(6) Blaðsíða 6 (6) Blaðsíða 6
6 BOOKS PRTNTBD ra. 1 H. Gudbrando Thorlakssyne | (Loplegrar Miningar). | Apoc. 2. Cap. Sa soin Eyru ho- pur, skilio liu ad (Guds) Ando seiger Sopnu- donum. j Prentud ad nyu a Iioolum | Anno 1649.] Annar Partjur pessarar Bookar, hefur j jnno ad hallda Evangolia, frav j Trinitatis, mn til Ad-jventu. □ I. Tessal. 5. | Andana Jia kiefied ocko, Spajdomana porsmaed ecke Keynjed alia iiluto, og bijhallded | pui liuad gott er. | Aa A. 2 pts. 8.° íf. [140], [112]; sigs. )-( (in 4), A—li, Aa—Oo; numerous woodcuts;-paginal catchwords; 110 running titles. Contcnts: — pt. i., titlc-page; preface, ff. [l]a-[4]b, signed Th. S. S. [= Þorlákur Skúlason]; text, ff. [5]a-140a, reverso blank; pt. ii., title-page ; text, ff. [l]-[112]a, ending with: Bnder Bokarenar., re- verse of the final folio blank.—The letters (Aa and A) at bottom of the titlc-pago of the second part aro tho signature and catchword; the preface to tlie first part occupies the first signature ()-()•—Tliero were threo sev- enteenth-century editions of tliis translation by Bp. Gubbrandur Þorlálcsson of the postils of Andreas Pan- cratius (or Pangratius), namely:—Hólar 1610 (see Fin- nur Jónsson , III., 380); Hólar 1649—tlie edition here cited; and Hólar 1676 (see B. M. Cat., 5).—The present copy is a fragment, lacking, in the first part, all before sig. C and likewi.se tlie whole sig. Q.; and in the second part the entire final sig. (Oo). Tho title-pago of part first is transcribed from tlie copy in tlie Copenhagen líoyal Library.—Andreas Pangratius, ofwliose religious ‘Haus-Buch’ this work is a translation, was born in 1531 and became pastor of Amberg in the Upper Pala- tinate, and afterwards bishop of Ilof in thc Vogtland. He died in 1576. 4. Eintal Salarennar | vid sialfa sig. | I huoriu ein j Christen Savl yperuegur og | liugleiderjia savruPijnu? Dauda sij!ns Laus- nara Herrans .Tesu Christi, x tekur j sier þar ap agiætar Kieningar og j hugganer. | I Psalmvijsur miuklega snjued af Petre Einars Syne Logriettu | Maive, pyrer Vostan. Og ap lionum Dedioe-jrad í tilskripad þeirre Eru- verdugu og- Gud hræddu Heidurs Kuiunu. Valgierde : Gysla Dottur ad Skarde a j Skards Strond. | Prentad j a Hoolum j Hialljta Dal, eptor Bon og Osk þeirra Hojfdings Hiona, Eggerts Biornsjsonar, og Valgerdar Gysla j Dottur. j Anno. | 1. 6. 01. ' * 8.° ff. [76]; sigs. A—K (the last in 4). Contcnts: —Titlo-folio, on reverse woodcut of the Crucifixion witli scriptural citation (Joli. 3. C.); text (I. Capitula.), ff. 2a-76b, tlie final page closing witli: Ender., and a small ornament.—Tliis is a versification of the popular work on tlio Passion, commonly known as ‘Eiutaliö,’ whicli was translated into Icelandic prose iu 1593 by the learned Arngrímur Jónsson from the German of Martin Möller, the elder, wliose name is frequently given as Moller (and Mollerus)—a German theologian of notc, born November 9, 1547 at Kropstádt noar Wittemberg, and died Marcli 2, 1606 at Görlitz. He was successively pastor of Kesselsdorf, diaconus at Löwenberg, pastor of Sprottau (1575) and finally of Görlitz (1600). llc pub- lished a large treatise in 4 volumos, ‘ Praxls Evange- liorum’ (the earlier part of whieh appeared in 1601) and a ‘ Thesaurus Precationum ’ (1602); but his two most popular works were his ‘Meditationes sacræ’ (I. 1584, II. 1591) and his ‘Manuale do preparatione ad mortem’ (1593), both of wliicli were reiulered into Icelandic.—Thc Iiroso work is citod in eight editions—Hólar 1599, 1611, 1651, 1658, 1662, 167G, 1746 and gkálholt 1697 (seo Bibl. Not. I., nos. 11, 24 and 46). But tlic present is tlie solc cdition of frhe rhymed version, and apparently the solo printed work by its translator, Pótur Einarsson.á Bal- lará, a lögmaöur of tho 17tli ccntury, who is described (Espólin’s ‘Annálar,’ VI., 60) as a “lögvitr madur, oc vel at sðr í andlegum frædum, oc skáld.” Ilálfdan Einarsson (p. 63) states that lie versified the Epistles of the ecclesiastical ritual. He also wrote the first 8 cantos of tho ‘Rímur afHrólfi Gautrekssyni ’ (beginning: Góðu fólki eg gamna vil), completed after his death by Eirikur Hallsson, pastor of Höfði, by the addition of tlie fiual 10 rímur. Petur lögmaður also finished tlie ‘ Pontús- rimur ’ (Jafnau lield eg helzta ráb), which had been commenced by tlie well-kuown sýslumaður, Magnús Jónsson í Ögri (íZ. 1591). lle likewise compiled the an- nals of Iceland from 1697 to 1665, soou after which lat- ter dato lio must have died.—Tlie copy of tlie ‘Eintals- sálmar’ liere described lacks the four leaves of the final signature (K). 5. [Nockrar | Huggunar | Greiner, og Gledileg Dæmo ur hoilagri Ritningu I seni setiast meiga a moteymsii Di|ofulsins Freist- inguin, som Mavijeskiuna vilia astrijda. | Utlagt ur Donsku þejim einfolldu til gagns og Go|da, sem þa lieilogu Bibliu ecke haífa og giota þui sialldnar en skylljde þetta sier tií Hugg!unar lesid. | Hryckt ad nyu a Hoo- lum j i Hiallta Dal j. Anno lti70.] 24.° in 6s. ff. [90]; sigs. A—P. Contents:—Title- page; Biblical citation (Esa: 22. Cap.), f. lb; text (Cap. I-XVII), lf. la-77a, followed by an ornament; III. Go- dar og | Gudrækelegar Bæucr, | D. Iohannis Gerhardi, ff. 77b-90b, closing witli an oruament.—According to the title-page of tlie 1690 edition of this littlo volume of scriptural excerpts tlie translator was Bp. Þorlákur Skú- lason. Neitlier the title nor tlic name of the compiler of tlie Danish original is given. The wrork is not to be confouuded witli the ‘ Hugguuar Bæklingur ’ (Hólar 1600), which was translated froin a German compilation made by Tliomas Steiber (Bibl. Not. IV., no. 6).—Tlie three prayers at the end were doubtless translated froni tlie original Latin of Johann Gerhard—a Germau divine well known in Iceland. A selection of liis prayers ap- peared in Danish under tho title of ‘ Gudfryctiglieds daglig Offvelse ’ in 1656 , rendered from tho Latin by Peder Pedersen Kertemiudo (Bruun, I. 309).—At least tliree otlier editions of tlieso ‘Huggunar Greiner’ are to bo noted, namely, Ilólar 1635 and 1652 (cited by Finnúr Jóusson, III., 719, as “Theses qvædam & Excmpla Con- solatoria c Sacra Scriptura desumta*qvív tcntationibus diaboli possunt opponi”), and Skálholt 1690; like this they arc all in 24.°—The prosent copy has tlio first sig- nature, including tlie title-page, supplied in manu- script, but thc printed title-pago is believed to bo liero reprotlucod with tolerablo accuracy. Eacli page is en- closed iu a Jine border, wliicli measures 8 by 5 centime- ters. The little volumo is without running titles. 6. Davids | Psaltaro | Med Formaala D. | Martli. Lutli. og Pre stuttre | Suíiiu edur jnehalldo som hii giojrt hepr yper sierhuorn Psalm. | 2. Timotli. B. v. 16. j 011 Kitning af Gudo jngiefjin, er Nytsamleg, til Lær- doms, til j Vmvondunv, til Betrunv, til Leid [ riettingar, j jRiettlætenu. So ad I Guds Ma- dur sie algior, til alls go|ds Verks hæjiele- gur. | Prentadur ad nyu a j Hoolum j Hiallta- dal. j Anno 1675. 8.° ff. [178]; sigs. ).(, A—Y (tlio last in 2); title- pago in renaissance border; initials aud ornaments; paginal catchwords. Contcnts:—Title-pago ; Formaalo yper | Psaltaraun., ff. lb-7b; Summaria yper alljan Psaltaran. j D. Marth. Lutli., ff. 7b-8b; text (I Psalmur.), ff. 9a-178a (Euder Psaltarans,) witli a final ornament; reverse of final folio blank. This proso vprsion of the Psalms differs somewhat from that of the Bible of 1614. Ilálfdan Einarsson (p. 211) says of it: “ etiam rogatu Viri consultissimi Tliorlevi Maguæi, Hlidarendensis, e Typographeo llolensi Psalterium Davidis 1647 vernacula donatum einisit, qvod & postea ibidem prodiit 1675.” Oftho first edition (1647) a copy exists in tlie Itoyal Li- brary of Copenhagen (Bruun, I., 28), and auother in tlie collection of Dr. Jón Þorkelsson, the Younger, at Co- penhagen. It will bo seen tliat Ilálfdan Einarsson de- rives liis information about it from tlie titlc-pago, whieli reads as follows:— Dauids | Psaltare | Med | Formala D. Marth. | Luth. og þeirre stuttre Sufuu | edur jnehallde sem haii hepur gi|ort yper sier- huorn | Psalm. | Prentadur a Hoolum \ j

Bibliographical notices I-VI


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