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14 4. Namsos. 9> = 64° 28' 12" l — 11° 31' 33" E. Greenwich. Ved Bunden af Bugten nordeufor Byeu, c. 7 Meter fra Stranden, strax sondenfor Stien, der forer videre til en Grind. Declination. 1876. August 19 fandt Prof. Mohn ved corresponderende Hojder af Solen1 Kronometret Frodshams Korrektion til Stedets Middeltid lig + O'* 31m 47.'85. Kronometret vandt daglig 5.'12. Den 18de August om Eftermiddagen gjorde vi begge i Forening Observationer til Bestemmelse af Azimut og Deklination. Ch. ©|. 5'' 47 “ 54' 5im 53' I 5'' 49’" 53-*5 Magnet I 98" 26' „ !© 50 18 54 17 52 i7-5 — 11 99 0 5 5i 5-5 — I 98 26 u. + 3i 5i- 7 98° 43' M. T. 6 22 57.2 Magnet 278° 43/0 — 1800 E. O 3 29. 2 N. P. 292 25.9 t 6 19 28.0 Deck 13° 42-'9 a N 8o° 2/9 W. * O 2 12 23-0 , N. P. 292 25. 9 Horizontal Intensity. 1876. Aug. 18. Observation of Deflection: — 11.30 a. m. to 12.50 p. m. t. = 67.°3; ■ u0 •— 31° 29' 42"; u0' = 13“ 35' 40". C. Wille. Observation of Vibration: — 1.51 p. m. to 2.3 p.m. t0 = 70.°7; T0 = 4/7183; s = 5.'12; a = 76'; a' = 24'; u ~ ,4.'l. C. Wille. Result: — P = 0.02671; m =0.75760; X — 2.9639. Inclination. 1876. Aug. 19: — 10.30 a. m. to 11.30 a. m. Needle No. 1. C. Wille. 0 = 74° 2.'3. Same Day: — 5.0 p. jn. to 6.0 p. m. Needle No. 2. H. Mohn. H = 74° 2.'3. 1 H. Mohn. Astronomical Observations, p. 7. Horizontal-Intensitet. 1879. Aug. 18. Afbojnings-Observation. Kl. 11.30 Min. Form, til 12.50 Min. Eft. tB - 67.°3; ua - 31° 29' 42"'; = 13° 35' 40''. C. Wille. Svingnings-Observation. Kl. 1.51 Min. til 2.3 Min. Eft. t0 - 70.°7; T0 = 4/7183; s = 5/12; a = 76'; «' = 24'; u = 4,'i. C. Wille. Resultat: P = 0.02671; m — 0.75760; X = 2.9639. Inklination. i876. August 19. Kl. 10.30 Min. til 11.30 Form. Naal No. 1. C. Wille. H = 74° 2.'3. Samme Dag. Kl. 5.0 Min. til 6.1) Min. Eft. Naal No. 2. H. Mohn. t) = 74° 2/3. 1 H. Mohn. Astr. Obs. Side 7. 4. Namsos. cr = 54° 28' 12" l = 11” 31' 33" E. Greenwich. At the head of the bay, north of the town, about 7 metres from the shore, and directly south of the pathway leading to a gate. Declinatioii. 1876. Aug. 19 Professor Mohn found-, from equal solar altitudes,1 the error of the Frodsham chronometer on mean local time = IF 31™ 47/85; chro- nometer gaining daily 5/12. On the 18th of August, in the afternoon, Professor Mohn and myself took observations to determine the azi- muth and declination.
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The Norwegian North-Atlantic expedition 1876-1878 =


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