(18) Blaðsíða 12 (18) Blaðsíða 12
12 liOOKS PBTNTKL) Textans | Ytskiiringv, | Agiætlega Yppsett- ur, | Ap | Peim Heidurs-Verda og Andrijka I Kienomano | Sal. S. Plallgrijmc Peturs | Syne, j Fordum Sooknar-Horra ad Saur-Bæ j ai Hval- piardar Strnnd. | Editio YIII. | — | lJrickt a Hoolum i Hialltadal, Ap | Martoine Arnodds- Syne, | Anno M. DOC. XXII. 8°. f. [1], pp. 1-179, ff. [5]; sig. A—M; iuitials aml ornamcnts; music in text (in psalm by Steinn Jónsson); woodcut of Crucifixion on roverse of title-folio, with bib- lical citation. Contcnts:—Title-folio; passion-hymns, I—L, pp. 1-17‘J; index, p. 179-f. [lb]; lxvith psalm, trans- lated from tho Latin of G. Buclianan by Bp. Steinn Jónsson, fi'. [lb-3b]; Idranar Psalmur, translated from the German (O Gud jeg skrijd fyrer Augsijn þicr), ff. [3b-5a]; publislicr’s note (Til Lesarans), f. [5ab].—Tho note at the cnd cxplains tliat in tho present edition ‘Textou’(that is, stanzas containing a parapliraso of tlie scriptural narra- tivd) is distinguished from ‘Utleggingcíi (exposition) by enclosure betwccn two gTTr0 In some othcr editions thc former is placed bctween two ff, or printed in ita- lics.—These fifty Hymns on the Passion by tlie celebrated llallgrimur Pótursson (5. 1614, d. 1674) are the most pop- ular of Icelandic poetical productions, liaving been rc- printed more tlian thirty times in a little more tlian two centurios,—Tho following list of tlie various editions has bocn compiled mainly by tliat iugenious scholar, Mr. Jón Porkelsson of Copenlmgen:—1. Ilólar 1666 (issued to- gcther witli the Seven 1‘assion Hymns of Gubmundur Er- lendsson), of whicli tlireo copies exist in the public libra- rics oflleykjavik; 2. Hólar 1670(Finnur Jónsson, iii.,727); 3. Hólar 1682 (with two new-year hymns by Gubmundur Erlondsson); 4. Skálholt 1690; 5. Skálholt 1696; 6. IIó- lar 1704 (cdition of Bp. Björn Porlcifsson, cum citatis biblicis, and witli notablo alterations of thc text); 7. Hó- lar 1722 (the present one, styled tlie 8th on the title-page); 8. Ilólar 1727 (by title-page tlie 9tli) ; 9. Hólar 1735 (by title-page tho lOth); 10. Kaupjnannahöfn 1742 (in the Ilymnbook edited by Bp. Jón Arnason); 11. Hólar 1745 (by tlie title the 12tli); 12. Kaupmannahöfn 1746 (in tlie Hymnbook publislied by Pótur and Sigurbur Þorsteinsson); 13. Hólar 1748; 14. Ilólar 1754; 15. Hólar 1771 ; 16. Hó- lar 1772 (in tlio so callod ‘Flokkabók,’ or Pt. i. of tlie 1772 Hymnal); 17. Hólar 1780 (iu tlie ‘1‘salma Flockar,’ or reprint of Pt. i., of tlio 1772 Ilymnal); 18. Leirárgarbar 1796; 19. Leirárgarðar 1800; 20. Viðoy 1820; 21. Vibey 1825; 22. Vibey 1832; 23. Viöcy 1835 (in tlie ‘Flokkabók’); 24. Viöey 1836; 25. Viðey 1841 (witli thc ‘Bjarnabænir’ or prayers by Bjarni Arngrimsson); 26. Vibey 1843 (in tlie ‘Flokkabók’); 27. Reykjavik 1851; 28. 1855 ; 29. 1858; 30. 1866; 31. 1876; 32. 1880 (tlie last five all issued at Iteykjavík). The Ilymns liavo been twice translatcd into Lat.in, first by Kolbeinn I*orsteinsson (d. 1783), published at Copenhagen 1778; and tlien by Hjörleifur Þóröarson {d. 1786), Copenliagen 1784. 30. Siö | Predikaner I wt ap | Pijningar Hist-|oriu Vors DKottelís JEsu | Christi. | Ap hvnrrium Sex eru ginrdar, | Ap | Vel-Edla og Hai-Ehruverdugum | Byskupenum yfer Skail- hollts Stipte, | Sail. Mag Jone Thorkels-jSyne Vidalin, | (Sællrar Miilingar.) | En Su Sioun- da, | Ap | Hr. Steino Jons-Syne, J Byskupe Hoola Stiptes. |—| Prycktar aHoolum i Hiall- tadal, Ap | Marteino Arnodds-Syne, Ano 1722. 8°. ff. 5, [127]; sig. )(, A—Q (the final one in 4, tlie last leaf bciug blank); initials and ornamonts; paginal catclnvords; on reverse of the title-folio a woodcut (Crucifixion). Contcnts:—Title-folio; preface signed by Bp. Steinn Jónsson, ff. 2a-4b; 2 prayers, 5a-[2b]; 3 brief hymns by Þorbergur Þorsteinsson, Bp. Jón Vida- lín and líp. Steinn Jónsson, f. [3ab]; sermons i.-vi (by J. Vídalín), fV. [4a] (sig. A)~[106a] (sig. N vij); sermon vii (by Steinn Jónsson), ff. [106a]—[126a]; errata í'. [126b]; blank leaf.—This is the first edition of tliesé Sermons on the Passion, published two years after the death of Bp. Vídalin, the author of all but tlie last. Subsequent editions bear the dates of Hólar 1740 1746* 1751, 1771 (B. M. Cat., 13), 1782 ancl Copenliagen 1832! Thc work is commonly called ‘Miðvikudagaprédikanir.’ 31. Dægra-|Stytting | Ednr | Christele- gar | VmJ>einking-|ar I Ap I Tiimanvm | Og Haiis | Haittalago. | Skrijuadar | Ap | Horra Steine .Tonssyno, | Sup. Hool. Stiptis. | —| Dryekt a Hoolum i Iíialltad. Ap | Marteine Arnoddsyne, 1727. 8°. ff. [88]; sig.)((in 4), A—L (tlie last in 4); initials and ornaments; paginal catcliwords; title-pago in bor- der. Contcnts:—Title-page; preface signed by the author, ff. lb-4b; text, 5a-81a; hymn by tho author (Vakna min sál), 81b-83b; liymns of tlie months (má- naða söngur) by Joli. Olearius (1611-1684), translated from tlie German by Bp. Steinn Jónsson, 81a-88.—Bp. Steinn (5. 1660, d. 1739) occupied the see of Ilólar from 1711 to liis deatli. Tliis work was originally printed at Ilólar 1719 (B. M. Cat., 8), was followed by tho cdition citod, and by a third at Ilólar 1755 (B. M. Cat., 11).— The present copy lacks the ‘Mánaða söngur,’ tliat is sig. K viij—L iv. 32. Iíeilagar j Meditationes | Edur I Hug- vekiur, | 1Jcss Hiutt-upplijsta | Doot. Iolian- nis Gerliardi. | Mivvkloga og naikvæmloga snvv- nar i | Psalm-Vijsur, | Ap |>eim Frooma og Gudhrædda | Kienomane, ] Sr. Sigurdo Jons- syne, | Ad Prest-Hoolum. | Editio VII. | — | lJriokt a Hoolum i Hialltadal 1728. | Ap Mar- teine Arnoddsyne. 8°. f. [1], pp. 1-139, f. [1]; sig. A—I; initials and ornaments ; paginal catchwords ; on reverse of title-folio a woodcut (Ascension), with biblical toxt. Contcnts:— Titlc-folio ; text (hymns i.—1.), pp. 1—135; LT 1‘salmur (Med Fpgrum Ton i Liood settur, Af.. Jone Einarssyne), pp. 135-139; indox, p. 139-f. [lb].—The popularity of tho prose version or the Mcditationcs of J. {Jerhard (see no. 40), by Bp. Þorlákur Skiilason, led to this poetical rcndering by Sigurður Jónsson, rcctor of Prestliólar (d. 1661), which has passed through numerous cditions. Tlie date of tlie first ono is givcn by Jón Borgfirbingur (23) as 1652; the second appeared at Hólar 1655 (Bruun, i., 377); among the others may be cited those of Hólar 1665, Skálliolt 1690, Hólar 1728, 1740 (see no 36), 1754, 1772, 1780 (in the ‘Psalma Flockar’), Copenhagcn 1834 (in the ‘Sálmasafn’), Viðey 1836 and 1843 (both in tho ‘Flokkabók’). Hálfdan Einarsson (66) cites anothcr mc- trical translatiou of the same Mcditationcs by Jón Mag- nússon, rector of Laufás, wliicli appears to be still inedited. 33. Graduale | Ein Almeneleg | Messu- saungs Book, | Ym þan Saung og Ceremoniur sem i Kyrkiune | eiga ad sjingiast og halldast hier i Lande, epter goodro og christejlegre Sidveniu, som og vora allra Naidugasta Kongs og Herra, | Christians pess Fimta Kyrkiu B.i- tual. | EditioXI. |—| Pryckt aHoolum iHiall- tadal, Af Marteine Arnoddssyno. | Anno Do- mini M. DCC. XXX. At cncl, Endad a Hoo- lum | Þan 18. Aprilis. Obl. 8° in 6s. ff. [15], pp. 1-312 (by error 132), ff [9]; sig. A—Þ, Aa—Ff (A in 8 and Ff in 4); initials and orna- ments; paginal catcliwords; titlo-page in border; music in text; on reverse of title-folio extract from 1‘salms (96. v. 1. & 2.), Latin and Icelandic, in border; on final page woodcut (skull, sorpent, crucifix), with jmssagcs from tlie Bible, and colophon. Contcnts:—Title-folio; preface, siguod by Bp. Þórður Þorláksson, 1691, ff. 2a- 3b; prefaco by Bp. Steinn Jónsson, 1730, 4a-5b; preface of ílp. Oddur Einarsson, 1594, 6a-9a; preface of Bp. Gub- brandur Þorláksson, with order of service, 9b-15b ; text, pp. 1-312; index of first lines, ff. la-3b; 2 prayors, 3b; appendix (instruction in music) 4a-7a; admonition be- fore 8acramcnt, 7b-8b; clergyman’s oath of office (jura- mcutum), 8b-9a; colophon, 9b.—Tho Gradualc lslandi- cum, or musical service book of the Icelandic churcli, popularly styled ‘Grallari,’ of which the first edition—a luvndsomo quarto—was issued under the supervision of Bps. Gubbrandur Þorláksson and Oddur Einarsson. Tlie earlier issues were in quarto. Mr. Jón Þorkelsson of Copenhagen has compilcd, with his customary exactness, a list of tlie 19 oditions of tliis gradual as follows:—1. Hólar 1594, of wliich copiescxist in the National Library (Landsbókasafn) of Iceland, and in the two chicf public collections of Copenliagen; 2. 1607 ; 3. 1623, boing tho last issued by Bp. Guöbrandur; 4. 1649 (dated at tlie end 1650); 5.1679 ; 6. Skálholt 1691; 7. llólar 1706 ?, whichwas issued by Bp. Björn Þorlcifsson between 1704 and 1719?

Bibliographical notices I-VI


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