(138) Blaðsíða 124 (138) Blaðsíða 124
124 IMPRUDENCE. bullet killed one of their com- panions, they only observed, scar- cely taking the pipes from their mouths, ,Our hour is not yet come: it is not the will of Mahomet that we should fall.’ „I own that this rash security appeared to me, at first, surpris- ing; but it soon ceased to strike me with wonder: and it even tended to confirm my favourite opinion, that some were born to good and some to evil fortune. I became almost as careless as my companions, from following the same course of reasoning. It is not, thought I, in the power of human prudence to avert the stroke of destiny. I shall perhaps die to-morrow; let me therefore enjoy to-day. „I now made it my study, every day, to procure as much amuse- ment as possible. My poverty, as you will imagine, restricted me from indulgence and excess; but I soon found means to spend what did not actually belong to me. There were certain Jews, who were followers of the camp, and who, calculating on the pro- bability of victory for our troops, advanced money to the soldiers; for which they engaged to pay these usurers exorbitant interest. The Jew to whom I applied trad- ed with me also upon the belief that my brother Saladin, with whose character and circumstan- ces he was aquainted, would pay my debts, if I should fall. With the money I raised from the Jew I continually bought coffee and opium, of which I grew immode- rately fond. In the delirium it created, I forgot all my misfor- tunes, all fear of the future. „One day, when I had raised my spirits by an unusual quantity of opium, I was strolling through the camp, sometimes singing, some- times dancing, like a madman, and repeating that I was not now Murad the Unlucky. Whilst these words were on my lips, a friendly spectator, who was in possession of his sober senses, caught me by the arm, and attempted to drag me from the place where I was exposing myself. ,Do you not see’, said he, ,those soldiers, who are firing at a mark? I saw one of them, just now, deliberately taking aim at your turban; and, observe, he is now reloading his piece’. My ill luck prevailed even at the instant, the only instant in my life when I defied its power. I struggled with my adviser, re- peating, ,1 am not the wretch you take me for; I am not Murad the Unlucky.’ He fled from the danger himself: I remained, and in a few* seconds efterwards a ball reached me, and I fell senseless on the sand. „Tlie ball was cut out of my body by an awkward surgeon, who gave me ten times more pain than was necessary. He was particularly hurried, at this time, because the army had just re- ceived orders to march in a few hours, and all was confusion in the camp. My wound was exces- sively painful, and the fear of being left behind with those who were deemed incurable added to my torments. Perhaps, if I had kept myself quiet, I might have escaped some of the evils I after- wards endured; but as I have re- peatedly told you, gentlemen, it was my ill fortune never to be able to judge, what was best to be done, till the time for pru- dence was past. „During that day, when my
(1) Band
(2) Band
(3) Saurblað
(4) Saurblað
(5) Saurblað
(6) Saurblað
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(13) Mynd
(14) Mynd
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(231) Saurblað
(232) Saurblað
(233) Band
(234) Band
(235) Kjölur
(236) Framsnið
(237) Kvarði
(238) Litaspjald

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