(31) Blaðsíða 25 (31) Blaðsíða 25
IN IOELAND. 25 pp. 1-lóG); E. Ilcnderson’s cssay on thc “Icclandic Scripturcs” in liis Iccland, or thc Journal of a rcsidcncc in tliat Island (Edinburgli 1818, ii., pp. 247-30G); and tho Icelandic Prosc Iteadcr by GuM)randur Vígfússon and E. Y. Powell (Oxford 1879, pp. 433-443). 128. Skírsla um Bessastada-Skóla fyrir skóla-árid 1840-1811.—Samin af Jóni .Tónssyni Lector thoologiæ B. afD.—Videyar Klaustri. Prontud á kostnad Bessastada skóla.—1841. 8°. f. [1], pp. [3]-21, 3 folding tables. Contcnts:— Tcxt, pp. 1-24; statistical tablcs, ff. 1-3. The first ‘Skýrsla,’ or annual rcport of tho Icelandic College, wliich has bccn continued to tlie present datc (cxccpt 1850), printed, beginning witli the report for 1844-1845, at lleykjavik. Tliese ‘Skýrslur,’ besides a frcqucntly ap- jícndod lcarned essay, contain lists of teachers and sclio- lars, tlie schemc of studies for thc ycar, examination-pa- pers, accounts of additions to tho College library, collec- tions etc. Sce no. 113. 129. Roikníngslist oinkum handa leik- monnum, optir Jón Gudmundsson Klnustur- haldara.—Selst óinnhundin a 1 Rbdl. 1G sk.— Videyar Klaustri, Prontud á kostnad Sekre- tóra O. M. Stephensens.—1841. 8°. íf. [2], pp. [1]-2G0. ContcntsPreface, f. 2ab; tcxt, pp. 1-2G0.—Tlie author of tliis arithmetic, Jón Guömundsson (5. 1807, d. 1875), was trustee of tho con- vcntual property (lvlausturlialdari) of Kirkjubœr, but is better known as the editor of'tlie lteykjavík journal ‘Pjóðólfur,’ which, during liis administration of its af- fairs, was tho leading newspaper of Iceland. 130. [Askorun til Islendingaum aó semja veðurbækur; Synishorn.] At cnd, Roykjavík 20ta Martz 1841. 4°. íF. [3]—A circular lettcr, witliout title, issued by tlie Icelandic Literary Society, and rclating to weathcr reports. Tho letter is *in tlie Latin type, but tlie ac- companying form (sýnishorn) is in Gothic; both wcre printed at Heykjavík. 131. Stjörnufrædi, ijett og handa aljiidu, optir Dr. G.F. Ursin stjornuspeking og haskó- lakjennara.—med 4 eirspjaldabrjefum.—.Tónas Haílgrimsson íslendskadi. — Videiar Klaustri 1842. prentad á kostnad Egils Jónssonar, Egils Pálssonar, Holga Helgasonar og Einars 1Jór- darsonar. 8°. ff. [4], pp. [l]-220, 4 plates. Contcnts:—Sub- title and title-page, 1T. la-2; dcdication to Björn Gunn- laugsson, 3a; prefaco, witli a translation of Addison’s odo, “The spacious firmament on liigli,” f. 4ab;text, pp. 1-218; errata, 219 ; notc, 220; plates.—A vorsion by tlie poet Jónas Ilallgrimsson (6. 1807, d. 1845) of G. F. K. Ursin’s Populœrt Forcdrag ovcr Astronomicn, first pub- lishcd at Copcnhagen 1837. 132. SkýrslaogBóka-ListiFlatej'arFram- fara Stiftunar á Broidafyrdi.—Utgéfin af nú- verandi Stýrendum hennar, 1841. — Videyar Klaustri, Prentud á kostnad Stiftunarinnar. —1842. 4°. f. [1], pp. [8]-24. Conlcnts:—Report, pp. 1-7; book-lists, 8-24.—Thc first rcport and catalogue of the Flatey library, founded iu 1833 by Ólafur Sivertsen and liis wife. It now lias somcwhat over 2000 volumes. See no. 135. 133. Búnadar-Rit Sudur-Amtsins Húss- og Bú-stjórnar Félags útgófin ad Jiess tilhlu- tun og á pess kostnad.—Fyrsta bindis sidari deild.—... neglectis urcndafiíix innascitur agris. Akurlendi, sem engin rækir, elur illgresi, í oldin hæf! Iloratius.—Videyar Klaustri.—1843. 8°. flf. [3], pp. [3]-15G. Contcnts:—Table of con- tents and errata, f. 2ab; lifc of Björn Ilaldórsson by I‘órður Sveinbjarnarson (5. 178G, d. Í85G), pp. 1-21; Arn- björg, by Björn Ilaldórsson, 22-92; employment of la- borors, by Jakob Finnbogason (5. 1806, d. 1873), 93-121 ; society’s report, 123-155; errata, 15G.—Tho British Mu- seum (Cat., 17) has only tlic first part of tlieso papers (1839, pp. 25G, 1 folding table), issucd by the principal Icelandic society devoted to agriculture and household economy. The society still continues its reports and papers. 134. Bodsrit til ad hlýda á 1Já opinberu yfirheyrslu í Bessastada Skóla Þann Mai 1843—1. Islendskir málshættir safnadir, útval- dir og í stafrófsrod færdir af Skólakennara Dr. H. Schevíng. 2. Slcj’rsla um Bessastada Skóla fyrir Skólaárid 1842-1843 af Lector Theol. J. Jónssyni R. af D.—Videyar Klausti-i, Prontad á kostnad Bessastada Skóla.—1843. 8». f. [1], pp. [3]-60, f. [1], pp. [3]-14, 3 folding ta- bles. Contcnts:—Part i., preface, pp. 3-G, proverbs, 7-60; ii, text, 3-14; school statistics, flf. 1-3. The space lcft in tho title for tlie date of the commomoration is in- tended to be filled by hand.—Tho annual Collcge rcport (see no. 128), accompanied by a collection of proverbs, which may be regarded as a supplement to tlie larger pub- lished collection of Guðmuudur Jónsson, ‘Safn af islcnz- kura orðskvi?>um’ (Kaupmanuahöfn 1830). The preface of Dr. Schcving contains a list of authorities. Tlic same scholar published a sccond collection of proverbs, also in tlie form of a boðsrit, at lteykjavík 1&47. 135. Skírsla um FlatoyarFramfarastiptun gófin út af núverandi stýrendum honnar 1844. —0nnur deild.—Videyai' Klaustri, prcntud á kostnad stiptunarinnar 1844. 4°. f. [1], pp. [3]-14. Contcnts:—Rcport, pp. 3-3; book-lists, pp. 4-8 ; gifts and accounts, 9-10 ; regulations, 11-14.—See no. 132. The cataloguc of the Flatey li- brary is continucd in tliis second report. A third ‘Skýrs- la,’ containing a complote catalogue, was issucd at Reyk- javík 1858 (8°. pp. 32). 136. Capítuls-Taxti, fyrir Borgarfjardar, Gullbringu og Kjósar, Arness, Rángarvallaj Vestmannaeya, Vestur- og Austur-Skapta- fells Syslur, samt Reykjavíkur Kaupstad, í Islands Sudur-Amti, gyldandi frá midju Maji mánadar 1844 til somu Tídar 1845.—Vidcyar Klaustri, 1844. Prentadur á opiaberann kost- nad af Bókpryckjara Holga Ilolgasyni. 4°. íf. [2]. Contents:—Titlc, f. la; price-list, íF. la-2b.—The collection possesses a serios, running from 1826 to 1875, of these lists of normal prices fixed by gov- ernment on Icelandic products, now styled, not ‘Capí- tuls-taxtar,’ but by tlic better Icelandic term, ‘VcrMags- skrár.’ Tlioy are sometimes in quarto, sometimes in folio; some of thcm are wholly printcd, otliers are prin- ted blanks filled in by liand. Most of tlicm indicato no place of printing, and some aro perliaps from Copenlia- gen presses. The sories in question relates gonorally to tlie northorn sýslur, tlie values varying in diflfcrent parts of tho island. 137. Sjö Fostu-pródikanir samdar af Olaft IndridasyniProstitílKolfruyustadar.—Soljast óinnhundnar áPrentpappir3'2/í r. S.—Videyar Klaustri. Prontadar á kostnad Hofundarins, 1844. 8°. ff. [3], pp. [7]-[108]. Contcnts:—Dodicatioll, f. 2a; profacc, 3ab; text, pp. 7-107 ; errata, 108.—Olafur Iudrlðason (í». 1790, í7. 1801), autlior of thcse sormons, rvrote othcr religíous works in prose and verse. 138. Agrip af merkis athurdum Mann- kyns Sogunnar, útlagt, aukid og kostad af PáliMolstod Oand. pliilos.—Kostar 1 SUf, í ká- pu.—Videyar Klaustri,—1844. 8°. ff. [2], pp. [v]-vm, [1]-33C. Contcnts:—Ded* ication, f. 2a; preface, pp. V-VIII; text, 1-33G.—This work by Páll Melsteð (b. 1812), author of the large uni- versal liistory since published by tlie Icelandic Literary Society, is based on that af thc Dane, II. A. Kofod’s (1777- 1829) llistoricns vigtigstc Bcgivcnhcdcr, first issued in 1807, and subscquently in many rovised cditions. 139. Sagan af Njáli lJorgeirssyni og So- num llans &c.—Prentud optir útgáfunni 1

Bibliographical notices I-VI


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