(8) Blaðsíða 8 (8) Blaðsíða 8
8 BOOKS BRINTFJ) extend to p. 161, and are followed by 'Sin Idrunar Psjalmar Kong.s Davids j Flestallar Ordtcr af..|.. Sijra Jone Sail. Þorsteins Syne,’ ending p. 187; ‘Psalmar uplpaiMisseraskipta, | Ordter af..|.. S. Sigurdi Sail. Jons- syne ad Prestlioolum , ’ ending p. 207 ; ‘ Reysu Psalmar Pryr, ’ ending p. 214; and Stegmann’s ‘ iMorgvn Psal| inar og Kvplld Psamar [stc], ’ ending on the final page (238), followed by an ornamont.—In liis prcface to tlié collectod liymns of Sigurbur Jónsson (1772) Hálfdan Ki- narsson gives a detailed list of tlio versitícations of the scriptures, and of various other tlieological works by the psalmodists of Iceland , and tlien says :—“ Pessum sijdarst nefndu l’salma Flockum tillieyra med ollum Ilietti Psalmar hess gooda Gaifu-Manns Sr. Sigurdar Jonssonar, fyrrum Sooknar-Prests ad Presthoolum i -Nwpa Svoít, er hann orkt hefur, (a) wt af þeim aigiætu Skrifum, þess havttupplijsta og vijdfræga Guds Malis, Doct. Ioli. Gerhardi, sem almenelega kallast Ilugvekiur og Dagleg Idkun Gudrækuinnar, og wtlogd eru af Sail Biskupinum Ilr. Porlaiki Skwlasyni; (b) wt af Doct. fosuæ Stegmans, Superintendentis til Schaumburg, Viku-Bænum; Hvorier Psalma Flockar nu til samans cru þrycktir, og ])ier, Goodfwsi Lesari, fyrir Sioonir koma, aisamt Misseraskipta Psalmum og íleyru þess- haittar, er aidur liefur Þryckt verid og Sr. Sigurdi tileinlaist. Filgir einnig þeim 50. llugvekiu Psalmum , sai Fimtugasti og fyrsti, qvedinn af aidurnefndum Jooni Kinarssyni, wt af þeirri 51. Ilugvekiu, er ei fylgdi þeirri Kdition, hveria llr. Þorlaikur liafdi fyrir sier i sinni Utlegging, helldur var nockru epter tillogd af Auctore og fylgdi þeim sijdari Kditionibus, hvor Hug- vekia og sijdar meir var wtlogd af Ilr. Þordi Þor- laikssyni Biskupi i Skailliollti ; Hvar liiai þess er ad geta, ad fleyra Andlegu Kfni vidvijkiandi, liggur enn Oþryckt eftir þeiian Sail. Guds Maun, sem fylgt mundi hafa þessari Collection, ef Menn ei tyrirfraJn sæu, ad þessi Bæklingur hofdi þa ordid ofstoor , og þessvegna helldur dijr faitækum Almwga i nærverandi baigu Tijd.” 9. Viaticnm | Þad er | Veganeste G-uds Barna | Edur | Pess Iíiuverduga Altaressens | Sacramentes | Insetningar Ord, 11 Spurning- um wtlogd med | nockrum Jmr adhnijgan- de | Bfenum ? PackargiordQ, | Þeim til Nyt- seme sm paiproo-|der eru og vilia ganga til | Altaris: ; Samafiskripad i Dnnsku ap | An- ders Matthison 1-Iior-fing, Guds Ords Þiena- ra i | Kaupenhapn, | En nu rvr Donsku Islend- skad | JEsu Christi einpolldum | Bordgiestum til þienustu, ap | Byrne Thorleyfssyne, | Sup: IIool: | — | Priokt a Hoolum Ano 170G. 32.° ÍT. [60]; sigs. A —12; initials and ornaments; woodcut; title-page in bordér. Contcnts:—Titlo-folio, on revcrse vignette bead of Luther, above it: Doct. Mart. Lutli., audbclow biblical citation (Psalm. 3t. v. 12.); dedicatory letter (Eruverdugum og Gud-|braiddum lviu- nemouú dijr keipt-|ra Sapnada hier i Lande) siguod- Biörn Tborleypsson, anddated: Preuingar Haitijd, AIió 1706:, ff. 2a-3a; second prefaee (L. S.), signed: B. Tb. S., ft'. 3b-4b ; text (Iuva o Iosu.), ff. 5a-60b, ending witii au ornament in tho middle ot' tlio flnal page. In tlio second preface (f. 3ab) BIsliop Björn states that the Danisli original hád been through eleveu editions aud tliat liis attention was flrst callcd to it by Marteinn Ar- noddsson, llie director of tlie Hólar press. (Ilepur Bœklin-|gur liesse ellepusiuum aidur i Ddnsku | þricktur vcred, en nu Loksens mier | pirer Augu borest liia Bookþrickiara-|num álonsi Marteine Arnoddarsij-|ne). —The autbor of tliis little work on tlie Lord’s Supper, Anders Mattliisdu Hidring, a ciergyman of Copenliagen| 'Vas born at ilioring (wheocé tlie naine lio assumed) in Jutland, September 1609, and died at Copenliagon De- ceinber 23, 1779. He wroto several catecbetical and otber theological works, of wliich tho original of the present work, ‘Viaticum ellcr Alterens Saerameutis Ord, spdrsmaalvijs udiagt, med Bonner oc Davids Psal- mer, ’ is first cited in its tbird cdition , Copenhagen 1666 It was reprinted as late as 1739. Bisliop Björn bas omitted tho David’s psalms of tbe Danish work, but has rendered tlio prayors. Tliis appoars to be the sole edition of tbe version. 10. Eitt Gryllene | Eeikelsis j Altare, | Vppa Hvort | Drottens AnJleger Kiene-|men Daglega ai Kvald og | Morgna kuna ad Fornpæ-lra Jieirra | Morgun og Kvolld j Bæ- num, | Til eins sæts ? pægelegs Ilms | py- rer Drottne. | Vr Eingelsku Tungumai le por- danslcad api! Conrado Sassio. | En nu Islend- skad. | — | Prickt a Iloolum, Ano 1706. 12.° ff. [60]; sigs. A—12; title-pago in made-up border ; ornanients and initials. Contents:—Title-fo- lio, on reverse woodeut (Adoration of tlio Magi), witll citations froin Psalms 66 and 92 above and bolovv; text (Morguubæn a Suuu-|dogum.), ff. 2a-60a, ending with au ornament; reverse of tlio last folio blank,—Cort (or Conrad) Sass, son of a Danish clergyman (Niels Sass, tl. 1665), vvlio is said to have died vvhile still a student, translated into Danisii severai devotional manuals origi* nally written by Bnglish divines (one being by Bp. Lancelot Andrevvs). llis Danisli version of the book liere cited vvas publislied at Copenfiagen 1703 under tlie titlo of ‘Et gyldene lingelso Altar,’ tlio authorsliip of vvhich is ascribcd by llruuu (I., coi. 308) to that noted Anglican coutroversialist, Dr. Daniel Featley (1582-1644), of vviiose numcrous writings possibly that vvliicli lie styled ‘ Aucilla Piotatis ’ may be tlie original of tliis manual. But Nyerup and Kraft (p. 251), vvhile citing the ‘Gyl- deno Iiogelse Altar,’ do not attribute it to Featley, but mention tlie translation hy Sass of another vvork by him entitled ‘ Famulus Pietatis ’—vvhich may likevvise lie auother name for tlie ‘ Aucilla. ’ A comparison of the versíon with its original is to bo desired.—Finnur Jóns- son (III., p. 741) cites the ‘Reikelsis Altare’ as ‘Con- radi Sassii Altare suffitus spirituale. ’ 11. Aljiijnges- ! Bokon, I Hapande ine ad hallda Jiad sem giordest og framm-jpoor inall Vebanda a almenelegu 0xarair | Þijnge, An- no 1713. | Prickt a lloolum iHialltadal, af Marteine Arnoddssyne. J — 4.» ff. [30], sígs. A—H (ij). Contents:—Title; text (Nuin. 1—L) ff. la-2Sa; Alþijnges-Bokar Rogistur, ff. 28b-30a, ondiug vvitli a largo ornament, reverse blank, The title is follovved immediately by tlio invo- cation : —I Nafne Iíeilagrar X>reli-|lngar.—1’i’his is tho fourth of the printed serios of tlié records of tlio Altliing, tho previous oiies having appeared at Skálholt 1696 and 1697 and at Hólar 1704. The paper and print of tliis issue are exceedingly good,— Seo Bibi. Not., I. uo. 27, and in the present list no. 55 and the Addenda. 12. Aljiijngos- | Boken, | Hapande ine ad hallda Jvad sem giordest og framin-|poor inan Vebanda a almenelegu 0xarair j Þiinge , An- no 1714. | Priokt a Hoolum i Hiálltadal, af Marteine Arnoddssyne. | — 4.0 ft'. [22]; sigs. A—F, tlio last in 2. Contcnts: —Titlo, f. la; toxt (Num- I-XXXVI) , ff. la-2Ia ; Kcgis- tur, ff. 21b-22b. The title ís followed by tlie usual in- vocatlon.—A second copy, lacking the first Ieaf.—See no. 55. 13. Aljujnges-| Boken, Hapande iiie ad hallda J)ad sem giordest og framm-lpoor inan Vebanda a almenelegu 0xar-|avr þijuge, An- no 1715. | Prikt a Iloolum í Hialltadal, ap Marteine Arnoddssyne. | — 4 ° ff. [12]; sigs , A—C. Contents :—Title, f. la; text (Num. I—XX), ff. la-9b; Registur, f. lOab; royal coraunications, ff. lla-12b.—'l'lie copy has two autograplis of Sigurður Sigurðsson, landþingsskrifari, or secretary to tlie Altliing, a position vvhieh he lield from 1700 to 1726. —Seo no. 55. 14. Aljiijnges-1 Boken, | Iíapande iiie ad hallda Jiad sem giordest og framm-jpoor inaii Vehanda a almefielegu 0xarair | Þijnge, An- no 1716. | Prickt a Iloolum i I-Iialltadal, af Marteine Arnoddssyne. | — 4.° ff. [32], tho final one blank; sigs. A—H [iij]. Contcnts:—Title ; tcxt (Num. I—XLII), ff. la-29b; Ke- gistur Alþijngis-Bokar, ff. 30a-31b, closing vvith a large

Bibliographical notices I-VI


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