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130 DIPRUDENCE. reap the profits of his speculation. Indeed, if I had paid attention to it at the proper time, a slight circumstance might have revealed the truth to me. Whilst 1 was bargaining with the Jew, before he opened the chest, he swallowed a large dram of brandy, and stuf- fed his nostrils with sponge dip- ped in vinegar: this he told me he did to prevent his perceiving the smell of musk, which always threw him into convulsions. „The horror I felt, when I dis- covered that I had spread the in- fection of the plague, and that I had probably caught it myself, overpowered my senses; a cold dew spread over all my limbs, and I fell upon the lid of the fa- tal chest in a swoon. It is said that fear disposes people to take the infection: however this may be, I sickened that evening, and soon was in a raging fever. It was worse for me whenever the delirium left me, and I could re- flect upon the miseries my ill for- tune had occasioned. In my first lucid interval, I looked round and saw that I had been removed from the khan to a wretched hut. An old woman, who was smoking her pipe in the farthest corner of my room, informed me that I had been sent out of the town of Grand Cairo by order of the Cadi, to whom the merchants had made their complaint. The fatal chest was burnt, and the house in which I had lodged razed to the ground. ,And, if it had not been for me’ continued the old woman, ,you would have been dead, probably, at this instant; but I have made a vow to our great prophet, that I would never neglect an oppor- tunity of doing a good action: therefore, when you were deser- ted by all the world, I took care of you. Here too is your purse, which I saved from the rabble; and, what is more difficult, from the officers of justice: I will ac- count to you for every para that I have expended: and will more- over tell you the reason of my making such an extraordinary vow.’ „As I perceived that this bene- volent old woman took great plea- sure in talking, I made an incli- nation of my head to thank her for her promised history, and she proceeded; but I must confess I did not listen with all the atten- tion her narrative doubtless deser- ved. Even curiosity, the stron- gest passion of us Turks, was dead within me. I have no recol- lection of the old woman’s story, it is as much as I can do to finish my own. The weather became excessively hot: it was affirmed, by some of the physicians, that this heat would prove fatal to their pa- tients *); but, contrary to the prog- nostics of the physicians, it stop- ped the progress of the plague. I recovered, and found my purse much lightened by my illness. I divided the remainder of my mo- ney with my humane nurse, and sent her out into the city, to in- quire how matters were going on. „She brought me word that the fury of plague had much abated; but that she had met several fu- nerals, and that she heard many of the merchants cursing the folly of Murad the Unlucky, who, as they said, had brought all this calamity upon the inhabitants of Cairo. Even fools, they say, learn *) Antis’9 Observations on the Manners and Customs of the Egyptians.
(1) Band
(2) Band
(3) Saurblað
(4) Saurblað
(5) Saurblað
(6) Saurblað
(7) Blaðsíða [1]
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(9) Blaðsíða [3]
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(13) Mynd
(14) Mynd
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(231) Saurblað
(232) Saurblað
(233) Band
(234) Band
(235) Kjölur
(236) Framsnið
(237) Kvarði
(238) Litaspjald

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