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6 BOOKS PBINTED Otli cdition, Hólar 1727.—See 110. 43. Witli the dedicatory epistle aud introduction (Gudhræddum lesara licilsau) of the author prefixed; sliglit corruptions of the text retalned; pp. lO-f-190. lOtli edilion, Hólar 1735.—SoeBibl. Not. I., no. 35. Except in omitting the two translatcd hymns at the close of the volume, tho edition is a reprint of the 9tfi. These last four editions were issued under tho opiscopate of Bp. Steinn Jónsson (tliat is betweon 1711 and 1739). flltJi cdition, Copenhagen 1742.—In, the Hymnal (filliug pp. 42-164) published by Bp. Jón Arnason of Skál- liolt. All the alterations ofBp.Björn Porloifsson finally disappear. 12th cdition, Hólar 1745.—See no. 42. l'3th cdition, Copenhagen 1746.—In the Ilymnbook edited by Póter Porsteinsson and his brother Sigurður, where tho Passion Ilymns will bo found on pp. 42-164, with this sub-title : EpterfylgiaþeirFimtiju | Passiu Psal- mar(Sr. Ilallgrijms | Peturssonar) | medTextans Ut-|skijr- ingu og Lrerdoomum. The title of the ITymnal itself is as follows :—Ein Ny | PsalmaBook | Islendsk , | Med mm*- gum andligum, | Cliristiligum Lofsaungvuin [ og Vijsum | Spinuleidis nockrym aigiæt|um, nyum og naikvæmum | Psalmum endurbætt. | GUDI einumog | Þronnum, Fpdur, Syni og | II. Anda, til Lofs og Dyrdar, | efi Ifibyggiurum þessa Lands til | Gledi, Gagns og Gooda fyrer | Lijf og Sail. | — | AdForlagi Brædrana | Sigurdar og Peturs | Por- stenssona. | — | Prentudi Kaupmafialldfn, afErnstlIenr. | Berling, atr optir Guds Burd, 1746. (8.° ff. [2], pp. 5-600, ff. [8]). 14th cdition, Ilólar 1718.—Seo B. M. Cat., col. 10; stylcd on tho title-pagc Editio XIII. Tlie title in full is as follows :—PsalteriumPassionale | Edur | Pijslar-|Psal- tarc | Ut Af | Pijnu og Dauda DRottefis Vors | JEsu Chri- sti, | Med Lærdooms-fullre Textans | Utskiiringu, |Agiæt- legauppsettur,| Af |Þeim Iloidurs Verda og Andrijka Kien- nemanne. | Sail. S. IIall-|griime Poturs-syno. | Fordum Sooknar-IIerra ad Saur-Bæ | aHvalíiardar Strpnd. Editio XIII. | — | Selst Almefit Ifibundefi 9. Fiskum. | — | Þrickt a Iloolum i Hiallta Dal, Af | Ilalldore Erikssyne, Afio M. DCC. XLVIIl. (8.° ff. [4], pp. 1-128, ff. [4]. Con- tcnts:—Title-page; Dedicatio Autlioris., ff. [l]a-[3]a, ending with the author’s signature and an ornaineut; autlior’s introduction, Gudliræddum Losara Heilsan, f.[4]b, also signed; text, pp. 1-128; Til Lesarans (notc on “Texteu” and “Utleggingufi”), Errata, p. 128; Re- gistur, ff. [l]a-[2]a; LXVI. Davids Psalmur, | Ur Latinu optcr Buchanano Utlagdur | og i LIood-Mælo uppsettur, | Af Sail. Ilerra ] Steine Jons-|syno, witli inscrted music, ff. [2]a-[3]b ; Idrunar Psalmur Ur Þijsku (O Gud jeg skrijd fyrer Augsijn þier), ff. [3]b-[4]b). lOth cdition, Hólar 1751.—In the Ilymnal edited by Bp. Halldór Brynjólfsson, whero tho ‘Passiusálmar’ occupy pp. 42-165, under the following sub-title:—EP- TerfylgiaÞeirFimmtiju | PassiuPsalmar (Sr. llallgrijms | Peturssonar). This edition is unaccountably dmitted in the bibliograpliical list given in tlio ‘Súlmar og KvæM’. The title of the 1751 Hymnal is:—Ein Ny | Psalma | Bok Islendsk, | Med mnrgum Andligum , f Christeligum Lof- Saungvuin | ogVijsum. | Spmuleidis nockrum aigiæt-|um, Nijum ogNaikvæmumPsalmuraEndurbætt.l Gude Einum | og Þrefium, Fpdur, Sj-ne og II. | Aiula, til Lofs ogDijr- dar. | E5 Ifibyggiurum þessa Lands til Glede, | Gagns og Gooda fvrcr Lijf og Sail. | — | Selst Almefit Ifibundefi 30 Alnum. f — | Prentud aa Hoolum i Hialltadal. | Af Ilalldore Eriks-Syne, 1751. (8°. ff. [2], pp. 5-810. ff. [7], pp. 1-23. f lGlh cdition, llólar 1754.—By tho title-pago the 14tli edition; number of pages and contcnts as in the issuc of 1748. 17th cdition, Ilólar 1771.—Sec no. 64; by tho title- pago Editio 15. 18th cdition, Hólar 1772.—In tlio ‘Flokknbók;’ see tho Appondix to this issue of thD Bibl. Not. flOth edition, Ilólar 1780.—Edited by IlAlfdan Einarsson , with a prefaco cited as by Jón á Melum, followod by tlio author’s introduction (Gudliræddum Losara); at tlio end is an epiloguo by tlio cditor, and soino variants from MSS. Tho text, howover, is that of tlic cditions immediately precediug it; tlio edition is “"styled in tho title-pagc the 16th (pp. 4+128-1-12). 20th cdition, Hólar 1780.—In tlie ‘Flokkabók,’ (pp. 81-208); seo Bibl. Not. I., no. 77. f 21st cdition, Hólar 1791.—Styled tlio 17th cdition. 22d cdition, Leirárgarbar 1796.—See no. 88; no edition-nuinber on title-page. 23d cdition, Lcirárgarðar 1800.—Seo no. ÍOO ; styled editio XIX. f 24th edition, Viðey 1820.—Styled the 20tli edition. 25th cdition, Viðey 1825.—See no. 111; styled Editio XXI. f2Gth edition, Viðey 1832.—See no. 120; styled the 22. Utgáfa. 27th cdition, Viðey 1834.—In the ‘Flokkabók’ of 1834-35, witli a special dated titlo-page, but without edition-number; see no. 125. 28th edition, Viðey 1836.—Sce no. 127*; stylod tlio 24 Utgáfa. 20tli cdition, Viðey 1841.—Seo no. 135; styled tho 25 Utgáfa. f 30th cdition , Viðey 1843.—In the ‘Flokkabók’ (pp. 81-204). 131st cdition, Reykjavik 1851.—Styled thc 27th edition. 32d cdition, Reykjavik 1855.—The title runs:— Fimmtiu Passíu Sálmar, kvednir af Hallgrími Péturssyni, Sókuarpresti til Saurbæar a Ilvalfjardarstrpnd, frá 1651 til 1674.—28. útgáfa.—Seliast óinnbundnir á 32 sk. sil- furverds.—Roykjavik 1855. Prentadir i prentsmidju Islands og á kostnad honnar, hjá E. Þórdarsyni. (12.° f. 11], pp. 4-214. f. [1]). ContentsTitle-folio , rovcrso blank, text, p. [1J-204; Þrir adrir Pislar-Sálmar, pp. 205- 214; notc , f. [l]a , revorse blank.).—According to tlie note on the obversc of the final folio the text of tliis edition has been compared witli that in the edition of Ilólar 1751. 33d edition, Reykjavik 1858.—Styled thc29. utgáfa. 134th cdition, Reykjavik 1866.—Styled the 30th edition. f 35th edilion, Reykjavík 1876.—Styled tlie 31. Utgáfa. 3Gth cdition, Reykiavik 1880.—Styled tlie 32. xitgáfa. 37th cdition, lteykjavik 1884.—The title runs :— Fimmtiu Passiu-Sálmar, kveðnir af Hallgrími Péturssyni, sóknarpresti til Saurbæjar á Hvalfjarðarströnd frá 1651 til 1674.—33. útgáfa.—Reykjavik 1884. Prentaðir lijá Einari Þórðarsyni, á hans kostnað. (8.° f. [1], pp. 4-127. Contents:—Title-folio, reverse blank; Formáli auctoris ; pp. 3-4; text, [5]-120; Þrir aðrir Píslar-Sálmar, 121-127). 38th cdition, Roykjavik 1887.—In the memorial cdi- tion, edited by Dr. Grímur Thomsen, of ‘Sálmar og Kvæði eftir Ilallgrira Pétursson.’—I.— Reykjavik. Kost- naðarraaður: Sigurður Kristjánsson. 1887. (8.° portr., f. [1J, pp. IV-XXX, ff. [3], pp. 6-181, f. [1], pp. 189-304, f. [1], pp. 308-388)—the ‘Passíusálmar’ occupying pp. [3]-181. The text has been thoroughly revised and cou- fronted with tho author’s own MS.—The most complete serics of these editions is probably that of tlie Jón Si- gurðsson collection in the National Library of Iceland at Reykjavik; mauy of them aro also to be found in the collection of Dr. Jón Þorkelsson of Copenliagen.— Be- sides tho two Latin translations of the Hymns (see Bibl. Not. I. no. 29) versions of portions of the collection liave beon mado into Gcrman and Danish. They liavo also been paraplirascd in Icelandic prose by Jón Jónsson, forming liis ‘Moditationes passionales’ (seo uo. 61) and by Vigfús Erlondsson in liis ‘Fimmtíu Ilugvekjur’ (see nos. 65 and 77). 13. Medicina Animæ | Þad or | Sarlaren- nar | Lækning og Andar Heilsu-|boot, harla Naudsynleg a þessum | Harskasamlega Tijma bæde fyr|er Heilbrygda og Siuka. | Skripúd j pyrstu ap D. Vrjbano Kegio. En wtolgd [sicl af H. i Gudbr. Tbor. S. | Luc. 23. | Nema j)ior giored Idran, munud | jner og eirneli aller Fyrerfarast. | Prontud a Hoolum j Hiall|ta Dal. Anno 1666. 8.° A fragmcnt, consisting of only tho title-folio, and sigs. D-I, lacking all betwoen the title-folio and D, and all afterl viij ; pago-lincs, 23, exclusivc of signature line; paginal catcliwords; no running title. On tho ro- verse of tho title-folio begins the preface (?), SaLijkam- lege Siuk|domur; tlie text ends, on the obvorse of II vij, witli: Ender a þcssum Agiæta | Bæklinge, Vrbani Regij., followed by an ornament; on the reverse of II viij commcnco Nockrar Goodar og Naud-|synlegar Bæ- ner, a Kuolld og Morgjna og adrar fleire.—This treatisc of thc French reformer, Urbanus Itegius (Rhegius), or Le Roy (d. 1541), in the version of Bp. Guðbrandur Þorlúksson, was first printcd, according to Bp. Finnur Jónsson (iii., 378) in 1578, and then again in 1599. The flrst edition of tho Danish translation appeared in 1544 (see Bruun, I., 429). 14. Sa Minne j Catechismus I D. Martini Luthori. | Epter teirro Pyrre | Vtloggingu |

Bibliographical notices I-VI


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