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13 Med Polli«jden 70° 40' 11."2 beregnede Hr. Astrand Lamgden saaledes: With the latitude 70° 40' 11. "2, Mr. Astrand com- puted the longitude as follows: — Af Observationerne Juli 9 Eft. (From the observations July 9th p. m.) 0 1* 34“ 44/5 © 1 34 43.4 Juli 10 Morg. ( — „ — July 10th a. m.) © 1 34 40. 7 O 1 34 40. 1 34“ 43/95 34 40.60 Eor at bringe Eftermiddagsobservationerne af begge Solrender i Overensstemmelse, tramger den benyttede Sol- radius en Tilvsext af 2."7. Eor Morgenobservationernes Yedkommende traenges en Tilvasxt af l."4. De to Observationsrsekker give, som man ser, merkelig forskjellige Yserdier af Lamgden. Sammenstillingen af de af begge udledede Uhrcorrectioner giver for Xormalchrono- metret Reid en Acceleration af flere Secunder i Mellem- tiden, 14 Timer, medens dette Chronometer stadig, ifplge Tidssignalerne, liar en Retardation af henimod et Secund i Dognet. De ovenfor anforte Uhrsammenligninger vise ogsaa, at Lommechronometret den hele Tid retarderer i Forhold til Reid, men langsommere i Lobet af Xatten, medens det modsatte maatte vaere Tilfseldet, om Reid i Lobet af Xatten havde accelereret. Jeg tor derfor ikke kegge Skylden for Uoverensstemmelsen mellem de beregnede Resultater af Eftermiddags- og Morgen-Observationerne paa Cbronometret. Da Hojderne ikke ere langt fra at vaire corresponderende, antager jeg Tilstedevairelsen af en con- stant Eejl i alle maalte Hojder, og bar efter de mindste Kvadraters Methodo sogt den sandsynligste Vaerdi af denne samtidig med den sandsynligste Vaerdi af Lamgden. Til denne Beregning kunde jeg benytte de Bercgninger, som Hr. Astrand, efter min Opfordring, havde gjort, uden at antage nogen constant Fejl. Som forelobig Yaerdi for Lamgden satte jeg /u = 1A 34“ 41/6 og indforte de oven- for naevnte Correctioner for den apparente Solradius. To satisfy the p. m. observations of both solar limbs, will require an increase in the semidiameter of the sun of 2."7. For the a. m. observations, is needed an increase of l."4. The two series of observations give remarkably dif- ferent values for the longitude. A comparison of the chro- nometer-errors deduced from both indicates for the chief chronometer — the Reid — an acceleration of several' seconds during the interval (14 hours), whereas that chro- nometer, according to the time-signals, invariably exhi- bited a retardation of one second in twenty-four hours. Moreover, the comparisons of the respective timekeepers show the pocket-chronometer, as compared with the Reid, to have been steadily gaining, — more slowly however in the course of the night; whereas the reverse must have been the case had the Reid gained in the night. Hence,, I cannot ascribe this want of agreement between the com- puted results of the p. m. and a. m. observations to the chronometer. The altitudes being very nearly equal, I have assumed the presence of a constant error in all the observed altitudes, and by the method of the least squares sought to find its most probable value, together with the most probable value of the longitude. For this computation, I could apply the greater part of the calculations kindly made at my request by Mr. Astrand, who had not assumed any constant error. As a preliminary value tor the longitude, I put l„— 1A 34“ 41/6, introducing also the above-mentioned corrections for the sun's apparent semidiameter.
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The Norwegian North-Atlantic expedition 1876-1878 =


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