(18) Blaðsíða 18 (18) Blaðsíða 18
18 BOOKS PRINTED frædíngar-Stiptunar, | af Faktóri og Bók- pryckjara Gr. J. Schagfjord. 12.° ff. [2], pp. vi-viii , 2-52; sigs. a (in 4), A—C (the last in 2). ContentsTitle-folio, reverac blank ; dedication (to Iuiriður Asmundsdottir, motlier of tlie translator), f. [2]a, reverse blank; dedicatory proem (8 stanzas) signed by the translator, pp. [v]-viii ; text (Sá Kristni., I-XIII), pp. [l]-45; Vidbætir (I-II), pp. 46-52.— Porvaldur Böðvarsson , tlie autlior of this, version of Christian Fiirchtegott Gellert’s (1716-1769) poem, ‘Der Christ, ’ died as pastor of Ilolt (undir Eyjafjöllum) in 1836 at the age of 79. Ile wrote several liyinus, aud translated from the Danish Dr. Cliristian Bastliolm’s * Ilugleidingar fyrir Altarisgaungu fólk’ (see Bibl. Not., I. uo. 101). 77. [Acta Yfirréttarins á Islandi fyrir árin 1773-1776 | □ j — j Loirárgnrdum vid Leirá, 1800. | Prentud a kostnad Notarii B. Stephensens, j af Bókþryckjara G. J. Schag- fiord.] 8.° pp. 4-Gl. The copy lacks the title-folio. Seo not. 69 and 70 for previously issucd portious of these trausactions of tlie suprome court of Iceland. 78. Hjer hiidur Upprisu.. Frw Magnusdottir,.. [Leirárgöröum vi 1807. liroadside, in black line-border. A grafskript, or memorial inscription and pocin, in honor of Sigríður Magnusdóttir, wifu of Goveruor-general Ólafur Stephen- sen. It is signed “13. G. ” tho initials of tlie poet liene- dikt Gröndai, tlie eidor (17G2-1825), and was repub- lished in tlie later memorial voiume (see no. 90) issuod by her son, Magnús Stephcnsen (pp. 27-29). Sigridur i Leirá] 79. Placat í livorju innikaldast nockrar frekari Aqvardanir, vidvíkjandi ICauphond- lun og Ivaupstodum á Islandi. — Kaup- mannahofn, pann 22ann April 1807. □ — Leir- árgordum vid Leirá, 1807. Utgófid af peim konúnglega íslendska Lands-Yfirrétti á pub- lique kostnad, og prentad af Bókþryckjara G. J. Schagfjord. 4.° ff. [2]. The text begins with a large Floren- tine initial on tlie revorso of tlio title-t'oiio, aud ends on tho roverse of the sccond folio. On tliu title-page of this royal mandate, concerning tlie trade and trading- stations of Iceland, is tlic monogram of Ciiristian VII.— For additionai royal prociamations sce nos. 81, 83, 83, and 85. 80. [Tilskipanasafn I.] No. 4. At cncZ, Leirárgordum, 1809. Utgefid á publiqve Kost- nad af þeim konúnglega íslendska Landsy- firretti, og prentad af Faktóri og Bók- þryckjara Gr. J. Schagfjord. 8.° pp. 18-40. This is a part of tlie first collection of ordinances aud rcscripts cdited by Magnús Stephen- sen, which is not to be confounded with a similar later collection (1810-30), for whicli see nos. 103 and 103. Accordiug to Erslew (III. ]>. 215) this collection consists of nos. 1-5, issued Í806-1809, and comprising in all pp. 52. This no. 4 opens with an announcement of tho opening of tho Landsyfirréttur on April 5, 1809—the justitiarius, Magnús Stephensen, liaving returned to Ice- land from Copenliagen the preceding day. He lays before the court 16 auglýsingar (pp. 17-22); tlien follow various proclaraata, presonted to the court at its ses- sion of May 5 (pp. 25-28); then a “Kóngs-Bréf vid- vikjandi Sakamála medferd framvegis á Islandi” (pp. 29-36) ; 'and finally a “ Kóngs-Bréf um Rádstafa- nir, sem nú álítast naudsynlegar vid Islands Tukthús” (pp. 37-40). 81. Placat. 1809. [LBÍrárgöröum viö Loirá] Broadside. An ordinance in Danisli relating to “ Strandsiddere ” (or coast-dwellers), datedMay 11,1809 and signed by Fr. Trampe, who lield the office ofgov- ernor-geueral of Icelaud from 1807 to 1809. 82. Placat. 1809. [Leirárgöróum viö Leirá] Broadside, being an ordinance in Danisli concern- ing tlie authority of ‘Iiepstyrer,’ or supervisors of par- islies, signed by Governor-goneral Frederik Trampe and bearing the date of May 12 , 1809. 83. Placat. 1809. [Leirárgöröum viö Leirá] Broadside. A proclamation in Danisli by Gover- nor-general Fr. Trampe, dated May 15, 1809, relatiug to tlxe war then prevailing, and urging the people of Ice- iand to accustom tliemselves to depend more largely on the productions of their own soil and waters, and to place less reliance on imported wares. 84. Auglysing. 1809. —[Leirárgöröum við Leirá] Broadside. A proclamation, in two columns and 20 paragraplis , dated “Roykjavik paun 26ta Junii 1809,” and signed by Jörgen Jörgensen ; at the bottom of the second coluran is a circular woodcut of a seal, bearing the initials, “ J. J. ” The first article declares the in- dependenceof Iceland (Island er laust og lidugt frá Dan- merkur Ríkisrádum).—-This is one of tlie documents, nów become rare, connected witli tlie so-called “ Jörg- ensen Revolution” of 1809. In January of tliat year au armed Euglish trading vossel, tlie Clarcnce, arrived at Reykjavík. The supercargo wislxed to establisli a mer- cantile liouse, but, in consequence of recent action taken by tlie Danish government, the authorities refused hirú a licence. Nevertlieless iio landed his wares; owing liowever to tlie bad scason and to liis mismauagemont, affairs failed of success. Ji’owards Spring tlie ship re- turned to Great Britain, leaving tlie supercargo in charge of tlie remainiug wares, but taking witli it tlie ship’s interpreter, a native of Copenliagen, named Jörgen Jörg- ensen. Early in May the Governor-general of Iceland, CountTrampe, returned to Reykjavik from Copenhagen, and learned of tlie enforced establisliment of the new trading-house. He, of course, could not approve it, but, to provide for similar cases, he entered iuto a cou- vention with Captain Francis John Nott, of II. M. brig liovcr, whicli arrived in the harbor about tbis time, tlie provisious of whicli werc to regulate tlie intercourso betwoen tlie inhabitants of tbe island and the subjects of Great Britain so long as the existing war lasted. Captain Nott sailed away, and some days iater came to Reykjavík tlie armed trading-vessel Margarct and Anne, of 10 guns, under the command of the captain of the Clarence, and haviug on board Mr. Samuel Plielps, llie owner of tlio waros previously brought to Iceland by the iatter ship, and the interpreter Jörgensen. On June 25th a body of armed sailors suddenly landed from the Margaret and Annc, the Governor-gencral was arrested and taken on board the vessel, aud tlie Danish government was announced to be at an end. The agreement with Captaiu Nott was deciared to be void, and various arrosts and confiscations followed, the new ruler, Jörgensen, taking up his quarters in tlie governor-general’s official residence. A small for- tificationwas built commandiug the town. Tlienewgov- erument lasted until the fortunate arrival, about tho middle of August, of II. M. man-of-war, the Talbot, tlie captain of which (tho Ilon. Aiexander Jones) restored tlie Dauisli authority (seo no. 86), and Jörgcnsen and liis English associates returned to England. A com- plete account of tliis abortiv’e attempt to separate Iceland from Denmark will be found in tlie ‘ Journal of a Tour in Iceland, in the Snmmer of 1809 ’ (2d ed., London 1813, 2 vols—see especially Appendix A to the second volume) by the naturalist, William Jackson Hooker, who reaciied the island as a passenger on tlie Margarct and Annc, but who, of course, took no part in the revolutionary enterprise. A rare Danisli pamphlet on tlio same sub- ject is entitled ‘ Jörgen Jörgensens Usurpation i Island i Aaret 1809.—Historisk fremsat, og med nogle faa Be- mærkningerledsaget af S. Scliulesen.—Kiöbenbavn, 1832. Trykt, paa Udgivereus Forlag, lios Jacobseu, Spring- garde No. 31.’ (8°., ff. 2, pp. 48).—Au account from the

Bibliographical notices I-VI


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