(3) Blaðsíða 3 (3) Blaðsíða 3
Pamphlet intitled a cc Propofal for the tc Confideration of thofe, who intereft “ themfelves in the Abolition or Prefervation of tc the Slave Trade, written by a Clergyman,” has given me the greateft pleafure. The anony- mous author is through the whole guided by phi- lanthropy and hiftorical knowledge; and he has founded his propofals upon fuch principles as I find have been laid down by our anceftors of the middle ages, when employed in the abolition of a traffic, fo highly important to them. Human beings were of old the principal flock in trade, and the fyftem of raifing this va- luable- article for an extenfive market had its fource in that degree of civilization, which bor- ders upon the favage ftate of human nature, and prevails on the .conqueror, rather to fell his prifoners to foreign buyers, than to put them to the fword, a pradice common to all barbarous nations, A 2 Various

An essay on the slave trade

An Essay on the Slave Trade.

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