(54) Blaðsíða 782 (54) Blaðsíða 782
Kerguelen’s voyage to the north.. 782 tention to it; Fair-ifle is placed on the chart of M. Beilin, engraved in 1757, in lat. 59® 30'. According to my obfervations it is 3' more foutherly. This ifland is pretty high, it may be iecn ten leagues off in fine weather ; it is fafe, particularly towards the fouth and eaft. On the north and weft fide there are fome rocks, but they are near the Ihore. On my fecond voyage I coafted this iiland, a Ihort league from fhore, on its fouth fide, and remarked a beautiful verdant plain and feveral houfes, the latter of which were dif- tinguifhcd by their whitenefs. It appeared to me that it is in this fpot, at the foot of the hill, that the anchorage is as marked in the Dutch charts ; for the coaft goes {helv- ing in in this place, fo that a veffel muft neceffarily be fheltered from.all winds from theN. W. round to theN. E. Fair-ifle may be about fix leagues round. The houfes which I faw on this ifland announce its being inhabited; and fea-faring men have affured me that finding themfelves in fine weather within a league of fhore, the inhabitants had come off in boats to the privateer, on board which they were to fell them eggs and fowls, and offering them fheep very cheap. We know befides that Fair-ifle is fertile in barley, and in good paftures. According to my obfervations, the variation at Fair-ifle was 19° and its long, weft of Paris 30 29k North of Fair-ifle are fituatedthe Shetland ifles, which are but feven or eight leagues diftant. Thefe are very lofty ; they are varioufly laid down in the Dutch, French, and Englifh charts, fo much fo as to agree in no fhape one with the other. Many days are required to be paffed upon the coafts in examining them, in taking their bearings, and in making obfervations of latitude and longitude, in order to appreciate the defeats of .their different plans, and make corrections of the iflands. I was not able to effect thefe -purpofes, having a diftinct million to attend to ; but from fuch remarks as I was enabled to make, and the converfations I have had with different navigators, whofe accounts I have compared with the notes of M. Beilin, and thofe of Routier the Dutchman, I have ;been able to give fome infight to the navigation of the coafts, and the entry of the dif- ferent ports. As to the difference in refpeft of the pofition and figure of the iflands, according to the French Neptune and the Dutch chart, I Ihall remark that the French chart is more exadt in the latitude; but that I give the preference to the Dutch for the reprefentation of the figure, and bearings of the land, of as many as I had the opportu- nity of feeing. Neverthelefs Fulo is very ill placed in the Neptune of 1 757, with refpedt to its latitude. This ifland is there laid down in 6o° \g'; and from three fucceflive obfervations, made in fight of and very near the land, I found it lay in lat. 60° 3k Fulo ifland is ten miles well of the Shetland iflands; it is very high, we defcrying it at fixteen leagues diftance. It is the molt remarkable and beft land-mark of all the Shet- land iflands : when feen at eight or ten leagues diftant, it has the refemblance of a flip- per; it is very healthy, and a veffel may boldly pals between it and the other Shetland iflands, for in the channel there is more than two leagues to luff up in. On this ifland I obferved the variation of the needle was i8J 30k Eighteen leagues weft of Fulo I have met with eighty fathoms water, with bottom of large fand, of a grey colour, with black fpots : as you approach the land, the fand is more mixed with gravel and ftone ; and at four leagues from the ifland there are feventy fathoms water, bottom gravel and black ftones. Eaft of this ifland are the Shetland iflands, on the number of which au- thors do not agree ; but there are only three large ones, the principal of which is called the Mainland. The climate of thefe iflands is fimilar to that of the Orcades ; the land produces equally well both barley and oats ; the paftures are very good. Fifliing, herds of cattle, flocks, of fheep, and cows, make up the wealth of the inhabitants. Thefe iflanders are of Norwegian origin. Their language is a Gothic diale£t, partaking of the Danifh, and particularly of the Englifh language. They make turf-fires, as there is no 13 wood
(1) Band
(2) Band
(3) Saurblað
(4) Saurblað
(5) Blaðsíða 735
(6) Blaðsíða 736
(7) Blaðsíða 737
(8) Blaðsíða 738
(9) Blaðsíða 739
(10) Blaðsíða 740
(11) Blaðsíða 741
(12) Blaðsíða 742
(13) Blaðsíða 743
(14) Blaðsíða 744
(15) Blaðsíða 745
(16) Blaðsíða 746
(17) Blaðsíða 747
(18) Blaðsíða 748
(19) Blaðsíða 749
(20) Blaðsíða 750
(21) Mynd
(22) Mynd
(23) Blaðsíða 751
(24) Blaðsíða 752
(25) Blaðsíða 753
(26) Blaðsíða 754
(27) Blaðsíða 755
(28) Blaðsíða 756
(29) Blaðsíða 757
(30) Blaðsíða 758
(31) Blaðsíða 759
(32) Blaðsíða 760
(33) Blaðsíða 761
(34) Blaðsíða 762
(35) Blaðsíða 763
(36) Blaðsíða 764
(37) Blaðsíða 765
(38) Blaðsíða 766
(39) Blaðsíða 767
(40) Blaðsíða 768
(41) Blaðsíða 769
(42) Blaðsíða 770
(43) Blaðsíða 771
(44) Blaðsíða 772
(45) Blaðsíða 773
(46) Blaðsíða 774
(47) Blaðsíða 775
(48) Blaðsíða 776
(49) Blaðsíða 777
(50) Blaðsíða 778
(51) Blaðsíða 779
(52) Blaðsíða 780
(53) Blaðsíða 781
(54) Blaðsíða 782
(55) Blaðsíða 783
(56) Blaðsíða 784
(57) Blaðsíða 785
(58) Blaðsíða 786
(59) Blaðsíða 787
(60) Blaðsíða 788
(61) Blaðsíða 789
(62) Blaðsíða 790
(63) Blaðsíða 791
(64) Blaðsíða 792
(65) Blaðsíða 793
(66) Blaðsíða 794
(67) Blaðsíða 795
(68) Blaðsíða 796
(69) Blaðsíða 797
(70) Blaðsíða 798
(71) Blaðsíða 799
(72) Blaðsíða 800
(73) Blaðsíða 801
(74) Blaðsíða 802
(75) Blaðsíða 803
(76) Blaðsíða 804
(77) Saurblað
(78) Saurblað
(79) Band
(80) Band
(81) Kjölur
(82) Framsnið
(83) Kvarði
(84) Litaspjald

Relation of a voyage in the North Sea, along the coasts of Iceland, Greenland, Ferro, Shetland the Orcades, and Norway, made in the years 1767 and 1768


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Tengja á þessa bók: Relation of a voyage in the North Sea, along the coasts of Iceland, Greenland, Ferro, Shetland the Orcades, and Norway, made in the years 1767 and 1768

Tengja á þessa síðu: (54) Blaðsíða 782

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