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22 BOOKS PRINTED 105. Handhægt Gardyrkju Frædi-Qver, ætlad inidur æfdum Kail-Bændum til Glogg- vunar.—Samid, optir egin Tilraun og Roynslu af Bjarna Arngrimssyni, Sóknapresti til Mela og Loirair í Borgarfjardar Sýslu.—Raunin er ólygnust,—Beitistod'um, 1810. Prentad af Fak- tóri og Bók]>ryckjara G. J. Sehagfjord. 12°. in Gs. f. [1], pp. [iii]-xii, [l]-48. Contents: —Motto, f. 11); prolaco, pp. m-x ; tablo of contcnts, xi- xii ; iiitroiluction, 1-2; toxt, 3-48.—'l’lio autlior of tliis littlu troatisc on gardening, Bjarni Arngrimsson (6.17G8, <1. 1821), also ])Ul)lisiiod scvoral religious works. Tlio lí- tle-pago exhibits tho latest instauco of tlic old cliaracter for tlic iong a. 106. Margvíslogt Gaman og Alvara, i Saf- ni Smárita og Qvœdaymislegra E.ithofunda.— Kostad og útgofid af Magnusi Stophonsen, Iv. H. Conferencerádi og Justitiarió i Islands Konúnglega Landsyíirretti, og Medlimi ýmis- legra konúnglegra og annara Vísinda Fjela- ga.—Annad Hefti.—Whilst I yet live, let mo not livo in vain! Addisson’s [sic] Cato. Modan lifsins unnt injer er, ónýtum sist lifaber! — Boitistodum, 1818. Prentad af Faktóri og Bók- pryckjara G-. J. Schagfjord. 8°. flf. [2], pp. [l]-260. Contenís:—Prcfuco, f. 2a; table of contcnts, 2b; text, pp. 1-260; crrata, 260. Tliis and ‘Klanstur-Pósturinn’ wcre among tlic carlicst, if not thc first publications, in whlch paginal catchwords wcrc wholly abandoncd; they occur only on the first and second folios of eacli shoet.—Tlie contents aro large- ly by tho cditor. Tlioy include translations from IIo- race, Aikin, Gollort and Thaarup by Jón porláksson; a liistorical sketch of tho lteformation by Arni Ilelgason (4-77); artíclos on iron and steel (84-116), and on exliil- arating beveyagos, with drinking songs by Stefán Olafs- son, lOggert Olafsson and Jón Þorláksson (168-232)—botli by M. ytophonsen; witli various otlier articlos and trans- lations by II. Sclicving, O. Iljaltalin and M. Stophonson. For the first part of tliis miscellany, printcd at Loirár- garðar 1708, sco no. 98. 107. Klaustur-Pósturinn. Fyrsti Argáng- ur fyrir árid 1818.—Kostadur og útsendur af Magnúsi Stophonsen, konúnglograr Hátignar Conferencorádi og Jústitiarió i Islands ko- 9 vols. 8°. 12 monthly numbers, January-Dccem- bcr, cxcopt vol. ix. Vol. i., flf.[2], pp. [1]-192; ii., flf. [2], pp. 1-192; iii., ff. [2], pp. [l]-200; iv., ft*. [2], pp. [l]-20l; v*, ff. [2], pp. [l]-204; vi., ft’. [2], pp. [l]-200, 1 f. supple- mentary to no. 6, and 3 folding tables supplomentary to no. 7; vii., ff. [2], pp. [1]-196; viii., ff. [2], pp. [1]-214, and 1 f. supplcmentary to no. 6, bcing a poetical welcomo to amtmaöur Griinur Jónsson; ix., tf. [3p pp. [l]-206. The last printing done at BeitistaMr was no. 6 of vol. ii (June 1819), the remaining six montlily issues bearing the imprint of Viðey. The final volumo (ix) was not publislied in numbers, but printed as an an- nual in thc spring of 1827, preccded by two loavcs of lieavy paper, containing an extra title-pagc in a bordor, and a preface by the oditor. Vols. i, ii, iv, ix liavo pro- l’aces; vol. iii lias prefixod a poetical address; all liavc indexes. Some of the title-pages vary slightly from those citcd in arrangcmeut and capitalization.—This is tlio pecond uewspaper, properly so called, in Icclandic. Tlic first was the ‘Minnisverd Tidindi,’ printed at Leirárgar- bar 1795-1801 (B. M. Cat., 15), edited like this by Mag- nús Stephenson. Tliat was howcver preceded by a monthly journal in Danisli, devoted to Icolandic affairs, tlio Maancds-Tidcnder (October 1773-September 1776) printed at Ilrappsey except vol. iii (“September 1775 til Octobor 1776,” as tlie title-page states, but really Octo- ber 1775-September 1776), which was from a Copenhagen press (B. M. Cat. 13, where only nos. 1-3 of vol. i are citcd); it was conducted by Magmis Ketilsson.—‘Klau- stur-Pósturinn’ is made up of news, foreign and domes- tic, useful articles on agriculture and household econo- my, ordinances rclatiug to Icoland, decisions of the courts, statistics, obituaries, brief book-notices and en- tortaining miscellany. The laws and judicial dccisions occupy a considerable spaco in noarly every number; a scries of articles on tho treatinent of cattle runs througli morc than two volumes; statistics of tlie population of Ieeland aro given yearly (vols. i., 116-119; ii., 138-111; iii., 146-119; iv., 141-14-4; v.. 141-145; vi, 124-126; vii., 123-126; viii., 139-141; ix., 142-144). The longest essay is a historical sketcli of the first quartor of the XlXtli contury (ix., 3-65) by tlie editor; other notable ones are on capítuls-taxtar (i., 3-48, 69-75); a letter from R. K. ltask, datod at Ispalian (iv., 26-28); on lichen islandicus by J. Thorstcinsen (iv., 129-132); volcanic eruptions (v, 2-16, 133-136, 169-172); pocm to tho x>rinter G. J. Schag- fjord on his 86th birthdav and liis professional jubilco by Stephensen (v., 175-176); statistics of Icelandic cattle, witli tables (vi., 108-110); torture (vii., 184-188); besides somo scientific notes by Björn Gunnlaugssou. There are likewise translations from Horace, Addison, Pope, Thom- son, Gcllert, Voltaire and otliers ; and original poems by Arnór Jónsson (vol.ii), Björu Gunnlaugsson (iii), Guð- inundur Torfason (v), llákon Jónsson (i), Hannes Ar- nórsson (iii), Jón Ilákonarson (iv), Jón I'orláksson (i, iv), whosc doath is recorded in vol. ii (190-192), Ólafur In- driftason (ii), Rúnólfur Sigur7)arson (vi), Sveinbjörn Egils- son (iii, v, viii), Stephenson (i-ix), Thorarensen (B., v), Tómas Tómasson (vi) and ögmuudur Sigurðsson (vi).— Tho collectiou posscsses two complete sets. 108. Atliugaverdt vid Sætta-Stiptanir og Forlikunar-Málefni álslandi.—HandqverEm- bættismanna, Sættanefnda, Málsparta, ete.— Skrifad og útgoíid af Dr. .Turis Magnúsi Sto- phonsen,Konungl.Hátignar Conferencerádi og Jústitiario i þeim konúngl. islendska Lands- yforretti, otc.—Videyar Klaustri, 1819. Pren- tad af Faktóri og Bókpryckjara G. J. Scliag- fjord. 8°. f. [1], pp. [1]-148. Contents:—Introduction, pp. 3-14; tuxt, 15-112; intlex 113-14G; compiler’s note, 147-148; errata, 148. 109. [Tilskipanasafn]. At end, Videyar Klaustri, 1820. Utgefid frá peim konúngl. is- lendska Landsyíirretti á konúnglegann kost- nad, og prontad af Faktóri og Bókpryckjara G. Schagfjord. 8°. pp. 113-128; sig. H. Contents:—Kóngs-Bref, nhrærandi Aileggíngu þess íslendska Tukthúss (folloivod by 2 Tilskipanir and 3 Opin Bréf), pp. 113-128; im- print, 128. Second part of the collection of public ordi- uauccs etc. publishcd (witliout title-page) by M. Stophen- sen; thc pagination and siguatures of the first part (seo no. 103) aro continucd. The copy iacks the third and Hnal part (pp. 129-268) printed at Viíiey 1828. 110. Rædur Hjálmars á Bjargi fyrir Bor- num sinum um Fremd, kosti og annmarka all- ra Stótta, og um Jieirra almonnustu Gjold og Tekjur.—Skrásettar og útgefnar af Dr. .Turis Magnúsi Stophensen, Gonferencerádi og Jústi- tiario i Islands konúnglega Landsyfirretti.— Videyar Klaustri, 1820. Prentadar af Faktóri og Bókþryckjara G. Schagfjord. 8°. f. [1], pp. [3]-148. Contcnts:—Text,pp. 3-146; Þiód-Saungur, 147-148; errata, 148. The sole edition of tliis cconouiical treatisc by Stcphenseu. 111. Ilolgidaga Prodikanir, samantoknar af ArnaIlelgasyni, Prófastii KjalarnessPingi og Soknaprcsti til Roykjavikur Dómkirkju

Bibliographical notices I-VI


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