(32) Blaðsíða 32 (32) Blaðsíða 32
32 BOOKS PRINTED 98. Vegleidsla fyrir Almúga, ad skilja Capítuls - Taxtann. Beitistpdum, ÍSIS. Prentud, á Stiptsamtsins kostnad, afFak- tóri og Bókþryckjara G. Schagfjord. 4.° ff. [2]. Contenls :—Title, f. la; text, ff. la-2b. —This guide to the lists of normal prices fixed by the government on Icelandic products, is dated Reykjavík þann 5ta Martz 1818 and signed in the absence of gover- nor-generalCastenschiold by Bjarni Thórarensen, and by Bp. Geir Vidalín. Such lists of prices of domestic products had been compiled annually for Denmark and Norway from 1043, but were first introduced in Iceland by royal lctter of May 23d, 1806. The Icelandic authorities seem, however, to have taken no steps to carry out the order, the peace of the kingdom and the country being disturbed soon after, when the seven years war broke out, so a new ordinance was necessary to give eflect to the order ; this was executed July 16th, 1817. The lists have been com- piled every year since 1818, at first one for each of the four counties (ömt) and afterwards one for each district (sýsla) ; they are now printed every year in the “Stjdrn- artíÖíndi” and also issucd separately. The Icelandic word “VerÖlagsskrá” has replyced the foreign “Capítuls- taxti”. In the period, covered by these Bibliographical Notices, only the lists for the Southern County (Suöuramt) seem to have been printed annually, while the lists forthe other counties (ömt) were issued on printed blanks (pro- bably from Copenhagen), the prices being written in ; the collection is in possession of several of this kind. 99. Capítuls-Taxti, Fyrir Borgarfjard- ar, Gullbringu, Kjosar, Arness, Ramgair- valla, Vestmannaeva og Vestur Skaptafells Syslur, i Islands Sudur Amti, gyldandi fra midju Maji mánadar 1818 til spinu Tídar 1819.—Beitistpöum, 1818. Prentadur, á Stiptamtsins kostnad, af Faktóri og Bók- þryckjara, G. J. Schagfjord. 4,° ff. [2], Contents:—Title, f. la; list of prices, ff. la-2b. This is the first “Capitulstaxti” for South- ern Iceland, and the first one printed separately. ÍOO. Capítuls - Taxti, Fyrir Borgar- fjardar, Gullbringu, Kjósar, Arness, Ratng- mrvalla, Vestmannaeya, Vestur-og Austur- Skaptafells Syslur, i Islands Sudur Amti, gyldandi frá midju Maji mánadar 1819, til s0tnu Tídar 1820.— Beitistpdum, 1819. Prentadur, á Stiptamtsins kostnad, af Faktóri og Bókþryckjara G, J. Schagfjord. 4.° ff. [2]. Contcnts;— Title, f. la; list of prices, ff. la-2b. 101. Æfi - og Utfarar - Minning fyrr- veranda Stiptamtmanns yfir Islandi, Herra Olafs Stephetisens. A Prent útgéfin af Bprnum Hans.— Videyar Klaustri, 1820. Prentud af Factóri og Bókþryckjara G. J. Schagfjord. 8.° f. [1], pp. 4-63 ; 'sigs. A—D; paginal catchwords. Contents;— Title-folio, reverse blank : preface (Til Lesarans) by Magnús Stephensen, pp. 3 - 6 ; funeral ser- mon with biographical sketch by Brynjólfur SigurÖsson, pp. 7-47 ; Epitaphium (Grafskrift) in Latin and Icelandic by Árni Helgason, pp. 48 - 49; four eulogistic poems by Jón Espólín, Jón Þorláksson, JónWestmann, and Guö- mundur Jónsson M0ller, pp. 50 - 63.— ólafur Stephensen was born May 3d, 1731 and died Nov. llth, 1812. He was the first native of Iceland who became govcrnor-general of the island, to which position he was appointed in 1790 and held it until 1806 ; with this exception the governor- generals were Danes, who had a very scant knowledge of the country and were often absent for a number of years duringtheir term of office. Ólafur Stephensen, or Stefáns- son as he was usually called (his father was Stefán Ólafs- son, pastor of Höskuldsstaöir) was the founder of the nu- merous and powerful Stephensen family in Iceland. From his pen we have, besides several articles in periodicals, two books: “Stutt Undirvísun í Reiknings-listinni og Al- gebra”, Kaupmannahöfn 1785, and “Kort Underretning om den Islandske Handels F0relse fra Aar 874 til 1788”. K0benhavn 1798. * 102. Sídustu Vers af Sálminum: Sorglcg.istur Arsdaga 27di Decembr. 1820. [Viðeyjarklaustri 1820]. Broadsxde in border,-—These four stanzas are appa- rently written by Magnús Stephensen — who played so large a part in the history of Iceland during the first third of the 19th century—on the occasion of his fifty-eigluh birth-day. They are not reprinted in his “Ljóömseli’* and read as follows: Vappi nockur Videyar um gard Yfir mínu lágt sá tauti leidi: “Laugu seinna, enn vildi, l>essi deydi”; “Hnatta - skiptum hann sárfeginn vard”. “Lífs af þrautum lúinn værd hér fann, “Tíd og þeignu trútt sá verja pundi “Tilraun veika gj0rdi; bitrar stundir “Omaks launin urdu fyrir hann”. “Vægt só hans um verk og hjarta dæmt ! “Lán er hvers, sem lengra komist gétur, “Land vort stodad, frædt og elskad betur, “Lof á skylid lengur þjódar-ræmt !” “Vegfarandi ! ef villt hans minning smá, “Lát þig dæmin dádum frægri géraj “Dáins ordstýr þér fridhelgann vera; “Legg Kjœrminni leidid heldur á ! ” M. Stephensen. Dr. 103. Stutt Avísan fvrir adraenn l.ækna um Endurlífgun Daudfœddra Barna. — I fyrstu samin og útgefin af því konúnglega medicinsk - chirúrgiska Heilbrigdis - Rádi í Kauþmannah0fn. — Utl0gd á Islendsku og útgefin af O. J. Hjaltalín, Distrikts - Clii- rurgo og settum Landphysiko. — Videyar Klaustri, 1820. Prentud á almennan kostn- ad af Faktóri og Bókþryckjpra G. Schag- fjord. 8.° f. [1], pp. 4 15. Contents: —. Title - folio ; text, pp. 3 - 15. * 1 04. Fimtíu Passíu •< Sálmar, qved- nir af Hallgrími Péturssyni, Sóknarpresti til Saurbæar á Hvalfjardarstr0nd, frá 1651 til 1G74. —Editio XX. — Videyar- Klaustri, 1820, Prentadir á Forlag Islands konúnglegu Vísinda Stiptunar af Faktóri og Bókþryckjara Schagqord. 12.° f. [1], pp. 4-168. Contents:—T-f., rev. bl.j text, pp. 2-165; Sálmur um Jesu Pínu, utlagdur af Þorvaldi B0dvarssyni, Prófasti í Vestur Isafjardar Sýslu og Presti til Holts í Pnundarfirdi, pp. 166-168, termi- nating with a printer’s ornament. Nominally the twen- tieth, but actually the twenty-fourth edition of the Pass- iusálmar (see Bibl. Not. IV., p. 6). The hymn at the end is a popular one and is found added to all the editions of the Passíusálmar from the 22nd (Leirárg. 1796) to the
(1) Blaðsíða 1
(2) Blaðsíða 2
(3) Blaðsíða 3
(4) Blaðsíða 4
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(6) Blaðsíða 6
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(8) Blaðsíða 8
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(11) Blaðsíða 11
(12) Blaðsíða 12
(13) Blaðsíða 13
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(15) Blaðsíða 15
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(17) Blaðsíða 17
(18) Blaðsíða 18
(19) Blaðsíða 19
(20) Blaðsíða 20
(21) Blaðsíða 21
(22) Blaðsíða 22
(23) Blaðsíða 23
(24) Blaðsíða 24
(25) Blaðsíða 25
(26) Blaðsíða 26
(27) Blaðsíða 27
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(32) Blaðsíða 32
(33) Blaðsíða 33
(34) Blaðsíða 34
(35) Blaðsíða 35
(36) Blaðsíða 36
(37) Blaðsíða 37
(38) Blaðsíða 38
(39) Blaðsíða 39
(40) Blaðsíða 40
(41) Blaðsíða 41
(42) Blaðsíða 42
(43) Blaðsíða 43
(44) Blaðsíða 44
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(46) Blaðsíða 46
(47) Blaðsíða 47
(48) Blaðsíða 48
(49) Saurblað
(50) Saurblað
(51) Saurblað
(52) Saurblað
(53) Band
(54) Band
(55) Kjölur
(56) Framsnið
(57) Kvarði
(58) Litaspjald

Bibliographical notices I-VI


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