. 100. Stutt Æfi-Minning Sáluga Stipt- prófastsins Marcusar Magnussonar flutt vid hans Jardarför Þann 31ta Aug. 1825. af Arna Helgasyni Stiptprófasti, Prófasti í Kjalar- ness Í'íngri og Dómkirkjupresti til Reykia- víkur. — Videyar Klaustri, 1826. Prentua á kostnad Lect. Tlieolog. Jóns Jónssonar, af Fact. og BókÞryckjara [sícj, G. J. Schagfjord. 8.° in 4s. f. [1], pp. 4-23. Conlents:—Title-folio, reverse blauk; sermon, pp. [3]-20, including biographi- cal skotch, pp. 6-15; graf-skriftin, Latin and Icelandic, pp. 21-23. The subject of this memorial, Markús Mag- nússon, dean of the diocose of Iceland, was born April 2, 1748 and died August 21, 1825. The volumo is note- worthy as the earliest book, issued in Iceland during tho present century, which is printed in the Latin letter.— For otlier productions by tlie distinguished preaclier and titular bishop of Iceland, Arni Helgason, see Bibl. Not. I., nos. 111 and 122 and IV., no. 106. 101. Minníng Sálugu Frúar Sigrídar Ste- phánsdóttur Stephensen.— Framsett vid Hen- nar ^Jardarfor þann 20ta Nóvembr. 1827.— Skrád og útgófin af Hennar Tengdafodur og Fodurbródur Dr. Magnúsi Stephensen, Gon- ferencerádi og Justitiario í Islands konúng- lega Landsyfirrétti—Videyar Klaustri 1828. Prentud af Faktóri og Bókþryckjara G. J. Schagfjord. 8.° f. [1], pp. 4-64. Cóntents:—Title-folio, re- verse blank; biograpliical sketch, pp. [3]-18; sepulchral inscription, pp. 19-20; address by Ilelgi Thordarsen, subsequently bishop of Iceland, pp. 21-32; address by Gunnlaugur Oddsson, dcan of the lteykjavík catlie- dral, pp. 33-47 ; notice of burial, p. 48; eulogistic pocms (by Þórður Sveinbjarnarson, Þorvaldur Böðvarsson, and Jóhann Tómasson), pp. 49-64.—Tho subject of tliis me- morial was tlie first wife of Olafur Magnússon Stephen- sen (1791-1872), son of tlie distinguished Magnús Ste- phensen. — Two copies. 102. [Tilskipanasafn II.] At end, Vid- eyar Klaustri, 1828. Utgéfid fraþeim konúng- lega islendska Landsyfirrótti og prentad á konúnglegann kostnad, af Fakt. og Bók- þryckjara Schagfjord. 8.° pp. 129-256. Contents:—Opid Bréf, sem fyr- irbýdur Auktións-hqldurum ad láta ser tilslá nockud af því, sem þeir sjálfir ellegar adrir þeirra vegna vid Auk-

Bibliographical notices I-VI


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