(25) Blaðsíða 753 (25) Blaðsíða 753
Kerguelen’s voyage to the north. 753 have their houfes portioned out in the manner above mentioned, but without pannelling, glades, or gaudy furniture. The rooms, the bed-chambers, or even the parlours ap- propriated to the reception of ftrangers, are rarely floored : a table, fome chefts or ward- robes, and a ftove, thefe complete the furniture of the moll eafy ; the poor and the filhermen have only a wretched cabin, half under ground, the lower part of which is occu- pied by cattle, and the upper part feparated only by a few draggling planks, ferves for the residence of the mailers, their children, and fervants : for the reft, all the houfes are covered with turf. Neverthelefs in towns, fuch as Hoolum and Skallholt, the houfes of the bilhops and mayors are built of brick, ftone, and wood, and are covered with planks ; but they are very expenfive, fince almoft all the materials are brought from Copenhagen. A heap of houfes fcattered at diftance is called a town with them. The Icelanders are not fo vicious as Mr. Anderfon relates, nor fo virtuous by much as M. Iiorrebow afferts them : they are good-natured, mild, humane; but lazy, mif. truftful, and drunkards. The fa&ors of the Danilh company, who have warehoufes on different parts of the coafts, give them brandy in exchange for dry filh, wool, and other merchandize of the country ; and this trade furnilhes the inhabitants with the means of inebriation. They did not appear to me to be courageous : I have however been informed that there are Icelanders among the troops of the King of Denmark : they are good failors for coafting. The Dutch, who attend the filhery, frequently en- tice them to ferve on board their- veffels. They are judicious, fond of the arts and fciences, play much at chefs, and are greatly attached to the game. Many of them whom I met with fpeak Latin: numbers of them go to ftudy at Copenhagen, and with fuccefs. There are as well colleges at Skallholt and Hoolum, to which the Icelanders fend their children, who moft of them make progrefs in liberal knowledge. In the year 1000 they were plunged in the darknefs of idolatry. They paid divine worfhip to Jupiter, under the name of Thor, and to Mercury, under the title of Odin : thefe were their only divinities. The Catholic religion was fome time after eftablilhed, but in fucceeding times banilhed by Chriftian III. of Denmark : at prefent they are Lu- therans of the church of Augfbourg. This do&rine was not eftablilhed among them without bloodlhed. A Catholic bilhop, of the ftrifteft virtue, at the head of a powerful party, refilled the progrefs of error; he maintained himfelf for a long time, but became the vidlim of his zeal, it colling him his life. The Icelanders trade with a company of Copenhagen, which has an exclufive privi- lege, the price of a certain confideration paid to the king. This company, which I have before mentioned, eftablilhes fadtors or directors in every part, who have warehoufes full of goods, which in courfe of the year they fell to the inhabitants. This continual and daily fale-. does not hinder a great confumption every year at the arrival of every veffel in either of their ports. The articles of exportation confift of dry filh, fait mutton, fait beef, butter, filh oil, tallow, wool in the greafe, wadmel, fine and coarfe jackets, woollen ftockings and gloves, Iheep and foxes’ lkins, fulphur, feathers, and edder-down. The articles of importation confift of all forts of iron ware, dry bread, beer, brandy, fluffs, flour, filhing-tackle, planks, carpentery, tobacco, and horfe-lhoes. The Icelanders barter the productions of their country againft whatever they need. Money is fcarcely known among them. All fales, all contrails, in one word, all bufinefs is negociated for filh, and with fuch every thing is paid for according to valuation : an ell of pig-tail to- bacco is the price of a filh. Thus filh and tobacco may be confidered as the money of the illand. The government of Iceland remains to be mentioned. This illand is divided in four parts, or provinces, the northern, the eaftern, the fouthern, and the weftern, governed vol. x. 5 © bf
(1) Band
(2) Band
(3) Saurblað
(4) Saurblað
(5) Blaðsíða 735
(6) Blaðsíða 736
(7) Blaðsíða 737
(8) Blaðsíða 738
(9) Blaðsíða 739
(10) Blaðsíða 740
(11) Blaðsíða 741
(12) Blaðsíða 742
(13) Blaðsíða 743
(14) Blaðsíða 744
(15) Blaðsíða 745
(16) Blaðsíða 746
(17) Blaðsíða 747
(18) Blaðsíða 748
(19) Blaðsíða 749
(20) Blaðsíða 750
(21) Mynd
(22) Mynd
(23) Blaðsíða 751
(24) Blaðsíða 752
(25) Blaðsíða 753
(26) Blaðsíða 754
(27) Blaðsíða 755
(28) Blaðsíða 756
(29) Blaðsíða 757
(30) Blaðsíða 758
(31) Blaðsíða 759
(32) Blaðsíða 760
(33) Blaðsíða 761
(34) Blaðsíða 762
(35) Blaðsíða 763
(36) Blaðsíða 764
(37) Blaðsíða 765
(38) Blaðsíða 766
(39) Blaðsíða 767
(40) Blaðsíða 768
(41) Blaðsíða 769
(42) Blaðsíða 770
(43) Blaðsíða 771
(44) Blaðsíða 772
(45) Blaðsíða 773
(46) Blaðsíða 774
(47) Blaðsíða 775
(48) Blaðsíða 776
(49) Blaðsíða 777
(50) Blaðsíða 778
(51) Blaðsíða 779
(52) Blaðsíða 780
(53) Blaðsíða 781
(54) Blaðsíða 782
(55) Blaðsíða 783
(56) Blaðsíða 784
(57) Blaðsíða 785
(58) Blaðsíða 786
(59) Blaðsíða 787
(60) Blaðsíða 788
(61) Blaðsíða 789
(62) Blaðsíða 790
(63) Blaðsíða 791
(64) Blaðsíða 792
(65) Blaðsíða 793
(66) Blaðsíða 794
(67) Blaðsíða 795
(68) Blaðsíða 796
(69) Blaðsíða 797
(70) Blaðsíða 798
(71) Blaðsíða 799
(72) Blaðsíða 800
(73) Blaðsíða 801
(74) Blaðsíða 802
(75) Blaðsíða 803
(76) Blaðsíða 804
(77) Saurblað
(78) Saurblað
(79) Band
(80) Band
(81) Kjölur
(82) Framsnið
(83) Kvarði
(84) Litaspjald

Relation of a voyage in the North Sea, along the coasts of Iceland, Greenland, Ferro, Shetland the Orcades, and Norway, made in the years 1767 and 1768


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Tengja á þessa bók: Relation of a voyage in the North Sea, along the coasts of Iceland, Greenland, Ferro, Shetland the Orcades, and Norway, made in the years 1767 and 1768

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