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14 J300KS PRINTED Contents:—Titlc-folio ; toxt (hugvckjur i.—li.), ií. 2a- 193b.—A translation by tlio bishop of. Ifólftr, Þorl&kur Skúlason (b. 1597, d. 1G5G), of thc Meditationes Sacrœ of tliat laborious theologian, Johann Gerhard (5. Qucdlin- burg 1582, d. 1G37), of which tlio best-known edition in tlic original Latin is thc Lcyden (Elzevir) onc of 1G27. Hálfdan Einarsson (240) cites an edition of 1730, but Jón llorgfirðingur (11) more corroctly gives the date of thc flrst issue of the Icelandic version as 1634 (B. M. Cat. 3); tho subsequent cditions seem to run as follows2. Hólar 1G44; 3. 1GG0; 4. 1G74; 5. Skálholt 1G95; G. Hólar 1728; 7. 1745; 8. 1753; 9. 1774. Of the seventli edition here cited tlie collection posscsses two copies.—This work cxhibits a marked improvemcnt in typography, llarboc having procured new type and a new superintondent (Ilalldór Eiriksson) for the Ilólar press. It was at tliis timc, too, tliat, by official orders, tlie price of oacli book began to appear regularly on tlio title-page. 41. Sio Predikaner | wt af þeim | Sio Or- dum | DBottens Vors JEsu | Christi, er lian talado siidarst | a Krossenum. | Giordar Af |Savl: BÍag: Jone Þorkelssyne | Vidalin, | Sup: Skailh: Stiftis. | (Sællrar Miningar) | Cfal. (3. v. 14. | l-’ad verdo mior ocke ad cg hroo-|so mier noma af Ivrosse DBottjens vors JEsu Christi, fyrer j hvorn mier orHeimuron | Kross- fostur, og eg | Hoimonum. | —| Selst Alment Inbunden 13. Fiskum. |—| Prentadar aHoolumi Hialltadal, | Af Halldoro Erikssyne, Anno 1745. 8°. ff. [104]; sig. )(, A—M; initials and ornaments; paginal catclnvords; titíe-pago in border: on rovcrse of titie-folio a woodcut (Crucifixion), with biblical passage. Contcnts:—Title-folio; dedicatio (to ÞrúSur Þorsteins- dóttir), signcd by tlie author, ff. 2a-6a; autbor’s prefaco, 6b ; socond preface, by Steinn Jónsson, dated 1716, 7a-8b; text, l)a-10Ub ; 2 prayers, 101a-103b ; liymu (Jesus Christ- ur a Krosse var), 101 ab.—Tliis Hcptalogus, or scrmous on the sevon utterances of Christ on tlie Cross, was pub- lisiied during l!p. Vidalín’s life-tirae at Hólar 1716; se- verai editions liavc since appeared, among tliose cited belng llólar 1753 and Copeuliagon 1832. Its popular title is ‘Sjöoróabók.’ 42. Log-l-’ijngos | Bookon, | Anno 1740. | Pryokt av Hoolum □ i Hialltadal | Anno 174G. 4°. fi’. [10]; sig. A—C (tlvo last in 2); initials ; paginai catcliwords; titlo, imprint, and crowned monogram of Christian VT, f. la. Contcnta:—Title; text (nos. 1-21), f. la-ðh; index, Ub; various notices, 9b-lUa; list of books recently printed at Hólar, lOb. 43. Tilskipan, | Vmm Þann | Islendska Tax-|ta og Kauphondlan. I Kaupmannahnfn, | D. X. April. Anno MDCCII. | □ | —[ Selst Al- mont Olnbunden 3 Fiskum. |—| trickt a Hoo- lum i Hiallta-Dal, af Halldore Erikssyne,174G. 4°. ff. [1G]; sig. A—D ; iuitials; paginal catchwords (and paginal signatures tlirough slieets A—C); on title- pago vignette monogram of Frederick IV. Contents:— Titlc-folio (reverse blank); ordinance, ff. 2a-9b; appen- dix, 10a-lGb.—Appended to this trade-ordinance of 1702 is an elementary arithmetic, filling the final 7 folios, having continuous siguatures, but the following distinct title-pago Lijtod Agrip | Vmm bærFioorar Spocies | 11 Boiknings Konstenno, | Pa undaii oru geing- oii | vNumoratio edur Talaii. | 1. Additio edur Tillags Talaii. | 2. Subtractio edur Afdravttar Talan. | Multiplicatio Margfiolgando Tala.|4. Divisio Skipta edur Sundurdeilingar Talaii. 1 Handa Bændum og Bornum ad komast fyrst i þa Stofun, og | til mikillrar Nitsemdar of idka sig i þvi sama, siordoilis i Kaup-|um og Solum i livorium Additio og Subtractio | liollst brwkast. | Iíirottud | Fad næst hofur oi-ded komest | Eptor E. Hatton I Boiknings Konst | Edur | Arithmotica. | —| Selst Almont Oinbundon l.Fisk. | — Tlie tcxt bcgins on tlie reverse of tlie title-folio and ends on thc roverse of tlie final folio. The treatise is compiled from a work by tho Englisliman, Edward Ilatton, who, betwcen 1G99 aiul 1728, published various elementary and practical aritlimetical manuals.—Tho price on the title-page sliows tliat the appendod work was likewise sold separately. 44. Tilskipan | Vmm | Hospitolenn | A| Islande. | Hirschbolms-Sloto þan 27. Maji An- no 1746. | □ | — | Pryckt av Iioolum i Hiallta- dal Anno 1746. 4°. ff. [4]; sig. )(; iuitial aud ovnamcnt; paginal catcliwords; on titlc-pago vignettc monogram of Christ- ian VI. Contcnts Title-page; ordinanco, lb-4b. 45. Tilskipan, | Vmm Eitt og Aiiad i | Hioonabands | Sokum, og mooto Laus-|læto, med floiraj A | Islando. | Hirschholms-Slote þan 3. Junii Anno 1746. | □ | — | Pryckt av Hoo- lum i Hialltadal Anno 1746. 4°. ff. [2]; sig.) ((in 2); initial; vignette monogram of Cliristian VI. on titlo-pago; paginal catchwords. Contents :—Title-page; dccreo, f. lb-2b. 46. Uiii | Pjinu ogDauda | DBottonsvors JEsu Christi, | Eintal | Salaronnar | Vid Siavl- fa Sig, | Hvorsu ad hver Christon Madur av Dag-jlega i Bæn ogAndvorpun tilGuds, hana ad hugleida og yforvega, og þar aftaka avgiæt- ar | Kieningar og heilnæmar Hugganer til þess ad | lifa Gudlega, og deya Savluliialplega. | Samantoked wr Gudlegro Bitningu og Skrifum þeirra | Gomlu Lærefedra, En wr Þijsku wt- lagt, Af | S. Arngrijmo | Jonssyno, | Preste og Profasto ad Mel-Stad, og | Oificiali Hoola- Stiftis. | Editio 4. I —| Selst Almontlfibunden 20. Fiskum. | —| Prickt a Hoolum i Hiallta- Dal, Af | Ilalldore Erikssyne, Anno 1746. 8.0 ff. [4], pp. 1-310, f. [1]; sig. ) ((in 4), A-U (the last in 4); initials and ornaments; paginal catchwords; on reverso of title-folio a woodcut (nailingofCliristto tlie Cross), and 011 f. 4b another (Crucifixion), both witli scriptural citations; in the pagination tho number 32 is repeated, tho error boing ultimately corrected by the omission of tho uumber 79. Contcnts; Title-folio; dedi- cation (to Halldóra and Kristina Guðbrandsdætur', f. 2a; dcdicatory letter, signcd by tho translator and dated 1599; ff. 2b-4a; woodcut, 4b; toxt, pp. 1-310; prayer (Ein Þackargiprd), f.[lab].—This work is popularly known as ‘Eintalib.’ Its translator, tlio learned Arngrimur Jónson (Vidalin), better known outside of Iceland as Arngrimus Jonas or Jonæ (5. 1568, d. 1648), says in his preface, wliicli is tliat of tlie original edition of IIó- lar 1599: ‘Eg liefe fyrer uockrum Aarum þcssare Book snwed a vort Moodur-Maal;’ and states that ho now prints it at the request of many; tliat he lias altered it in places; and tliat tho author’s name is Martinus Mol- lerus, wlio styled his book Soliloquia Animœ. Tlie ear- lier editions of tlie Icelandic vorsion bear the Latin title, Soliloqvia dc liassionc Jcsv Christi. Tlio second edilion appeared at Hólar 1611, and was followed by tliose of Hólar 1651 (B. M. Cat., 4), 1GG2 (Seo no. 11), 1677, Skálliolt 1698 (seo no. 34), and tlie present ono. 47. I. N. I. | Forordning | Ym | Huus-Vi- tianer | ai | Islando. | Hirschholms-Slote han 27. Maji Anno 1746. | □ | — | ÍÞryckt at Hoo- lum i Iíialltadal Anno 1746. 4°. ff. [5]; sig. A—B (the last in tíne leaf); initial and ornamont; paginal catchwords; ou title-page mono- gram of Christian VI. Contcnts;—Title page; text, ft*. lb-5b. The three initials at the, bcginning of the titlo signify “In Nomine Icsu,” or “I Nafni lesu.” 48. Tilskipan, | Hvar mod | Eitt og afiad um Skrif-|ta-Stoolen og Altares | Gaungu av Islando | Er regulerad. | Hirsehivolms-Sloto þan 27. Maji Armo 1746. | □ | — | Pryckt av Hoolum i Hialltadal Anno 1746. 4°. ff. [2]; initial; monogram of Christian VI on titlc-page. Contcnts:—Title-page; text, ff. lb-2b.

Bibliographical notices I-VI


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