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Fig. 0. Hoyberg. Det var det sidste, ■ vi saa af Jan Mayen. Taagen indhyllede atter alt. Vi fit Intet at se af Sydkysten eller Sydostkysten, idet vi styrede videre sydvestover. Billedet, Fig. 7, der viser Jan Mayen i Vinterdragt, seet fra Ford vest, skyldes en Tegning af Lieutenant i den norske Marine S. Ring, der som Fprer af Sadfangeren “Capella” har liavt Anledning til at se Jan Mayen klar fra denne Kant.' Man ser paa Skraaningen ned modNord- ostkap Krater Sars, man pjner de store Isbrseer paa Nord- siden, Cap Nordvest og Muyens Korsnes vende mod Til- skueren, den lave Del af 0en paa Midten og Sydlandets Hojder tnede klart frem.. Beerenbergs Krater viser sig med indsunket Rand paa Nordsiden, og derunder en vid Dal eller Kjedel, hvorfra de store Nordbrseer tage sit Udspring. eruptive origin. The precipitous declivities facing the sea extend to Cape South-West. Here there is a “gate,” or natural excavation, in the mountain-wall, through which the sea passes. Off the promontory rise the Seven Rocks, with their rugged, fantastic contours. This was the last we saw of Jan Mayen. The fog had again begun to thicken, and soon shrouded everything from view. Nothing could be seen of either the south or the south-east coast as we steamed ahead on a south- westerly course. For the prospect (Fig. 7) of Jan Mayen in its winter garb, as seen from the nortli-westj we are indebted to a drawing from. the pencil of Lieutenant S. Ring, R. N., who, when commanding the sealer “Capella,” sketched this part of the island on a clear day. We have Sars’s crater, on the-slope shelving towards Cape North-East; we see, too, the great glaciers on the north side, also Cape North- West and Muyen’s Cross Cape, in a line with the point of view; and the low tract of the island, with the heights of the southern part, are boldly defined in tbe picture. The crater of Beerenberg, with its sunken edge on the north side, is also seen, and lower down a huge, cauldron-shaped depression, from which the great northern glaciers take their origin.
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The Norwegian North-Atlantic expedition 1876-1878 =


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