(83) Blaðsíða 73 (83) Blaðsíða 73
Satirical Poems. 73 ccxx. But !, being loud of true philosophy, Say very often to myself,’’ Alas! „A1I things that have been born were born to die, „And flesh (which Death mows down to hay) is grass. „You’vc pass’d your youth not so un- pleasantly, „ And if you had it o’er again — 'twould pass — „So thank your stars that matters are no worse, „And read your Bible, sir, and mind your purse.” CCXXI. But for the present, gentle reader! and Still gentler purchaser! the bard — that’s I — Must, with permission, shake you by the hand, And so your humble servant, and good bye! We meet again, if we should understand Each other; and if not, I shall not try Your patience further than by this short sample — ’Twerc well if others follow’d my ex- ample — CCXII. „Go, little hook, from this my solitude! „I cast thee on the waters, go thy ways! „And if, as I believe, thy vein be good, „The world will find thee after many days.” When Southey’s read, and Wordsworth understood, I can’t help putting in my claim to praise — The four first rhymes are Southey’s every line: For God’s sake, reader! take them not for mine: III. Lord Byron’s Scepticism. Much as there has been written on this subject both in England and in other countries, it has rarely, we fear, if ever at all, been treated with perfect fairness. The noble poet’s scepticism is not one of the ordinary kind. It reached a stage beyond the common; and this is best expressed hy the poet himself: he at last „doubted if doubt itself teas doubling.” He had past the dreary waste of universal doubt, and was already so near the shore of Hope and Faith, that he had their beacon lights full in view. ccxx. Men jeg soin holder af sand Philosophi, || Siger meget ofte til mig selv, ,,Ach ! || Alle Ting som have vjeret fodte bleve fodte til at do, || Og Kjod (som Doden mejer ned til Ho) er Graes; || Du har tilbragt din Ungdom ei saa ubehagelig, || Og kunde du faa den om igjen — saa gik det an — || Saa tak dine Stjaerner at Sagerne ei staa vaerre, || Og lajs din Bible, Herre, og pas paa din Pung. CCXXI. Men for naerva;rende Tid, kjasre Laeser! og || Endnu kja;rere Kjober! Skjalden — det er mig — || Maa, med Tilladelse, ryste Eders Haand, || Og saa, Eders ydmyge Tjener, og He had certainly not taken the shortest road; but the long circumnavigation was necessary for a mind so vast, so energetic, so restless, so inquisitive. It behooved him to explore, and to sound the extent and the depth of thought in all directions: it seems that his faith would have been of little value, and of small comfort to himself without such a cruize. It is by way of establishing this, that we here insert the following ex- tracts. Farvel! || Vi modes igjen hvis vi skulde for- staa || Hinanden; og hvis ei skal jeg ikke slille paa Prove || Eders Taalmodighed videre end ved denne lille Mundsmag [egentl. Prove] || Det var vel hvis andre fulgte mit Exempel. CCXX1I. Gaa, lille Bog, fra denne min Ensomhed! || Jeg kaster dig paa Vandene — gaa din Vej || Og hvis, som jeg troer, din Aare er god, || Vil Verden linde dig efter mange Dage. *) || Naar Southey bliver laest, og Wordsworth forstaaet || Kan jeg ei lade vasre at fremkomme med min Fordring paa Roes — || De lire forste Riim ere Southey’s, hver Linie; || For Guds Skyld, Lae- ser, tag dem ei for mine. *) Af Slutningen af Southey’s ,,Pilgrimage to Waterloo,”
(1) Band
(2) Band
(3) Blaðsíða I
(4) Blaðsíða II
(5) Blaðsíða III
(6) Blaðsíða IV
(7) Blaðsíða V
(8) Blaðsíða VI
(9) Blaðsíða VII
(10) Blaðsíða VIII
(11) Blaðsíða 1
(12) Blaðsíða 2
(13) Blaðsíða 3
(14) Blaðsíða 4
(15) Blaðsíða 5
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(17) Blaðsíða 7
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(83) Blaðsíða 73
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(115) Blaðsíða 105
(116) Blaðsíða 106
(117) Blaðsíða 107
(118) Blaðsíða 108
(119) Blaðsíða 109
(120) Blaðsíða 110
(121) Blaðsíða 111
(122) Blaðsíða 112
(123) Blaðsíða 113
(124) Blaðsíða 114
(125) Blaðsíða 115
(126) Blaðsíða 116
(127) Band
(128) Band
(129) Kjölur
(130) Framsnið
(131) Kvarði
(132) Litaspjald

Select poems with a literal Danish version and notes

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