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24 * # Emendanda in Gunnlaugi Vita. Præfat. pag. XXVII. not. * lin. 13. loco verþoruin: exemphm forte fecutus Eyvindi Skalldafpilleris: legendym : qvani etiam defcri- bendi rationem, ab antiqviílimis inde temporibus per manus tradi- tam, fecutus eíl Hmtkus Fildifa jilim , qvi Islandos &c. Is enim de Islandis panegyricus, vulgo Islendingq-Drápa ex cujus Stropha zdt qvæ itaincipit: r Hvaís mun ek hvaffu tcelia Hudlendinga budar Isíandbrum appellatio, qvæ 1. c. memoratur, defumta eít, non Ey- vindo, led Hauko tribuitur in Codice Membraneo Bibliothecæ Mag- næanæ No. 748- in.4*®, qvi primam hujus panegyrici partem aó. integris ítrophis, & initio vigeíimx feptimæ, conílantem, & 26. præci- puorum veteris Islandiæ optimatum & Athletarum elogium conti- nentem, ab interitu fervavit. Pag. 275. lin. x. 2. pro: Oddus Erici leg. Ericus Oddi, - Dni

Epistola de chronologia Gunnlaugs-sagæ

JOHANNIS ERICI AD VIRUM SUMME VENERABILEM ET ERUDITISSIMUM FINNUM JOHANNÆUM S. Th. Doct. & Diæces. Skalholt. in Islandia Episcopum EPISTOLA DE CHRONOLOGIA GUNNLAUGS-SAGÆ ad Hist. Eccles. Island. Tom. IV. p. 358-68 & Vitam Gunnlaugi Ormstungæ not. 82. 101. & 111.

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