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t XI 1 precepts of Chriftianity were fpread among bar- barians, and the do&rine of equal rights, to which nature and a future life entitle all human beings, without the leaft exception, made the Have trade gradually to ceafe. On the other hand, the im- portation of Haves, and all traffic of this nature, was feverely prohibited * * * § ; Beiides, a doftrine was eftabliftted by the clergy, that eternal falva- tion would be the fureft reward for the emancipa- tion of Haves f ; nay, the Chriftian priefts and confeflors frequently obliged their penitents, who had no Haves in their own pofieflion, to buy fome and manumit them in the prefence of the people aflembled in the church J. The priefts themfelves fet good examples, they purchafed Haves, particularly youths of a good and pro- mifing appearance, received them into orders, and thus made them entirely free §. Before * There is no council held, fays Hildebrand in his Hif- toria Conciliorum, where the abolition of Have trade lias nof been a ferious objedt. t Otto bifhop of Bamberg’s legation into Denmark ift theyeariz28. In adta fandtor. Julii, t. i. p. 443* l 1. c. Confr. The Norwegian law called Gulethings Law, the chapt. on emancipation—1“ The Have {hall be “ brought into the church, and the Holy Bible laid on his “ head, which being done, he {hall be free.” § Vita Sandti Anfcharii by Rembert, cap. vii.in Langebech’s Script. Rer. Danicar, t. iv. p. “ Coeperunt curiofe pueros “ querere, quos emerent, ut ad Dei fervitium cducarent. Et. “ cap.

An essay on the slave trade

An Essay on the Slave Trade.

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