(101) Blaðsíða 91 (101) Blaðsíða 91
Humorous I’oems. 91 XVII. Shakspearc describ’d the sex in Desdc- mona As very fair, but yet suspect in fame, And to this day from Venice to Verona Such matters may be probably the same, Except that since those times was never known a Husband whom mere suspicion could inflame To suffocate a wife no more than twenty, Because she had a „cavalier servente." XVIII. Their jealousy (if they are ever jealous) Is of a fair complexion altogether, Not like that sooty devil of Othello’s Which smothers women in a bed of feather, But worthier of these much more jolly fellows, When weary of the matrimonial tether His head for such a wife no mortal bothers, But takes at once another, or another’s. XIX. Didst ever see a Gondola? For fear You should not, I’ll describe it you exactly: 'Tis a long cover’d boat that’s common here Carved at the prow, built lightly hut compactly, Bow’d hy two rowers, each call’d, „Gondolier” It glides along the water looking blackly,*) Just like a coffin clapt in a canoe, Where none can make out what you say or do. XX. And up and down thelong canals they go And under the Rialto shoot along, By night and day, all paces, swift or slow, And round the theatres, a sable throng, They wait in their dusk livery of woe,— But not to them do woful things he- long, For sometimes they contain a deal of fun, Like mourning coaches when the fune- ral’s done. xvn. Shakspeare beskrev Kjonnet i Desdemona Som meget smukt, men dog afmistaenkt Rygte Og indtil denne Dag fra Venedig-til Verona Kunde de Ting sandsynlig vaire de samme || Und- tagen at siden hine Tider varder aldrig kjendt en || jEglemand hvem den blotte Mistanke kunde ophidse || Til at quaele en Kone som ei var over Tyve Aar, || Ford! hun havde en ,,cavalier servente”. XVIII. Deres Skinsyge, (hvis de nogensinde ere skinsyge,) || Er ganske og aldeles af en lys Hudfarve || Ei som bin Otbellos sodede Djce- vel || Som quaeler Qvinder i en Fjffider-Dyne, || Men mere passende til hine langt mere mun- tre Karle, || Naar Iraet af Egteskabs Toiret || Bryder ingen dddelig sig mere om slig en Kone || Men tager strax en anden, eller en Andens. *) This certainly is the most careless rhyme to be found in all Byron’s works. For the noble poet could hardly mean that the pre- ceding rhymes „exactly” and „compactly” should be pronounced after a vulgar Scottish XIX. Saa du nogensinde en Gondoi ? Af Frygt for || At du ei har, vil jeg beskrive dig den nfijag- tigt: || Det er en lang bedaikket Baad, som er almindelig her, || Med udskaarent Arbeid paa Forstavnen, let bygget, men compact, || Roet af to Roerkarle, som liver for sig kaldes en ,,Gondolier,” || Den glider henad Vandene seende sortladent ud, || [Accurat som en Lig- kiste nedlagt i en Canoe, || Hvor ingen kan blive klog paa hvad I siger eller gjor. XX. Og op og ned de lange Kanaler gaae de || Og under Rialto(broen)**) skyde de afsted, |j Ycd Nat og ved Dag, i alle Skridt, hurtigt og langsomt, || Og rundt om Theatrene, en sort Klynge, || Vainte de i deres morke Sorge- Livree, — || Men ei tilhdre dem sorgelige Ting. || Thi undertiden indeholde de en heel DeelLiijer, || Ligesom Sorge-Karether naar Ligbegjiengelsen er forbi. fashion, which no doubt would render the rhyme correct. #*) Rialto er egentlig en Oc hvor Borsen holdes; her menes Broen som forer til den.
(1) Band
(2) Band
(3) Blaðsíða I
(4) Blaðsíða II
(5) Blaðsíða III
(6) Blaðsíða IV
(7) Blaðsíða V
(8) Blaðsíða VI
(9) Blaðsíða VII
(10) Blaðsíða VIII
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(122) Blaðsíða 112
(123) Blaðsíða 113
(124) Blaðsíða 114
(125) Blaðsíða 115
(126) Blaðsíða 116
(127) Band
(128) Band
(129) Kjölur
(130) Framsnið
(131) Kvarði
(132) Litaspjald

Select poems with a literal Danish version and notes

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Tengja á þessa bók: Select poems with a literal Danish version and notes

Tengja á þessa síðu: (101) Blaðsíða 91

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