(12) Blaðsíða 6 (12) Blaðsíða 6
6 BOOKS PRTNTED styled on tlieir title-pages tlie second and tliird. The bibliographies give seant information regardiug tlie author of the Danisli version, ivhich appeared in 1615 (Bruun, i., 258). From its title it appears tliat it was “vdi Sporsmaal forfatted vcd Jo. Spangenbergium” and “vdsat paa Danske aíf Jens Nielsson, Clostergaard.” ■VVorm (i., 226) cites the translator as Clostervad (Junus Nicolai). A second Danish vcrsion, that of Niels Mik- kelsen Aalborg, was issued in 1625).—Tlie copy liere citcd is defective, lacking flf. Ee viij, Ff and Ff viij, Kk aud Kk viij, aiul havingthe last page (Qq viij a) supplied in MS. 3. Manvale. | Þad or. 1 Handbokarkorn,j Iíuörnen Maduron oige ad | lifa Cliristelega, og Deya | Gudloga. | Skripad j IJysku mailo | Af | Martino Mollero. | Med lians oigen Por- manla. | Enn nu vtlagt l>oim til Gagns | í Goda sem slijku vilia giegna. I tryokt ai Holum J—| Anno. M DC XI. 8°. ff. [147 ?]; sig. A—T (thc last in 3 leavcs); or- nament (at end); paginal catclnvords and signatures; lines 1, 3, 4, 9, 13 and 14 of the title-page in red. Con- tents:—Title-page; mottoes from tlie church Fathers in Latin with Icclandic versions, f. lb; prefaces (?) and passages from the Fathers, flf. 2a—llb (?); text, 12a [sig. B iiij]—117b [sig. T iij |. The volume apparently ends on tho revorse of sig. T iij witli AMEN, followed by a printcr’s ornament, the lacking leaf of tho lialf-sheet T beiug probably blank.—An imperfect copy (lacking all betweon tlio title-folio and sig. B iiij) of Bp. Guðbrandur Porláksson’s version of onc of M. Möller’s tlieological compilations. This is tlie flrst edition; it secms to liave been reprinted at Ilólar in 1615 (Finnur Jóusson, iii., 719, where tlie citation is Manuale Molleri), 1711 and 1753, althougli this last is called ‘Editio 3.’ (B. M. Cat., 11). 4. Ydranar | Spoigell | I huorium christon Madur kann ad | sia og skoda pann naudsyn- legasta Lær-Jdom, Huornen syndugur Madr skulo snua sier | til Guds med riettro Idran, Og liuor og | huilijk ad sio son Idran, Og liuort | ad Madur giorer netta Id-|ran eda eoke. | Saman lesen ivr lieilagre Hitmngu, | A samt mod agiætlegum Formaila | Ym Mann- sinsRiottlæting | pyror Gude. | ApNiolsLau- rits syno Norska, Su- perintendento yper Vi- borgar Stig- te j Danmork. j Vtlagdur og Pren- tadur a Hoium | Anno. M. DC. xi. 8°. ff. [110]; sig. A—S (tlic last in -1); ornament (cnd of prcface); 3 cliaptor initials; paginal signaturcs and catcliwords ; marginal references. Contents:—Titlc- page; preface (Til Lesarans) ofBp. Guðbrandur Þorláks- son, f. lb; preface of autlior, 2a-20a; biblical citation (Ezekiol. xviii), 20b; text, 21a-110a (FINIS), the final pago (HOb) being in blank.—The original Danish work, styied Poenitentsis Spei/l, was published at Copenliagen in 1591 and again in 1609. Its autlior was Niols Laurid- sen Arctander, bisliop of Viborg (íZ. 1611). Thc Icelan- dic vcrsion was made by Bp. Guðbrandur, or at least under liis suporvision ainl editorsliip, and was publislied simultaneously witli the preceding number. It was re- printed at Skálliolt 1614 (Bruun, i., 404). 5. Psalma Bok | Islendsk, | Med morgum Andlegum I Psalmum, ckristelegum Lopsong- vum, og Vijsum, skickanlega tiljsamans sett, og auken, og i Endurbætt. |D| Prykt a Holuní j Hiallta Dal | Anno | M. DC. XIX. 8.° flf. [81, 280, [öj; sig. aa, A—Þ, Aa—L1 (tho final one in 6); the folio numbers 275 and 277 are eacli repea- ted, and the last two folios, by a similar error, botli bear tho number 279; ornamcnts ; music in text; pagiual catcli- words; lines 1, 3, 4 aml 8, of title-page in red; vignette, the head of Lutlier; on reverse of tlie title-folio, wood- cut of tlio Crucifixion, with four Latin verses (“Sic ogo te propter”) below. Contents;--Title-folio; extracts from Luther (So skrifar sa gode Gudz Ma|dur, D. Marti- nus Lutli.) and Simon Paulus on church music, flf. 2a-4a; prefaco (Godum Gudhrædd|um Lcsara), signed by Bp. Guðbrandur Þorláksson, la-5b; table of contents, 6ab; crrata, 7ab; maxims (Nnckur Heilræde) translated and versificd from the Latin and German by Olafur Guðmunds- son, 8ab; text—pt.i., ft'. la-80b; pt.ii., 81a-101a; pt.iii., I0lb-135b; pt.iv., 136a-211a; pt.v., 211b-260b; pt.vi., (Siidastc Partur), 261a-280b; index of first lines, flf. [la- 6b], thc final page terminating witli the word FINIS.— The Icelandic hymnbook, of wliicli tlie first cdition was printed at Hólar in 1589, this being the sccond. It was originally compiled by Bp. Gubbrandur and tlic poet Ólafur Guðmundsson (5. 1537, d. 1608), of Sauðaues, who wrote many of tlie liymns and corrected others. The proscnt edition lias Bp. Guðbrandur’s preface in part. This liymnal has undergoue many clianges. Hálfdan Ei- narsson (71-72) notes tho following editions :-IIólar 1589, 1619, 1671, 1742, 1746, 1751, 1772. The copy ofthese- cornl edition in the Copenliagen Itoyal Library lias the blunder in nuraeration at tlie end of the text correctod, tlie final folio preceding the index of first lines bearing tlie proper number, 280. 6. Ein Kyrk-|iu Ordinantia, epter | liuar- re, ad allor Andleger | og Veralldleger j Nor- egs | Hijke skulu leidrietta sig | og skicka sier. | Enn a Islendsku vt-|logd, a}3 þm Vir- duglega | Herra, H. Odde Einars|syne Super- intendente yfer I Skalkollts Styckte [Goodjrar Minningarl I Prentud a Hoolum. Anno, I—! M. DC. XXXV. 8.° flf. [124]; sig. A—R (of wliich L, M aud R in 4s); 3, 4 and 5-line Gotliic chapter initials; ornaments; pag- inal signatures and catchwords; title-page in border, lines 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 13 and last in red. Sig. L and M were printed in 4s because they are largely in tho Latin let- ter, with which tlie llólar press was ill providcd; they include (183b-187a) an interesting Tabclla | scholastiea sclio\larum Puerilium, being a list of grammar-scliool text-books prcscribcd for tlio six forms. Contcnts:— Title-page; the edict of Christian IV. (Wior Christianl fiorde), dated 1607, flf. lb-3b; table of contonts (Ein good Ordi-jnantia), 4a-5a; text, in 6 soctions, 6b-116a; in- dex, 116b-124b (FINIS).—The translator of this ordi- nance for the government of tlie Norwcgian church, Od- dur Einarsson (5. 1559, d. 1630), was bishop of Skálliolt from 1589 to liis deatli. The date of tliis book is correctly givon by Finnur Jónsson (iii., 719), but Nyerup and Kraft (149) blunderingly record it as issued in 1395 [sfc]. Seo no. 7\ 7. Hionabands | Articular vtgiepnor | ap Kong Fridricli (hiuloíiegrar Miningar.) 8. ° ff. [16]; sig. A, 15; 2, 3, 4 and 6-lino GotUic initials ; ornament (at end); final pago (f. 16b) blank; paginal catcliwords; no title-page; text begins on f. la directly nfter tlie sub-titlc given above, and ends on 16a witli tho dato of tlie edict (M. D. LXXX. VII.) and tho signature of the king.—This ordinance in regard to mar- riage in Iceland usually accompanies the Kyrlciu Ordi- nantia (see 110. 6), and was perliaps printed (at Hólar) about tlie same time. With regarcl to its origin, seo the Biskupa Sögur, edited by the Icelandic Literary Society (ii. 695). The edition is mentioned neither by Finuur Jónsson nor Hálfdan Einarsson. 8. Bihlia | Þad er | Aull Hoilog | Bitning, wtlogd | a Norrænu | Med Formaalum D. | Mart. Lutli. | Prentud ad nyu a líoolum | M. DC. XXXVII. At end, Þetta Bihliu vork var en dad av Hoolum j Hiallta dal, ap Halldoro Asjmunds syne, pan 14. Junij. Anno. MDC- XLiiij. f“. ÍII 6s. ff. [5], I—CCXCIIlí) [4], I-CXC, [1], I—CXXIII, [1]; sig. ).( (in 4), A—Þ, Aa—ÞJ>, Aaa (in7), ).( (in 4), A—Þ (of whicli P in 4), Aa—llh, A—X (tho last in 4), [extra leaf without signature]; ornaments; 18-line and smaller Gotliic aud Florentine initials; l>aginal catchwords; 3 woodcuts (O.T., íf. Vlla, IXb, XXXVIa); 3 title-pages in borders ; marginal rcferonces. Contcnts:—Old Testambnt—Title-page; lving Chri- stian’s rescript (followed by ornament), f. lb; prefaco to O. T., fi’. 2a-4a (revorse blank); table of contents, 5a (reverse blank); text, Ia—CCXCIIIIa (rcverse biank); Pkopiiets:—Title-pagé; gcneral preface, flf. la-3b; pre- faco to Isaiah,4ab; text, Ia—CXCb; New Testament— Title-page; table of contents, lb; preface to N. T., Iab; text, Ila—CXXIlIb; epilogue (Gudhræddum Lesara), Bigned by Bp. Þorlákur Skúlason, la; errata (Correctu- rau), lab; colophon and bcnediction, lb.—Thc earlier i&suo of tlie ‘Þorláksbiblia,’ or second complete edition of the Icelandic Bible, of wliicli the latcr issuc is cited

Bibliographical notices I-VI


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