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IN ICELAND. 21 Leirárgordum vid Leirá, 1798. | Prentad af Bókþryckjara Gr. J. Schagíjord. 8°. f. [1], pp. [1]-17G, f. [1]; sig. [covcr], A—L, [covcr]; ornaments; paginal catcliwords. Contcnts:— Title, cditor’s notc, tablo of contents, poetical address to cditor, pp. [1-4] ofcovcr; tcxt, 1-176.—Tho title of this miscellany, which was intended to be an annual, is that given on tlie temporary cov’er, no otlier liaving becn printed. The second page of tlio cover contains a no- tice, signcd by the cditor and dated Nov. 4, 1798, an- nouncing tliat hc liopes to publisli ‘Gaman og Alvara’ annually; tliis is follovved by a table of contcnts, con- tinued on the third page of tlie cover, and tliat by a pocm of tive stanzas, on tlie third and fourtli pages, addressed ‘Til Utgéfara Gamans og Alvbru,’ signcd by J. Espólín, commencing: — Ileidur veri þeim, sem ]>jódum Þæga vill upplýsing fá, Sá med stórum, sá med gódum Sannarlega teljast má; Sá vill Fædurlandi lýsa Leida vanvits burtu ský Pann skulum allir, allir prísa Andinn, sem ad frjáls er í. Thevolumc includcs translations from Andrieux, Frank- enau, GeJlcrt, Kriiger and V. C. Iljort; poems by Jón Porláksson, J. J. Espólíu, 15. Gröndal, M. Stephensen, J. O. Iljaltalín, Þorvaldur Böðvarsson and Porsteinn Sveinbjarnarson; and prose articles by M. Stepliensen, Sigmundur Sigmundsson, Svcinn Pálsson and othcrs; thc longest one treating of certain taxes and fines (“Nockur ]>egnskyldu- sekta- og onnur laga-útgjold og tekjur”) is by Stephensen (pp. 113-lGl). For tlic second part of the vvork see no. 106. 99. Biblíu-Lestrar | á | Sunnu- og Hel- gi-dngum, | innihaldandi [ NýjaTostamentisins bsekur | og | nockur stycki úr Gramla Testa- montinu. | Þetta allt safnad í utleggíngu og vída útskirt, eptir | samanhánganda efni en oi Bókanje Kapitula rodj og skipt í gudlega les- tra á Sunnu-| og Helgi-dogum árid um kríng | af | Dr. Nicolai Edinger Ballo, | Biskupi í Sjá- landsStipti. | — | FyrstiPartur [ sem tekurírá Adventu til Fostu-inngángs, | med | Formála Geheime-ráds ogStipt-amtmanns | OveHoegh Guidbergs, I á Islendsku útlagdur af | Arnóri Jónssyni, j Sóknar-prosti til Hvanneyrar og Bæjar i | Borgarfjardar-sýslu. | — | Selst al- monnt innbundinn 80 skild. | — | Leirárgordum vid Leirá, 1799. | Prentadurá kostnad Isl :nds almonnu Upp-ifrædíngar Stiptunar, | af Factó- ri og Bókþryekjara G. J. Schagfjord. 8°. ff. [3], pp. [VJ-XX, [1]-412; sig. [3 Ioaves without signature], a, A~Z, Aa—Cc (thc iast iu ti); ornainents; paginal catchwords. Contcnts:—Titlc-tolio (rcvcrsc blank); tablc of contcnts, ff. 2a-3b; prcface by O. II. Guldberg, dated 1790, pp. V-XVIII; anthor's preface, XIX-XX ; tcxt, 1-412; crrata, 412.—Of tbis work by tbe Dauisli Bp. Balie (1741-1816), translatod by Arnór ,Ións- son (ö. 1772, d. 1853), no second part seems to liave bcen issued. 100. Ivristilegra Trúarbragda | HofucKLær- dómar, | til | almennilegrar uppbyggíngar. i Samanteknir af | Mag. Christjani Basthólm, | Lærimeistara í Gudfrædinni, kónglegrar | Há- tignar Skripta^fodur og ædsta | Hofeprédika- ra. | — | Fyrri Parturinn | á Islendsku snúinn af | Gudmundi Jónssyni, | Prófasti og Sók- nar^presti til Stadastadar | og Búda í Snæ- fellsness^sýslu. I — | Selst almonnt bundinn á 58skildínga. |—|LeirárgordumvidLeirá, 1799. | Prentadur áForlag Islands almennuUpp^|fræ- díngar Stiptunar, af Factóri og | Bok])ryck- jara Gr. J. Schagfjord. 8°. ff. [2], pp. 1-304; sig. [2 lcaves without signa- turc], A—Z, Aa-I’p (the last in 4); paginal catclivvords. ContcntsTitle-folio (roversc blank); table of contents, f. 2ab; text, pp. 1-304.—Tliis doctrinal treatise, transla- ted by Gubmundur Jónsson (b. 17G3, d. 183G) from thc Danish vvork, Dcn Christcligc licligions IIovcd-Lœrilommc, of C. Bastholm (1740-1819), has a second volume, vvhich is liere lacking. It vvas printed tlie same year, havjng ff. [2], pp. [l]-288. A sccond edition of the vvork ap- peared at Vi?>ey 1837 (B. M. Cat., 1G).—The doublc hyphen, rcproduced, exceptionally, in tliis and tlic fol- lovving titles, vvas exclusivcly employed until the aban- donment of tlie Gotliic letter. 101. Dr. Ch. Basthólms | Hugleidingar | fyrir | Altaris^gaungu fólk. | Uppbyggilegar til | Hússlostra, | einkum Haust og Yor, þegar fólk almennast | tídkar heilaga Qvrddmaltíd. | — | á Islendsku útlagdar | af | Þorvaldi Bod- varssyni, | Skólahaldara. |—| Seljast almennt innbundnar, 28 skild. | — | Leirárgordum vid Leirá, 1800. | Prentadar á kostnad Islands al- mennu Upp-|frædingar Stiptunar, | af Factóri og Bókþryckjara G. J. Scliagfjord. 12°. ff. [4], pp. [1]-21G; sig. a, A—I; ornamcnts; paginal catchvvords. Contcnts:—Title-folio (reverso blank); author’s preface, ft’. 2a-3b; tablo of contonts, f. 4ab; text, pp. 1-190; appcndix (um skripta-mál), 191- 214; liymn (gledisaungur), 215-216; vers, 21G. Tlie origi- nal Danish, Andagtsovclscr for Communicantcrc, of tliis translation by Þorvaldur Boðvarsson (&. 1758, d. 183G) vvas first published Coponhagen 1788. 102. Eptirmæli Atjándu Aldar eptir Krists hingadburd, frá Ey-]íonunni Islandi.—I þes- sarar nafni framvorpud af Magnúsi Stephen- sen, Konúngl. Hátignar virkijegu Jústítsrá- di og Justitiario í Jæim konúngl. íslondska Lands-yfirretti.—Kosta almennt bundin, 68 skildínga. — Leirárgordum vid Leirá, 1806. Prentud, á Forlag Islands opinberu Yísinda- Stiptunar, af Bókpryckjara Gr. J. Schagfjord. 12°. in 8s. f. [1], pp. [IlIj-XXXII, [1]-G5G. Con- tcnts:—Motto, f. lb; preface, j>p. III-XXXII; text, 1-618; errata, 649-G50; poem (Samtal), by B. Gröndal, G51-G5G. —There vvere two quite differcnt impressions, both exe- cuted in the same year, of tliis singular but valuable liis- tory of Iceland during thc XVIIItli contúry. One vvas in ordinary octavo (pagc-lines 27), vvith a pagination of the text (475-834) continued from tliat of vol. ii of the ‘Minnisverd Tidindi,’ of vvhicli it is to be considered an aj>pendix; tho otlier is in square duodocimo, but vvitli signatures in 8s, liaving a slightly abridgcd title-page, tho motto on the reverse of the titlc-folio, a distinct pag- ination (pagc-lines 17), and a different ornament at tlie top of tlie pages. Of thc former the British Museum posscsses a copy (Cat., 16); of tlie latter licre cited only a limited number of copies cxist. The somevvhat en- larged Danish version by the autlior appcarcd tvvo years later (Kjobenliavn 1808). 103. [Tilskipanasafn]. At cnd, Utgefid. frá þeim konúnglega islondskaLandsyfirrotti, á konúnglegann kostnad, og prentad ad Tjoir- árgordum 1810, af Faktóri og Bókþrycldara G. J. Schagfjord. 8°. pp. [1]-112; sig. A—G. Contcnts:—Tilskipan, med hvorri á Islandi stiptast Lands Yfir-rettur (followed by an ‘Auglýsing’ sigued by M. Stejihensen, by 7 addi- tional Tilskipanir, 2 Opin Bréf, 1 Kongs Bref and a Flakat), pp. 1-112; imprint, 112.—A collection of ordi- nances, rescripts etc. jiublished by M. Stepliensen. Tho publication was continued in 1820 and 1828, but no title- j>age to thc volume vvas evor printed. Sce no. 109. 104. Hentug Handbók fyrir livorn Mann, med Utskíríngu Hreppstjórnar Instruxins, in- nilialdandi Agrip, Safn og Utlistun liollstu gyldandi Lagaboda um Isiands Landbústjórn og onnur Almonningumvardandiopinber inál- efni. — Skrifud og útgefin af Magnúsi Sto- phensen, Konúnglograr Hátignar virkilegu Etatsrádi og Jústitiario í Islands konúngl. Landsyfirretti.—Loirárgordum, 1812. Prentud af Faktóri og Bókþpryckjara G. J. Schagfiord. 8». ff. [4], pp. [l]-304, f. [1]. Contcnts:—l'rcface, dated Feb. 2, 1811, ff. 2-4; pp. 1-304; index, f. 1.—Tlireo copies.

Bibliographical notices I-VI


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