(34) Color Palette (34) Color Palette
GretagMacbeth™ ColorChecker Color Rendition Chart JOHANNIS ERICI A D V I 11 U M SUMME VENERABILEM ET ERUDITISSIMUM FIN N U M JOHANNÆUM S. Th. Docl. & Diœcef. Skalhoit. in Islandia Epifcopuni EPISTOLA D E CHRONOLOGIA GUNNLAUGS-SAGÆ ad Hift. Eci'lef. Islcmd. Tom. IV. p. 358—68. & Vitam Gunnlangi Ormstmga not. 82. ioi. & III. Acceíferunt GUNNARI PAULI. F. Prarpoííti Dilenfis & Paftoris Hiardarholtenfis. CURÆ POSTERIORES I N GUNNLAUGI VITAM & maximc IN QUÆDAM CARMINA ANTIQUA in eadem obvia. HAFNIÆ, 1778. Sumptibus GyLDENDALir. ’mc 5 iU. 0n. c/hutbri* nacbhýw™ tiÁrcn

Epistola de chronologia Gunnlaugs-sagæ

JOHANNIS ERICI AD VIRUM SUMME VENERABILEM ET ERUDITISSIMUM FINNUM JOHANNÆUM S. Th. Doct. & Diæces. Skalholt. in Islandia Episcopum EPISTOLA DE CHRONOLOGIA GUNNLAUGS-SAGÆ ad Hist. Eccles. Island. Tom. IV. p. 358-68 & Vitam Gunnlaugi Ormstungæ not. 82. 101. & 111.

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