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8 1300KS PRINTEÍ) nudaga | Hœncr), íT. 2a—141b; additional praycrs (Hior cptor | fylgia nockrar liæner), 142a-192a; colophon (with ornamcnts abovc and bclow), 192b.—Tho author of tliis boolc of praycrs for cach day of tho weck, and for otlier occasions, was Johann ITabermann (or Ilavermann), bet- tor known, perliaps, as Avenarius (1520-1590); of thc Icclandic version by Bp. Oddur Einarsson(5.1559, d. 1G30), the following editions are cited by Hálfdan Einarsson (231): Hólar 157G, 1621, 1G3G (Bruun, i., 307) 1G69 and Skálholt 1G9G; yet the edition of Hólar 1747 (B. M. Cat., 10) is stylcd on the title-page ‘Editio III.’—The present copy lacks the title-folio (sig. A); therefore no oxact transcript of tlio title could be given. 14. Hws Postilla. | Þad er | Skijr og Ein|- polld wtlegging, yper paug | Evangclia s fra Paiska Haitijdoiie | og til Adventu Sunudags plajga ad J3ramsetiast, Sop|nudenum. I Annar Parturin. | Goodum og Gudhræddum Monum,| liier j Lande til Gagns og goodjrar Þienustu, samsettur j ? wtlagdur. | Af | H. Gysla Thor- laks syne | S. H. S. | Þrickt a Iloolu j Hiall- tadal | Ap Hendriek ICrwse. | Anno 1670. 8°. fl'. [476], of wliich tlio final ono is blank; sig. A—1», Aa—IJþ, Aaa—Mmm, of wliich Ii is in 4; 2, 3, 4 and 5-line initials; ornaments; paginal catcliwords; 4 woodcuts in text; passages from scripture printed in text in larger type; sig. Ii (in wliich the postil for tlie Xlth Sunday after Trinity ends) is in 4 in order to divide tlic volume into two parts. Contents:—Title-page ; Latin epigramma, signed S. E. (=Sigfus Egilsson), f. lb; text (Eastcr to Advent), 2a—476b (AMEN); blank leaf.—Vol. ii. of the sccond preceding title (no. 12), diífering from it typographically in clianges in the title-pago, which lias no bordor, in the omission on eacli folio of the last threo signaturos, and in tlie use tliroughout of a larger-sizod typo for scriptural quotations. For tlie second edition of tlic ‘Gíslapostilla’ see nos. 16 and 17. 15. Passio Christi | Þad er. | Historia Pijn-|unar og Daudans, Drottins | vors Jesu Christi, j avtta nytsamjlegum Predikunum jn- no | falenn. | Huoriar Samanskripad og|\vtlagt hefur, Heidarlegur Kienemafi, | SailugeS.Jon Arason, Profastur | j Isapiardar tinge, Ein- polldum I og Oproodum, sem ydka vilia | til G-agns x Gooda. | "Þrycktar aHoolum j Hiall|ta Dal, Anno. | M. DC. LXXviij. 8°. íf. [152]; sig. A-T; ornament (at end); 2, 4, G and 8-line chapter initials; paginal catcliwords; tinal page blank. Contents:—Titlc-page; introduction (Goodum og Gudhræddum Lelsara) by Bp. Gísli Porláksson, da- tod 1G78, if. lb—3b; text, 4a—148a; Vpprisu Ilistorian Drottins, 118b—152a.—Bp. Gísli states in liis profacc tliat these Passion sermons are translated from the original of Johanes Forsterus (Förster); tho translator, Jón Ara- son (d. 1G73 V), was rector of Vatnsfjörður. This seems to be the solo edition, the title of wliicli, by error, is twice cited by Finnur Jónsson (iii., 727, nos. 27 and 28). 16. Hvspostilla | Þad Er | Skijr og Ein- jio-jlld wtþijding, yfer oll Sun-jnudaga, og Hav- tijda Evangelia, sem Ared vmjkring Kiond og P'rodikud vorda, j Christe-|legre Kyrkiu. | I Huorre pramsetiast, Lærdomar, Hugganer, og | A-miningar, wt af sierhuoriu Gudspialle, Gudo Eilijpum fyrst og | prarnst til Æru, Dyrdar og Vegsemdar, En Goodu ? Eromu Gu-|ds Bornum liier j Lando, sem hana Idka vilia, til Sav-|largagns og Hytsemdar. | Eyrre Parturin | Fra Adventu, til Trinitatis Sunu- dags. | Med Kostgiæpne Samantekiil, Ap H. Gysla | Tliorlavks Syne, Suporintendonte Hoo- la Stiptis. | Pryckt ad nyu, A Hoolum j Hiall- ta Dal. I Anno. 1684. At end, Pryckt av Hoo- lum ap Jone Snorrasyne. Afio 1685. 4.» ff. [218]; sig. )( (in 2), A—P, Aa—I-p, Aaa—Fff; ornament; 2,4 and G-line initials; paginal signatures and catcliwords; roverse of title-folio blank. Contents:— Titlc-folio; dedication to líp. Pórður Porláksson of Skálholt by author, datod 1684, f. 2ab; text, ff. 3a-212b; scrmoii for special days of praycr, 212b-218a; two prayers, 218ab; errata and coloplion , 21Sb.—The first part of tlio second, greatly cnlarged edition of tlio ‘Gíslapostilla.’ See tlie subsequent title. 17. Iívspostilla | Þad Er | Skijr og Ein- po-|lld wtþijding, yfer oll Sun-|nudaga, og Hav- tijda Evangelia, sem Aared vm|kring, wtlogd og Predikud verda, j Christe-llegre Kyrkiu. | I Huorre pramsetiast, Lærdoomar, Hugganer, og | A-miningar, wt ap sierhuoriu Gudspialle, Gude Eilijpum pyrst x premst | til Æru, Dyr- dar og Yegsemdar, En Goodum og Froomum Gu|ds Bornum hier j Lande, sem hana jdka vilía, til Sav-jlargagns og Nytsemdar. | Annar Parturin. | Fra Trinitatis Sunudeige, og til Adventu. | Med Kostgiæpne Samantekin, Ap H. Gysla | Thorlavks Syne, Superintendento Hoola Styptis.| (Blessadrar Miningar)|Pryckt ad nyu, A Hoolum j Hiallta Dal. | Anno. 1685. 4.° íf. [137—f-]; sig. A-P, Aa-Ll; initials; paginal sig- natures and catchwords; as in thc case of tlie preceding part the main (tliird) line of tlie title-pagc is engraved. Contcnts:—Title-page; text, ff. lb-127a; Martinmas ser- mon, 127b-130b; two prayer-day sermons, 130b-137b-f-. —Tlio second, or summer part of tlie second edition of the ‘Gislapostilla,’ during tlie printing of which Bp. Gisli died (July 1G81), as the phrase ‘Blessadrar Miningar’ on the title-page of tliis volume indicates. For a later edi- tion (in part) see no. 25.—The copy is incomplete, lacking probably the final tliree folios of sig. L1 at tlie cnd. \Vhen perfect, it may have, like tlie first part, a colophon; but perfoct copies of tliis second volumo are of excessive rarity, no such existing either in tlie public book-collections of Copcnhagon or in tliose of lleykjavík. 18. Paradisar | Likell. | Edur | Godar Bæ- ner | Gudrækelogar Huxaner, Ili-lartnæmar Ydranar Vjvpvakningar, Jiijdar | Þackarginrd- er og allra lvanda Truar Ydka-|ner, med huo- riii ein riett-TruudMan|neskiapær upploked Guds Paradis | og Navdar Eiesiood. | Vr Boo- kum peirra Heilogu | Lærepedra Augustini, Anselmi, Bernjharai, Tauleri og fleire anara, med | Nockrum Agiætum Psalmum | og Loji- saungum. !—| Goodum ? Gudhrædduin Hior- tum til | Gagns og goodra Nota. | Prentad i Skalliollte, ap Iíendrick Kruse, Aarum eptor | Guds Burd 1686. 8°. ff. [8], pp. 1-448, ff. [8]; sig. a, A—1», Aa—Ee; ornaments and initials ; paginal catcliwords ; lincs 1, 2,11, 18 of title- page in red, and line 1 (Paradisar) engravcd; the title-page cited is precedcd by an engraved ono, being two angols liolding betwen tliem an upriglit key, above them a llcbrew word in rays and clouds, and bc- low tliem the title, PARADISAlt | LIKELL; on the re- verse of this engraved title-page is a quotation from ltevelation ; on the reverse of the second or printed title- pago is a woodcut symbol of tho Trinity, preceding tlie dedicatory letter; on f. 3a is, at the top, an ornament representing tho Deluge, witli the inscription AltCA NOE; the pagination is rendered incorrect by the repc- tition of the page-number 369, but the numoration is ul- timately corrected by the omission of the page-nuinber 381. Contcnts:—Engraved titlo-page, f. la; 4 verscs froin Revelation, lb; printed title-page, 2a; dedicatory letter, signed by Bp. PorÖur I»orláksson, 2b-Ga; prefaco (Lectori Salutem), signed by Bp. Þorður, 6b-7b; eulo- gistic Latin poem, signed Olaus Ionæ, 8ab ; text, pp. 1-383 [=384]; appendix (Kingosálmar), 385-448; index, lf. la-Gb; errata, 7a; second eulogistic Latin poem, signed Arneus Theovardus, 7b-8b.—Tho dedicatory letter is tlius da- ted:—Skrifad j Skalliollte Auno 1G8G. þan | 27. Aprilis, aa hvörium Deige þcsse Book | var endud og nær full- komonu. The first piecc ofLatin verse (f. 8ab), by Óla- fur Jónsson (b. 1G37, d. 1G88), at that time rector of the catliedral scliool at Skálliolt, has the following title:—In oíficinam Typograpliicam | Industriá clarissimi & cxcol- lentissimi | viri | M. Theodorl Thorjlacii I Episcopi Schal- holtini | vigilantissimi | Sclialholti feliciter surgontem; it begins: Qvam dcdit ingenio magnus \ Gvtbcrgivs orbi. The othcr Latin adulatory poom, closing the volume, by Árni Porvarösson (d. 1702), rector of Pingvellir, is pre- fáced by this titlcAd virura admodum revcrcnduinj

Bibliographical notices I-VI


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