(13) Blaðsíða 13 (13) Blaðsíða 13
rx icELAxn. 13 fyrer Log-í’ijnges-'Iíettenum.) Þryekfc ;nHoo- lum □ i Hialltadal j Anno 1753. 4.° ff. [10]; sigs. A—C [2]. Contenta:—Title;text (Num. I-XXV), ff. [l]a-[9]b; Kejistur Alþijnges Booka- reuar, f. [10]a, endiug witli au ornament; reverse blank.—The vignette monogram is still tliat of Frede- rick V.—Seo no. 55. 43. Psalterium Passionale | Edur | Pijs- lar | Psaltare | Ut Af | Pijnu og Dauda DRottens Yors | JEsu Christi, | Med Lær- dooms-fullre Textans | Utskiiringu, | Agiæt- lega uppsettur, | Af | Peim Heidurs Verda og Andrijka | Ivjennemanne. | Sail. S. Hall-| griime Peturs-Syne, fFordum Sooknar-Herra ad Saur-Bæ \ ai Hvalfjardar Strond. | Editio XIV. I — | Seíst Alment Iiibunden 9. Fiskum.| — j Þrickt m Hoolum i Iíiallta-Dal, Af [ Halldore Erikssyne, Ano MDOCLIV. 8.° ff. [4], pp. 1-128. ff. [4]; ornaments and initials. Contents :—Title-page ; Dedicatio Autlioris., ff. lb-4a; preface (Gudliræddum Lcsara, | Heilsan.), f. 4b; text (3>eir Fiilitju Jleilpgu Passiu | Psalmar.), pp. 1-128; Til Lesarans. (on “Tcxteli” and “Utlegging”),p. 128; Iteg- istur, ff. la-2a; XLVI. Davids Psalmur | Ur Latinu epter Buclianauo Utlagdur.. Af Sail. Ilerra | Steino Jon8-|Syne, ff. 2a-3b, with music; Ydrunar Psalmur Ur Pysku (O Gud jegskrijd fyrer Augsijn ]»ier), ff. 3b-4b, endiug with au ornament.—lteally the XVIth edition of the renowned fifty ‘Passion Ilymns’ of Hallgrímur Pé- tursson; see Bibl. Not. IV., no. 12, in connection with which it Í8 to be noted that of the 39 editions of tlie ‘Passíusálmar ’ tlie collection now lacks onU' tlie 3d (16S2), tho 19th (1780), the 21st (1791), and the 24th (1820). —Tlie most recent edition of tlie ‘ Passiusálmar ’ bears this title ‘ Fimmtíu Passiusálmar , cptir Hallgrím Pétursson sóknarprest að Saurbæ á Ilvalfjaríiarströnd 1651-1674.—Þritugasta og áttunda útgáfa.—lteykjavik. ísáfoldarprentsmiðja. 1890. ’ (sm. 8.° f. [1], pp. 4-151). It is edited , by Björn .Tónsson, tho ablc conductor of the journal Jsafold, and is printed from the autlior’s own manu8cript i»reserved in the Jón Sigurðsson col- lection in tlie National Library at Beykjavík. Thc “Ejitirmáli útgefandans ” (pp. 142-151) contains a useful list of faulty readings in the toxts of previous editions. But the editor, in liis attempt to correct thc title-page numbering of thc cditions of tlie ‘ Passiusál- mar , ’ lias only increased the confusion; liis cdition is properly tho 39th, not tlio 38tli as lie styles it; seo the correct list of editions in Bibl. Not. IV., pp. 5-6. 44. Þær Fimmtiju | Heilogu | Meditatio- nes| Edur [ Hugvek-!ivr, | Þess Ha\tt-upplijsta| Doct. Jokannis G-erhardi, | Miwklega og navkvæmlega snwnar i | Psalm-Vijsur, Af peim Frooma og Gudhrædda | Kienemane, | Sr. Sigurdo Jonssyne | Ad Prest- Hoolum. | Editio X. | — | Seliast Almeiit Inbundnar G. Fiskum. | — | Þrickt ai Hoolum i Hiallta- dal, | Af Halldore Erikssyne, 1754. 8.° pp. 1-93, f. [1]. Contents:—Title-page ; text (I. llugvekiu Psalmur.), pp. 1-93; llegistur. f. [l]ab. Thc paginal numeration begins on tlie reverse of tlie title-folio, tlius bringing the odd numbers tliroughout tlie volumeon tlio reverse of each leaf.—Sce Bibl. Not. I., nos. 32, 36 and 77, and Bibl. Not. IV., no. 125 and p. 25a, and especially in the present issue no. 8; also the B. M. Cat. cols. 11, 13 and 18. 45. Psalterium | Poonitontiale. j Þad or | Idrvnar | Psalltare. | Ifiehalldande þad hell- sta, ) seni hlijder til Oppvakningar, Und-|er- Bwnings, Frainkvœmd-jar og Avaxta_sanrar Idrunar. j Samanslcrifadur, ! Anno 1754. | — I Selst Alment 4. Piskum. | — | Pricktur aa Hoolum i Hialltadal, | Af Ilalldore Erilcs Syne. | Anno M. DOO. LV. 12.° in 8s and 4s. ff. [2], pp. 1-92; sigs. )( (in 2), A—II (thc last in 2). Contcnts:—Title-folio, on rcverse 3 scriptural citations in a bordcr; Approbatio, signed by Jón Magnússon, officialis of tho diocese of Ilólar , f. [2]ab; text (I. Psalmur.), pp. 1-92.—For tho only otlier edition (1775) of theso 20 hymns by Þorgeir Markússon , pastor of Utskálar, soe Bibl. Not. IV.. no. 67. 46. Psaltorium | Consolatorium j Edur | Hvggvnar | Psaltare, | Utdregen af | I’eim Fo- gru Epterlijking-|um, | Sem Kitadar standa i Lucæ | Gudspialla Bookar 15. Capitula, | Med Ileilsusamlegum Lærdoomum, og | lliartnæmum Huggunum, fram-|liiootando af N;ud og Myskunseme | vors gooda Guds, vid sierhvorn | Safiydrande Syndara. | — | Selst Alment 4 Fiskum. | — | Pricktur av Hoo- lum iHialltadal, | Af Halldore Eriks-Syne. | Anno M. DCC. LVI. 12.° ff. [2], pp. 1-92; sigs. )-(, A—E (of whicli )-( in 2, D in 8, and E in 2). Contcnts:—Title-folio, on reverse 6 Biblical passages (Esaias and Psalms); Appro- batio., signed by Bp. Gisli Magnússon, f. [2]ab; text (I. Psalmur.), pp. 1-90; Saung-Vijsa... Ordt af Sail. Þorvaldo Magnussyne. (Dags-Lioomeil dijr upprehur), pp. 90-92.—Tliese 28 meditative hymns byÞorgeir Mar- kússon subsequently appeared in a singlo otlier edition at Hólarin 1775; see Bibl. Not. IV., no. 68. 47. Log-thjnges : Bookon, | Inelialldande ])ad er Giordest og Fraiufoor fyrer Log-Þijng- es-jRettenum, Anno 1758. | Dryckt m IIoo- lum □ i Iíialltadal | Anno 1758. 4.° ff. [14]; sigs. A—D ij. Contents:—Title, f. la; text (Num. I-XXVIII), f. la-13b; Registur, f. 14a, re- verse blank. Witli autograph of S[veinn]. Sölvason (socretary). The vignette in tlie title is tho crowned monograin of Frcderick V.—See no. 55. 48. Log-thjngis Booken, |, Inilialldan- di j Þad er Giordist og Frafnfoor fyrir Log- Þijngis-Itettinum j vid 0xarm | Anno □ 1767. | — j Prontud m Hoolum i líiallta-Dal, | Af Ej'riki Gudmundssyno Hoff, 1767. 4.° ff. [18]; sigs. A—Eij. Coni&nta Title-page. reverse blank; text (Num. I-XXXVI), ff. 2a-16b; Sijs lumenn komnir til Log-Þijngis, f. 16b; Bref og Kaup- Iij8ingar, ff. 17a-18a; Documont, signed M. Gudmundsson, f. 18a , reverso blank. On tlio title-page tlic crowned monogram of Cliristiau VII.—See no. 55. 49. Andleger Psalmar | Og [ Kvæde | Sem sai Gudliræddi Kienimann | og Yppar- lega Þiood-Skailld i S;nl. Sr. | Iíallgrijmur Petursson | kveded hefur; | Og nu i Eitteru samaíltekner, til Gudræ-|kilegar Brwkunar og Froodleiks, | þeim er nema vilia. | —J Seliast Iiibundnir 12. Fiskum. | — J Prycktir »ai Hoolum i Hialltadal, | Af Jooni Olafssy- ni. | 1770. 12.° ff. [10], pp. 1-2384-; sigs. )o( (in 10), A—L. Contents:—Title-folio, revcrse blank; proface of Hálf- dan Eiuarsson, dated 1770, ff. [2]a-[10]b; text (Fyrste Parturinn,) pp.1-47; (Auar Parturin.), pp. 48-158; (Þridie Parturiu.), pp. 159-250; Barna Spurningar, pp. 251-260; Vijsur | l’rofastsins Sr. II. E. S., pp. 261- 262.—This collection of liyrans and other sacred verse by Hallgrímur Pétursson is popularly stvled the ‘Hallgrims- kver; ’ this is tlie first issue of tlio work as revised by Hálfdan Einarsson.—Tlie copy lias a torn title-folio, and some tattered leavcs at the end.—See Bibl. Not. I., no. 94, and Bibl. Not. IVr., no. 60, and in tbis issue no. 107; also B. M. Cat., coll. 11, 13, 17. 50. Islandske | Maaneds-jTidender j Fra Octobr. Maaneds Begyndolse 1773, | til | Soptombris ,Udgang 1774. j — | Försto Aar- gang | for | October. [November.] [Decem- ber.] — j Hrappsöe, trykte udi det Kongl.

Bibliographical notices I-VI


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