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INDEX OF NAMES AND TITLES IN BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES I., IV., V., AND VI. The Roman ciphers rcfer to parts, the Arabic to title-numbcrs. All works dcscribed in these lists are entered under the first word of the title not an article or a preposition, and also under the names of their authors aud trauslators ; date of publication is givcn in parenthesis with the tille-entries. The Icelandic characters æ and ö are treated as a and o, while ]5 is put at the end of the alphabet. A [ABC and Catechismus I.utheri], (1745) IV. 139. Aagaetu og andrijku Psalma Flockar (Þeir), (1772) IV. p. 25a. Aagiætu Psalma Flockar (I»eir), (1780) I. 77; IV. 125, p. 25b. Aalborg, Niels Mikkelsen, I. 2; VI. 7. Abgarus, IV. 23. Acta Yfirréttarins, (1797) V. 69; (1798) V. 70; (1800) V. 77. Addison, Joseph, I. 106, 107, 131. Adfinning vid Eineygda Fj0lnir, (1839), IV. 133. Adrichomius, Christian, IV. 23. Æfenntyre (Eitt), (1781) V.60. Æfi-Agrip Fedganna, (1823) IV. 110. Æfi-og Útfarar - Minning Jons Sighvatssonar, (1842) V. 115. Æfi-og Útfarar-Minning Olafs Steph- ensens, (1820) VI. 101. Æfintýrid af Selikó, (1844) V. 121. Æfintyrid Jóh0nnu Raunir, (1829) IV. 116. Æfisaga Hannesar Finnssonar, (1797) IV. 93. Æfisaga Margrétar Finnsdóttur, (1797) V. 68. Æfisaga Pauls Jónssonar, (1820) V. 95. Agnars Konungs Ævi, (1777) V. 54. Agrip af Hallbjarnareyrar Hospitals Reikningum, (1844) V. 120. Agrip af Historium Heilagrar Ritn- ingar, (1776) I. 70. Agrip af merkis atburdum, (1844) I. 138. Agrip þess er gi0rdist fyrir L0gþingis- Réttinum, (1795) IV. 89 ; (1796) IV. 90. Aikin, John, I. J00. Alþingisbók, (1696) VI. 32; (1697) VI. 33; (1704) VI. »4; (1713) V. 11; (1714) V. 12; (1715) V. 13; (1716) V. 14; (1718) V. 15; (1719) I. 27; (1720) I 28; (1721) VI. 39; (1722) VI. 41; (1723) V. 122; (1724) VI. 44: (1725) VI. 45; (1726) V. 17; (1727) VI. 47; (1728) VI. 51; (1731) V. 123; (1732) V. 124; (1734) V. 19, VI. 55; (1735) VI. 56; (1736) V. 125; (1737 V 20, VI. 58 (1743) V. 126; (1744) V. 127; (1745) V. 128 (1740) I. 42; (1747) I. 49, VI. 64; (1748) I. 53; (1749) V. 123; (1750) V, 37: (1751) V. 38, VI. 67 (1752) I. 58; (1753) V. 42; (1754) V. 130; (1755) V. 131 (1756) V. 132 (1758) V. 47; (1765) I. 60; (1760) V. 133 (1767) V. 48 (1768) V. 134 (1769) 1. 135; (1771) I. 61; (1774) V. 136; (1775) V. 137 (1776) V. 53 (1777) V. 55; (1778) I. 72; (1780) I. 75; (1781) I. 79; (1782) I. 82; (1783) I. 84; (1784) I. 88; (1785) V. 138 (1780) I. 92; (1787) V. 133 (1788) I. 93; (1783-1794)V. 40-'45; (1795) IV. 89; (1796) IV. 90; (1797) IV. 94; (1798) IV. 95; (1799) IV. 98; (1800) V. 102; list of MS. copies from 1667, VI. 32 Andlega Bæna-Reykelse (Þad), (1746) VI. 63; (1772) VI. 72. Andlega Bæna Reykelsi (Þad), (1776) IV. 72; (1797) V. 67. Andlega Harpa (Su), (1694) I. 27. Andlega Sigurverk (Þad), (1694) IV. 26. Andlega Tvij-Partada Bæna Reykel- se (Þad), (1731) IV. 47. Andlege Ferda-Madur (Sa), (1694) IV. 26. Andlege Fialla-Madur (Sa), (1694) IV. 26. Andlegar Hugvekiur, (1797) I. 95; (1798) IV. p. 25b; (1802; IV. 103; (1823) IV. 109; (1838) I. 123. Andleger Psalmar Og Kvæde, (1765) VI. 69; (1770) V. 49, VI. 70; (1797) I. 94. Andlegir Psalmar Og Kvæde, (1759) IV. 60, VI. 68; (1834) V. 107. Andlegir Sálmar, (1839) I. 124. Andrésson, Gísli, V. 56; VI. 80. Andrews, Lancelot, biihop, V. 10. Andrieux, F. G. J. S., I. 98. Anonymus, see Stephensen, M. Anselmus, St., I. 18. Antidotvm, (1597) IV. 2; (1600) IV. 6, Appendix, (1690) VI. 27; (1706) VI. 35. Aradóttir, Sigríður Anna, VI. 66. Arason, Jón, bishop^ VI. 66. Arason, Jón, rectorof VatnsffoTfur^ IV. p. 24b. Passio Christi, I. 15. Arctander, Niels Lauridsen. Ydranar Speigell, I. 4. Syndakedian, IV. 9. Aristoteles, I. 85. Árnadóttir, Helga, I. 35. Arnamagnæan Collection, VI. 10, 78, 79. Arnapostilla, I. 111. Xrnason, Gestur. Einföld Líkpredikun, VI. 46. Xrnason, Jakob, VI. 66. Árnason, J ón, á Ingjaldshóli, V. 54. Arnason, Jón, bishop, I. 29; IV. 12, 36; V. 8,26, 56; VI. 20, 66, 80. Calendarium, IV. 36; VI. 36. Arnason, Jón, librarian, IV. 26, 27; VI. 139. Árnason, Jón, oeconomus, I, 77, 83; IV. 81; VI. 54. Árnason, Jón, sýslumdbur, V. 55. Árnason, Siguröur, V. 75. Arndt, Johann, I. 68, 69; IV. 17, 79. Arnfinnsson, Arnfinnur, VI. 66. Arngrímsson, Bjarni. I. 29; V. 66,71, 92; VI. 88, 89. Barnagull, IV. 129. Garðyrkjukver, I. 105. Sálarfæði (Campe), IV. 101. Spurningar, V. 65. Arngrímsson, Jón. Vorir tímar, V. 71; VI. 89. Arngrímsson, Þorkell. I. 10. De imitatione Christi, IV. 17. Amoddsson, Marteinn, printer, I. 25, 27-33, 35-37; IV. 32, 33, 35-45, 48-50; V. 9, 11-17, 19- 21, 122- 126; VI. 34,36, 38-41, 44-51, 53-58, 61, 62. Arnórsson, Hannes, I. 107. Arum eptir Guþs Burþ M. DCC. LII., (1752) V. 40. Áskorun til íslendinga, (1841) 1.130. Ásmundsdóttir, I’uríður.V. 26, 76,94. Ásmundsson, Halldór, prinlery I. 8. Ásmundsson, Valdimar, VI. 69, 79.

Bibliographical notices I-VI


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