(14) Blaðsíða 14 (14) Blaðsíða 14
II BOOKS PRINTED allernaadigst | nyo privilogeredo Bogtrykke- rie. I — Islandsko | Maanods-|Tidonder ] for Aar 1774. j — ] Fnrsto Aargang. | — j Hrappsao, trykte udi dot Kongol. allernaadigst ] privi- legorede Nye Bogtrykkerie. | — 8.° pp. 2-18, 2-144; 12 monthly numbers, of 1G pagos cacli, from Octobor 1773 to Septembcr 1774 iuclu- sive. Each number has the title at thc top of pago [1]. The first threo numbers, witli tlie titlo first cited, arc printed in tho Latin lettcr , and havo the pagination 2-48; tlioy includc tho final threo montlis of 1773, and form tlie only portion of the journal incntioned in thc British Museum Cataloguo (col. 13). With the issuo for January 1774 begins a new, invariablo title—the sec- ond hero cited— and the typo used is the Danish Gotli- ic; tlio pagination is distinct (2-144), but tlie nine numbers of 1774 aro a continuation of those belonging to tlie British Museum—and with tliom make up the first volume of the journal, wliicli is here treated as a wholc. In Bibl. Not. IV., no. 69, it is incidontally stated that .the volumes of tliis tirst nowspaper issued in Icoland liavo general title-pages, and one sucli is there reproduced from tho copy in tlie Copenhagen Royal Library. It sccms, liowever, highly probable that the title-pages to vols. I. and IL of tlie Maancds- Tidcnder in the great Danisli book-collection were spe- cially printed by tho historian, Petor Friderik Suhm (1728-1798), to whom tho copy formorly belonged. The general title-page to vol. III. (publislied in Copenhagen) as givcn in Bibl. Not. IV., no. 69, is gcnuinely prefaced to tlte volume.—The contents of Vol. I. include, besides domestic intelligence, a pocm of welcomo in Icelandic and Latin addressed to tlie travelers, Sir Joseph Banks and Daniel Carj Solander, on their arrival at Skálholt by Bjarni Jónsson, rcctor of tlie Cathedral Scliool at tlmt jilace ; an interesting sketcli throwing light on the condition of the “ öxeraao Alting,” thirty years before the suppression of what had been, in the preceding agos, an important legislative body; various articles and documents—occupying a very considerable space— relating to tlio afíairs of the “ Almindelig llandels- compagnie, ” the form of commercial tyranny under which Iceland at tliat date suffered; a description , by Guðlaugur Svcinsson, of a “ Moluscum Sæpia; ” and many miscollaneous essays.—Thc collection now possessés the tlireo volumes of tlio raro Maaneds-Tiden- der completc, as it does most of tho works of its cditor, Magnús Ketilsson. —Sce Bibl. Not. I., no. 107 and IV., no. 69. 51. Stutt Agrip | Af ] Historium I Heila- grar Bitniug-|ar, ] Til Ungdoomsins Bnvku- nar ] saman teked af ] Joachim Fridrik Horster, | Og nu ax Islendsku wtlagdt. | — | Þryckt aa Hoolum i Hialltadal, | Af Potre Joons Syne. | 1776. 12.° fF. [6], pp. 1-124 [=132]. Coiltcnts :—Title- folio, roverso blank; Til Lesarans., signed G. M. S. [=Bp. Gísli Magnusson], íf. [2]a-[5]b ; table of con- tents, f. [6]ab; text (Fyrsti Part-jurinn), pp. 1-118 [=126], divided into 200 (piestions andanswers; Nockur Mifiis Vers, | Ordt af Sr. P. P. S. (or, more probably, I*. 1». S.), pp. 118 [=126-123 [=131]; 7 questions and answers [Faitt eitt vidvijkiande cliristelegre Kyrkiu.), pp. 123 [=131]-121[=132]. Pages 121-132 are erro- ncously numbered 113-124.—This is an abridged cdition of tlio larger work (seo Bibl. Not. L, no. 70) published at Hólar under tho samc date , entitled Joacliim Frid- rik llorsters | Agrip | Af | Historiuin | Heilagrar Ritning-|ar, having ff. [2], pp. 1-403. Pages 1-120, that is sig. A—E, of tho two publications coincide, enougli copies of thoso shects having boon struck off to supply both issues ; but tho preliminary matter and all tlie rest after p. 120 in tlie uuabridged work is of another impression. Tho translator and enlarger of IIorster’8 manual was Hálfdan Einarsson. 52. Hoidnor | ota [ Hrossakiot. | — | Hve- nœr av ad fara ad sla\ ? | — | Quid qvisqvo vi- tet, nunqvam liomini | satis | Cautum est in horas. | Horat. | □ | — | Editio I. | — |.]?ryckt ad Hrnppseý [sic] í þvi nýa konúngl. | privi- legerada hókpryckerie 1776, af j Eýríke [sic] Grudmundsjmo Hofi. 8.° f. [1], pp. 4-36. ContcntsTitle-folio, reverse blank; text (íleidner eta Hrosski0t), pp. [3]-22; Hwe- nær ai ad fara ad slai?, pp. 23-36.—Botli theso essays , the first on the eating of liorse-flesh, the second on tlie proper time to begin the liaying season, are by that remarkablo man, Magnus Ketilsson, tiie editor of Islandske Maanedstidender. Soe Bibl. Not. I., no. 64 and Bibl. Not. IV., no. 69, and in the present issue nos. 50,57* and 62, for other works by Magniis Ketilsson, and B. M. Cat., col. 14(4titles—all of which are in tlie present collectiou). 53. Log- ]->ingis | Bookin, | Innehaldan- de pad, sem giordiz og frahi-jfoor fyrer Log- íhngis-^-ettinum Anno 1776. | — j □ | — | Prentud ad Hrappsey, | í }>ví 113'a konúngl. prívilegerada bokþrykkorie 1776, | af Eyríke Gndmundssyne Hoff. 4.° f. [1], pp, 4-72. Content8:—Title-pago, re- verso blank; text (Num. I—XXV), pp. [3]-66; Bref og Kauplysingar, pp. 66-71; royal proclamation concern- ing coinage, pp. 71-72.—Title-pagp vignetto, the crowned mouograin of Cliristian VII.—See 110. 55. 54. Agnars | Konungs | Ævi j Ilroars Sonar. | I Liood sett | af | Sail. ! Arna Bod- varssyne, | og | útgiefinn eptir | líanns eiginn handar Kite. j — | Prontud á Hrappsey, j í ])ví nva Konúngl. prívilegerada Bók-I }>rycke- rie, af Gndmunde Olafssyne | 1777. 8.° f. [1], pp. 4-136; sigs. A—I (the last in 4).— Of tlie author of tliese ritnur Dr. Jón Borkelsson, tlie younger, says, in liis exhaustivo trcatise, ‘Om Digtuing- en pá Island’ (Copenhagen 1888):—“ Det er bekendt at Arni Böövarsson (d. 1777) digtedo de^fiesto af sine mange rimecykler for sysselmauden Jón Arnason pá Ingjaldshóll, livis fledföring hau tilsidst blov, tlms iu somo manner reviving in moderu times tlie rölc of a court or famiiy poet. IIo was born in 1713 and may, perliaps, bo considered tlio principal rimur-poet of tlie cighteentli century. Some idoa of his fertility may be gained from thc followiug incomplotc list of tho rimur he composed: Rímnr af Grimi Jarlssi/ni (3 cantos), his earliest liroduction of this class , written in 1741. ViJlsungar rimur (including tho * Rimur of Völsung- um,’ cantos 1-16, tho * Hímur af BuSlungum og Gjúkungum,’ cantos 17-22, and tlie ‘Rimur af Ragnari Lobbrók og sonum hans,’ cantos 23-36, writtcn in 175S. At the end of this long produc- tion the poet has interwoven in liis verse his own genealogy. liimur af Alcxander og Loövik (8 cantos), composed in 1763. Iiimur af Asmundi viking, written in 1768. Rimur af Ilaraldi liringsbana (12 cantos). Ilalfreðar rimur vandrœöaskáld (12 cantos). Brávalla rimur, also stylod ‘Rimur af llaraldi liil- ditönu,’ (10 cantos). Rimur af Eiriki viðförla (34 cautos). Rimur af Agnari konungi llróarssyni (16 cantos); published as abovc, Hrappsoy 1777. Rimur af Þorsteini uxafœti (10 cantos); publislied Copcnhagen 1771, edited by Ólafur Ólafsson (Olavius), and again in 1858. Rima af Þorsteini suðurfara (12 stanzas), published under tho title of ‘ Eitt Æfintyre ’ iii 1781 (see 110. 60). Moreover lio wrote a portion at least of the last (7th) canto of tho Grobians rímur, and of the sixteen cantos of tlie ‘ Rimur af Ulfari sterka ’ lio composed tho last seven and a half, the earlior portion being tlie work of Þorlákur Guðbrandson (d. 1707)—publislied Ilrappsey 1775 and Viðey 1834. Ilálfdan Einarsson (p. 76) ascribes to liim various other rímur, and adds : “ & quam plurima alia carraina sacri & profani argumenti fudit & fuudit solertissimus Poeta.” Of his sliorter pieces many are or have been popular, sucli as tlio ‘ Skipafregn,’ whicli is his at least in part, the ‘ Karlskvæbi,’ tlio ‘ Úlfarsdrápa (12 stanzas), tlie ‘Kvæbi um Hálf og Hálfsrekk’ (7 songs;,

Bibliographical notices I-VI


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