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18 BOOKS miNTKD I)ann 28. Novombris, 1781. | — |—| Hoolum i Iíialltadal, 1782. | Prontud af Gudmunde Jons Syno. 4.° f. [l], pp. 3-80. Contents:—Titlo-folio, on rovorso citation from l'.salm. XL., II. Corlntli. I., and Mattli. XXV.; dedicatory letter to Prw, Margrote Finns Doottur, Eptcrlifande Eckiu, signed by Porkell Olafs 8on and datcd at Ilólar 15. Aprilis 1781Í, pp. 3-11; text (Biuueu ; Textenn, 17 ; Exordium), 12-28; Lijfs Historian, 28-48; Utlcggiugen, 48-7G; culogy in vcrse (Æ! gudlcg Undur! Ilvad V), 77-80.—Tlic autlior of tliis fuucral sermon nnd biograpliical skctcli of Bp.Jón Teitason was Porkell Ólafsson, for nearly lialf a cetitury rector of Hólar; lio died, 82 yoars of ago, in 1820. 83. Lijtid wngt | StDfunar Barn, | í’d oi illa Stavtandi, frá j Hiardarhollti | i Breida- fiardar Daulum, audrúm sijnum Jafuingium sitt Staufunar-jKvor synandi, som eptir fyl- gir. | □ | — | Selst óinnbunded2 Sk. Arkod. | — | Ilrappsey 1782. | Prentad af Gudmunde Jóns Syne. 1C.U in 8s. ft'. [4], pp. 19-G3? Contents:—Titlo- folio , on revorse Lutin proverbs inborder; Dedicatio (to llp. Hannes Finnsson) dated 1782, and slgned G..PaaIs- son, ff. 2a-lb; proface by tiie sanio, pp. [9]-16; Fyrri I’artur (aiphabots, orthography, pronuuciation), [17]-41; Sijdari Parturinn (proverbs, riddlos),41-63. Somo tabies of multiplicatiou lill tlie final unnumbered [64] pago. Tliis AltC is porliaps not complote; tlio present copy ends witli sig. D. 4. Tbe titlo-page viguctto is a largo Gotiiic j-H. witli figuros of Adani aud ICve. Gunnal* l’úlsson (see no. 73) was tlie compiior (d. 1791); and aqeording to thc titlo page (audrum sijuum) tbis should be tlie second issuc. 84. Pioorar | Misseraskipta | Predikaner, | Samanteknar þoim til Brv/kunar, | er sína Gudrækno ydka vilia i Hei-|ino-Hwsum, at þeim Dngum | þær oru til-giordar, | af Sr. | Gudmunde Högnasyne | Sooknar-Presto ad | Wostmaunaeyum. | — | Seliast Innbundnar, 5. Fiskum. | — | Hrappsey, 1788. | Prentadar i ])vi konunglega priviloge-jrada Bókþrykko- rio , | Af Gudmunde Jons Syno. 8.° ff. [2], pp. [5]-80. Contenta:—Title-folio, on rovcrao passage from Geuesis; prefaco, Liwfe Lesare! f. [2]ab; prayer, Bæn cpter Predikuu , pp. [5]-l5, by Þor- lákur Þórariiisson ; Bæn tun Laudsins Gróda , pp. 15-16; toxt, pp. [17]-75; four liymns, 76-80, by Ilallgrimur IDldjárns8on, etc.. Tho autlior, Gubmundur Högnason, dicd 1705 agcd 82; for auother work from his pen sco no. 80. 85. Lijtod og oinfaldt J Diarium, | Edur | Dagle" Ydkun, | wt af | Sio Ordum | jieirrar signudu Meyar Mariu, | Módur JEsu Cliristi, sotn i gudspialllogro \ Iíistoriu íiiiast epter honno upptoiknud; | Ad modfylgiande | Sio Hugvekium | wt af | Drottennlegre Bæn, | Sa- mannborenno vid siorlivert hennar Ord. | Sa- maunteked af Sr.) Jone Wigfussyno. | Fyrrum Presto ad Skarde i Med-!al-Lande , Anno 170G. | — | Solst Innbunded 8. Fiskum. | — | Prentad ad Hrappsey, i ]>vi Konungl. pri-| vilegorada Bók]>rykkorio. 1783. | af Gudmundo Jons Syno. 8.° ff. [§], pp. 2-112. Contcnta:—Titlo-pago; note on the priuting of various religious books, signedHalfdau Einarson, and permission (Danish) to print, signcd L. A. Tliodal, f. [l]b; preface of author, [2Jab ; hymn on tlio Virgin, Mariu Æfe, [3]a-[7]b; Nockra Vijsur. | Uin Vel* giornitiga Cliristi vid oss Mennena , by Gunnlaugur JSnorrason, [7]a-[8]b; tcxt, Sunnudags Ydkuu., pp. [1]-U7 ; Audlegt | Samtal, a hynm (dialoguo betwceu Christ and the soul), translatcd by Jón I»orláksson, pp. 08-112. In the works (Isleuzk Ljódahók) of thc poet, Jón Porláks- son, this vcrsiou is reprintcd (ii. pp. 46-61), witli this singular prcfatory notc by tho cditor:—Tekið cptir riti meistara Mattliías^r [sic] Bajli, Biskups i Bangodt [*ic], cr kallab or “Praxia pietafiaThe author of tho onco famous and widely-read worlc, licro referred to, was Lewis Bayly, bishop of Bangor (5. 1565 d. 1632).—The compiier, Jón Vigfússon, rector of Skarð (i Mcðallaudi), diod quito young in 1707. 86. Sio j Sende-Bref | JEsu Chrisfci, J Til Safuadana i Asia. j Med stutfcre | Utskijriimu j i hvorre minnst er ai | Sio Astgiafer H. AnVa. | Samantekenue j í’eim tilandlegs Fródleiks og sáluhiálp-jlegra Nota, er yfirvega vilia, | at' Sr. J Gudmunde Högnasyne | Sooknar-Preste ad j Wesfcmannaoyum. | — j Seliast Innbundon, 10. Piskum. | — j Hrappsey, 1784. ! Prentud i þvi konunglega privilegerada | Bókþrykke- rie, | Af Gudmunde Jons Syne. 8.° ff. [2], pp. 6-160. Contents:—Title-folio , on reverse citntiou iu borfiur, froin tlie 143d Psalm; pref- nce, Liwfo Lesarc!, ff. [2]ab, datud 1768; iutroductiou, pp. [ó]-26; Jext, 27-147 ; epilogue, 148-158; liyinn, l’salmur | Um Himonríko, 159-160, beginning, Æ mig nr-liyrster, epter llimna Dyrd.—A commentary ou cbap- ters 2 and 3 of ltevelatiou by Guömundur Hðgnason, (see no. 84.) 87. Tvisvar Siofalldt | Misseraskipta- Offur, | edur Fiortan | Heil. Hugleidingar, | som lesast kunna j á Pyrstu Sio Dogum j Su- mars og Votrar, j Til Gudrækelegrar Bnvku- uar | samannskrifadar | af Síra | Jono Gud- mundssyno, | seinast Presto i Reikiadal. | □ | — | Seliast almeimt óinnbundnar 24. Skill- dingum | — | Prentadar ad Hrappsey | af Mag- núse Móberg, 1794. 8.° ff. [8], pp. 2-160; title-pago viguette made up of printer’s oruameuts. Contenta:—Title-pago; pormis- siou to priut 8igued by Bp. Sigurður Stcfánssou aud rat- ified by O. Stcplieuseu, both iu Dauish aud datod 1793, f. [l]b; dcdicatory proface to Helga Brynjólfsdottir, [2]a-[8]b, datod 1768; tcxt, pp. [1]-142; Bænar- og Þack- lætis-Vers, by Sigfús Jónssou \d. 1803), Magnús lOinars- son (1734-1794), Hallgrímur hlldjárnssou (d. 1779) etc., 113-160; ornament and Mis-Prcntauer., 160.—The first edition of thoso discourses by Jón Guðmundssou (d. 1770) was published in 1779 ; see no. 76.—This was the last book printod at the Ilranpsoy printiug-ofíice, which was fouudcd in tlie year 177£.£4 88. Pimtýgi j Passiu Psálmar, | oi-ktir | af | Sra. Hallgrími Póturssyni. | — j —| Seliast almennt innbundnir 24 skildíngum. | — | Loir- árgordum vid Leirá, 179(3. | Prentadir ad til- lilutan ons Islendska | Lands-uppfrædíngar Felags, | á kostnad Biorns Gottskálkssonar, | af Bókþryckiara G. J. Schagfiord. 12.° f. [1] pp. 4-168. Contenla:—Title-folio , re- verso blauk; text, pp. [3]-100; Tveir | Píslar-Psálmar, | útlagdir af | Hra. Skólahaldara | Þorvaldi Bodvarssyni. (llcttláti Gud! rausaka mig) and (O miuu Jcsú! oll ]nn pína), pp. 161-167 ; Psálmur um Jcsú pinu, | útlagdur af | Sra. Porsteiui Sveinbiorussyni. (Kristur poldi’ á krossi daudaim), pp. 167-168; Prcnt-villur., p. 168.—Thc 22d editiou of tlic ‘Passiusálmar.’ Sec no. 13. 89. Agrip | þoss j er giordist og framfór | fyrir j Logþingis-Eéttinum, | Arid 1795. J □ | — j Leirárgordum vid Leirá, 1796. : Prentad á kostnadBiornsGottskálkssonarJafBókþryck- iara G. J.Hcbagfiord. 8.° f. [1], pp* 4-6S. Contenta:—Title-folio, re- verse blank; tcxt (uos. I-XXX), pp. [3]-27 ; Próclamata (I-III), 27-28; Brcf og Kauplýsingar (1-244), 29-63. The vignottc ou the title-page is tho crowu aml monogram of Christian VII.—For a list of the printed ‘Alþiugis- bækur,’ or ‘Lögþingisbækur,’ sec Bibl. Not. I., uo. 27; and sce iu tliis issue nos. 90, 94, 95, 98 aud 103.

Bibliographical notices I-VI


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