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19 Bn sandsynlig constant Fejl. af 10" i alle Hojder bevirker en Fejl af 11. "6 i den beregnede Bredde og af 0.’90 i den beregnede Lsengde. Resultatet bliver saaledes <P = 78° 14' 48. "4 ± 11."6 l - 15° 33' 58."5 ± 16. 7 = 1;‘ 2™ 15/9 ± 1/11 I Kgl. Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar, 13de Bind No. 9. Andes en Afbandling af Dr. Aug. Wij- kander: “Astronomiska Observationer under den Svenska Arktiska Expeditionen 1872—-73. I. Tids- och Orts-Be- stamningar.” I Fortegnelsen over Bredder og Lrengder Andes lier, Side 54. ogsaa Punlcter ved Advent Baj, nem- lig “Rysstugen” og “Mynningen af elfven”, begge bestemte efter Observationer af Prof. Nordenskiold. Yed Hjelp af det af Capt. Wille tegnede Kart over Advent Baj kau jeg med Letlied reducere mine Bestem- melser for Odden til de to nsevnte Punkter. Jeg Ander “Odden” Br. 78° 14' 48. "4 L. 1* 15/92 Red. til “Russestuen” - - 1. 9 -2.31 Russestuen 78 14 46. 5 1 2 13.61 do. efter Svenskerne 78 15 2. 1 2 31.5 Forskjel — 15/ "5 — 17* 9. Red. t. “Mund. af Elven” 29. "5 2/85 Mund. af Elven 78° 14' 18. 9 1" 2 m 13.07 do. efter Sv. Exp. 78 14 11. 1 2 31.0 Forskjel + 7/ "9 — 17/ 9 A probable constant error of 10" in all the altitudes, will entail an error of 11. "6 in the computed latitudes and of 0/90 in the computed longitude. The result is thus — • cp - 78” 14' 48."4 ± 11."6 l = 15° 33' 58."5 + 16."7 = F‘ 2m 15/9 ± 1/11 In Kgl. Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar, Vol. 13. No. 9, Dr. Aug. Wijkander has furnished a paper entitled “Astronomiska Observationer under den Svenska Arktiska Expeditionen 1872—1873. I. Tids- och Orts-Be- stamningar.” The List of Latitudes and Longitudes, p. 54. includes those of two points at Advent Bay, viz. “Rysstugen” and “Mynningen of elfven,” both determined from the observations of Professor'Nordenskiold. ' By referring to Capt. Wille's map of Advent Bay, I could easily reduce my determinations for the tongue of land to those of the Swedish observer for the two points. The results were as follows: — Tongue of land Lat. 78° 14' 48/4 Long. V‘ 2m 15/92 Red. to “Russian Hut” — — 1.9 — — 2.31 Russian Hut 78 14 46.5 1 2. 13.61 Do, Swed. Observ. 78 15 2 1 2 31.5 Difference — 15. "5 17/ 9 Red. to “Mouth of River” 29."5 2/85 Mouth of River 78° 14' 18. "9 F‘ 2’" 13/07 Do. Swed. Observ. 78 14 11 1 2 31.0 Difference 4_ 7. "9 — 17/ 9 Medens Bredderne stemme, i Middel, indenfor den af den sandsynlige Fejl betegnede Graendse, ere de Svenske Expeditioners Lsengder c. 18’ mere ostlige end mine. Da Ltengden af Punkterne ved Advent Bay af Svenskerne er henfort til Laengden af Sabine's Observatorium paa Indre Norskoen, og der— som af Dr. Wijkander i literate Af- handling Side 48—49 fremhsevet, — er Aere Grunde til- stede, der gjore det sandsynligt, at Sabine’s Lamgde er for stor ostlig, 16 til 30 Tidssecunder. saa tor jeg anse den af mig fundne 'Lamgde for Advent Baj for at vsere liter den rigtige. og de 18 Tidssecunders Forskjel fra de Svenske Expeditioners som Correction til Sabines Lsengde af Obseryatoriet paa Indre Norskoen. Whilst the mean of the latitudes agrees within the limits of the probable error, the longitudes determined on the Swedish Expeditions are about 18' farther east than mine. The longitude of the points at Advent Bay being referred by the Swedish observers to the longitude of Sa- bine's Observatory on “Inner Norway Island,” and several reasons — as adduced by Dr. Wijkander in the above- mentioned paper, pp. 48, 49, — rendering it highly pro- bable that Sabine’s longitude is too far east, — from 16 to 30 seconds in time, -— I may regard my longitude for Advent Bay as very nearly correct, and the 18 seconds in time by which it differs from that determined on the Swedish Expeditions, as a correction for Sabine’s longitude of the Observatory on Inner Norway Island. 9. Jan Mayen. Den 30te Juli 1877. om Eftermiddagen, da “Vorin- gen" befandt sig i Mary Muss Bugten paa Vestsiden af Jan Mayen, brod i korte Stunder Solen igjennem Taagen. og der observeredes to Solhojder. netop som vi lettede fra Ankerpladsen. 9. Jan Mayen. In the afternoon of the 30th of July, 1877, — the “Voringen” lying at anchor in Mary Muss Bay on the west coast of Jan Mayen. — the sun broke at intervals through the mist, and two solar altitudes were taken, jiist as we were getting under weigh. 3*
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The Norwegian North-Atlantic expedition 1876-1878 =


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