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IN IOELAND. 19 83. Stutfc Agrip | uiu | Ioktsyko | Edur ! Lidaveiko, 1 Hvar ine liun er wtmailud, med 1 íloirstum sijnum Tegundum: | l'ar i eru logd Kaid, livors'u hun | verde hindrud og Læknud. | Samanntoked af | Jono PctursSyne, | Chirui-- go i Nordurlande. | Praeastorius. | Qvi viret in foliis, venit ah radieihus liumor, | Sic pa- trum in natos aheunt cum femine | morhi. | — | Selst innhunded ai Skrif-Pappyr 6. Pisk- um; | En ai Prent-Pappyr 5. Fiskum. [—| Prontad ai Iíoolum i Hialtadal, | Af Gud- munde Jons Syne, 1782. 8°. f. [1], pp. 3-80; sig. A—E; ornaments and ini- tials; paginal catclnvords. Contcnts: - Commendation, signed by Bjarni Pálsson, Surgeon-general, p. 2; preface, datcd Hólar 1772 and signcd Jon Arna Son, p. t. lloola St. Oeconomus, pp. 3-6; poem to autlior, signed B. J. S., pp. 7-8; text, pp. ‘J-7G; prospectus of a ‘Lækningabók,’ 77-80; errata, 80.—This treatise on tlie gout is a cliapter from the ‘Lækningabók,’ of Jón Pótursson (ó. 1736, d. 1801), subsequently publislied at Copenhagen 1831. 84. Log-Þingis | Booken, | Innehaldande Iiad, sem giordisfc og fraih|foor fyror Log- úngis-Kettinum [ Anuo 1783.1 — | □ I — I Pren- tud ad Hrappsey, | í pví nva konúngl. privi- logerada bókprykkerie 1783, | Af Gudmunde Jons Syne. 4°. f. [1], pp. 3-79; sig. A—K; title-page vignetto of royal monogram. Contcnts:—Title-folio (reverse blank); text (nos. i-xxvii), pp. 3-63; kauplysingar, 63-66; notices 66-67; pro-inemoria by Bogi Benediktsson, j>ro- prictor of the Hrappsey press, in regard to a new edition of Jónsbók, 67-68; royal ordinances, 69-79 (final page blank). 85. Atle, | Edur | Baidagiorder | Ynges- rnans um Bwríad sin, | holdst uih | Jardar- Og | Ivvikfiár-Eækt, | Atferd og Agoda, Jled Andsvaro gamalls | Boonda. | Samanskrifad fyrer fátækes Frumhylinga, oinkan-'lega ])á sem reisa Bú á Eyde-.Tordum Ao. 1777. | —J Annad Upplag. | — | Selst alment innbunded 15 Fiskum. I — | Hrappsey, 1783. | Prontad af Gudmundo Jóns Syne. 8°. ff. [8], pp. [1]-[21G]; sig. a, A—O (tlic last in 4); initials and ornaments; woodcut, j). 63. Contcnts: — Titlc-page ; motto from Aristotle, f. lb; dedicatory letter to governor L. A. Thodal, íf. 2a-4b; preface, 5a-7b; ta- ble of contents, 8ab ; text, pp. 1-215; stanzaby Jón Mag- nússon, 215; errata, 216.—Tlie first cdition of this excel- lent work by tlic wcll-known Björn Halldórsson (ó. 1724, d. 1791) appeared in 1780 (B. M. Cat., 14); the tliird was issued at Copenhagen 1834. 86. Noekur | Lioodmæle, | Semþad | Hei- durlega og Velgaifada | Skaild | Jon Þorlavks- son | kveded liefur; | Og nú i eitfc eru samanu- tekon til Brú- kunar og Fródloiks, Jieim | slikt gyrnast. | Utgofon eptor Ilanns eigen IÍand-| ar-Eite. | —| Selst O-innbunded 2. Sk. Arked. | —! Prontud ad Hrappsey, í pví | konungl. pri- vilogorada Bókhrykkerio, i Af Gudmunde Jons Syne, | 1783. 8°. f. [1], pp. [3]-168; sig. A—L (the last in 4); ini- tials and ornaments; paginal catchwords. Contents: —Title-folio (revorso blank); translations from C. B. Tul- lin, pp. 3-60; Lofvors um Tullin, 61-63; otlier verso, 64-104; appendicos—Skjöldur, by Arni Böbvarsson, 105- 163; Ilugró, from the Danisli by Gunnar Pálsson, 164- 168; crrata, 168.—The first portion of this volume (to p. 104) is chiefly a rcprint of the ‘Tullins Kvæde’ by Jón Borláksson (b. 1741, d. 1819), the translator of Milton, which was issued at Ilrappsey 1774, with Icelandic and Danisli title-pages and liaving the Danisli of Tullin printed opposite the versions (B. M. Cat., 14); but tliis edition omits the Danish text, and lias several additions, including tho translation of another long pocm by Tul- lin, ‘Sæ-Faur,’ and likc\vise an originaJ poetical address (pp. 102-101) to Ólafur Ólafsson and Bogi Benediktsson on the establisliment of tho Ilrappsey press, dated 1773. Also omittcd is the Latin vcrsion of thc ‘Lofvers’ to Tul- lin (Encomium in divum Tullinum), printod opposito tho poem in tlie edition of 1774 (pp. 107-111). Árni Böð- varsson (&. 1713, d. 1777), author of the longer poem ap- pended, wroto mncli otlicr vorse, particularly rimur. Gunnar Pálsson (&. 1714, d. 1791) produced poems both in Icelandic and Latin, and was specially familiar witli tlie skaldic metres. Two copies. 87. DomaraPsalmar, | ]>ad or | Dómaraíia Bók | Sem hefur inne ad lialda ])ad markvor- dugasta | sem vidvijkur Tilstande Christolo- grar Kirkiu | og veralldlegrar Valldsfcioornar ai medal Israels Foolks, i Tijd 13 fyrstu Dom-| arana, allt frai Andlaite Josuæ till Samsons Dauda; | Og er | Historia CCXCIX Ara. | Gude til Lofs og Dijrdar, en einfoldum Al- nnv-lga og christelegumUngdoomo til Minos- stj'rk-|ingar, Uppfrædslu og Uppbyggingar. | I | Saungvijsur | snwen af| Jono Sigurdssyno. | ad. Efre Lángey á Skardsstrond. | Under Uih- sioon og medLagfæringu ]>ar vorando | Sook- nar Prests, Sr. Jons B. S. 1760. | —! Selst Inn- bunden 7. Fiskum. | — [ Prontud ad Ilrappsoy, i pvi Konungl. pi'i-jvilogerada Bók])rykkorie, 1783. | af Gudmunde Jons Syne. 8°. f. [8], pp. [l]-[04]; aig. a, A—F (in 7 Ieaves); initials antl ornaments ; paginal catchwords. Contcnls: —Title-page; proem in bordcr, signed J. S. [=Jón Si- gurbsson], f. lb; rliymed introduction, signed J. B. [=Jón Bjarnason], 2a-6b; table of contcnts, 7ab; expla- nations, 8a; note by llálfdan Einarsson, 8b; licensc, signed L. A. Thodal, 8b; tcxt, pp. 1-90; epilogus, 91-93; stanza of 4 lines, errata, ornaments, 94.—In liis noto llálfdan Einarsson says that he rccoived this versifica- tion, in 20 liymns, of a portion of tlie book of Judgcs from Jón Bjarnason (d. 1785), tlion rector of Rafnseyri, but wlio liad previously (1746-1768) been rector of Skarb, in wliich parish lay Efri Langey, tlie island farmstead of the author. Of tlie lattcr little seems to bc known. Ilálfdan Einarsson liimself (60) morcly alludes to him as “Jonas Sígurdi Breidafjördensis,” aud thero appears to be no other cdition of his work. 88. Lag-IJingis | Booken, | Innelialdande pad, sem giordist ogfraiTi-|foor fyror Log-lJing- is-Éettinum | Amm 1784. | — \D\ — | Prentud ad Hrappsey, | í pví^nýa konúngl. privilege- rada bókprykkeríe 1784, | Af Gudmunde Jons Syne. 4°. f. [1], pp. [3]-18; sig. A—F; initials and orna- ments; paginal catcliwords; title-page vignotto of royal monogram. ContentsTitle-folio (reverse blanli); text (nos. i-xix), pp. 3-46: Kauplysingar, 46-48. 89. Einfold og faiord | Burtfarar | Min- ning, | Peirrar Froomu og Heidursverdugu | nu i G-udp burtsofnudu | Dándis Kvinnu, | Sav- lugu | Póru Pormóds ! Dottur | ad | Arnarbæ- le. | —| Selst fyrer l Skild, | — | Prentud ad Hrappsey, 1784. | I pví konungl. privilegerade Bókpryckerío, | af Gudmunde Jonssyno. 8°. in 4. if. [4]; sig. a; ornaments aiul initials; pag- inal catchwords. Contcnts:—Title-folio (revcrso blank); text, 2a-4a; grafskrift, 4b.—A momorial pocm and opitaph, publislied anonymously but by the poet Jón Þorláksson; sec Hslenzk Liódabók Jóns Þorlákssonar’ (Copeuliagen 1842-3) ii., 166-169. 90. Cliaritas in Deo | Qviesc.ons I odur | Kiærleikaíls Anægia | i Gudo. | Einfaldloga yíirvegud, wt af Ordum hins H. | Johs, i lianns Bookar I Cap. v. 21. | DEottenn gaf. | DEott- enn hurt took. | Sio Nafn DEottonns vog-|sa- mad. | □ | Selsfc innheft 2 Skild,—Prontud i pvi konungl. privilegerada Book-1 Jiryckcrio ad Hrappsey, af | Gudmundo Jonssyne, 1784. 8°. íF. [7]; sig. A; initials and ornaments; paginal catchwords. Contents:—Title-folio (revcrse blank); text, ff. 2a-7b.—Tliree memorial hymns by Jón I*or- láksson (see liis‘Ljódabók,’ as citod under the preceding title, ii., 156-166), who wrote the poems on belialf of

Bibliographical notices I-VI


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