(119) Blaðsíða 115 (119) Blaðsíða 115
Paul, J. Harland. The Last Cruise of the Carne- gie. With a Foreword by John A. Fleming. Baltimore: The Williams & Wilkins Co., 1932. xvii, 331 bls., 1 mbl. 8°. Hamburg to Reykjavík to Bridgetown to Panama, bls. 103-143. Paulsen, Adam. L’Aurore polaire d’aprés les travaux de la mission danoise en Islande. Paris: Gauthier-Villars, 1900. 15 bls. 8°. Congress intern. de phys. 1900. Paulsen, Ove. Plankton Investigations in the Waters Round Iceland and in the North Atlantic in 1904. Kpbenhavn 1909. 57 bls. 4°. Medd. fra Kommissionen for Havunder- spgelser. Serie Plankton. Bd. I. Nr. 8. — Studies on the Biology of Calanus finmar- chicus in the Waters Round Iceland. K0- benhavn 1906. 21 bls., 3 mbl. 4°. Medd. fra Kommissionen for Havunder- spgelser. Serie Plankton. Bd. 1. Nr. 4. Pauly, F[riedrich]. Topographie von Danne- mark, einschliesslich Island und der Faröer. Altona, Augustenburg, Kopenhagen 1828. xi, [1], 758, [2] bls. 8°. Peacock, Martin A. A Contribution to the Pe- trography of Iceland. Glasgow 1925. Bls. 271—333, 2 mbl., 1 uppdr., 8°. Repr. from “The Transactions of the Geo- logical Society of Glasgow”. Vol. XVII, Part II. — The Geology of Iceland. Glasgow 1925. Bls. 185-203. 8°. Repr. from “The Transactions of the Geo- logical Society of Glasgow”. Vol. XVII, Part II. — The Geology of Viðey, S.W. Iceland: A Re- cord of Igneous Action in Glacial Times. Edinburgh 1926. Bls. 441-465, 1 mbl. 4°. Transactions of the Royal Soc. of Edin- burgh, Vol. LIV. — The Volcano-Glacial Palagonite Formation of Iceland. London 1926. Bls. 385—399. 8°. Geol. Mag. 63. — —» Tyrrell, G. W. and M. A. Peacock. The Petrology of Iceland. Pearson, H. J. and C. E. Pearson. On Birds Ob- served in Iceland in 1894, with a List of the Species Hitherto Recorded Therefrom. [London] 1895. Bls. 237-249. 8°. Ibis 1895. Peck, Helen E. Iceland and Greenland. Illus- trated with Photographs and Maps. Lon- don, New York, Toronto: Abelard-Schu- man, 1966. 125 bls., 2 uppdr. 8°. Pedersen Beyer, Absolon. Norges Beskrivelse. Kipbenhavn 1791. Bls. 37-102. 4°. [P. F. Suhm]. Samlinger til den Danske Historie. Andet Binds Fprste Hæfte. Um ísland, bls. 66-68. — En sann Beskrivelse om Norige. Christiania 1860. Bls. 67-150 8°. Norske Magasin I. Um Island, bls. 99-100. — Om Norgis Rige. Christiania: Kjeldskrift- fonden, 1895. Bls. 1-116. 8°. Gustav Storm. Historisk-topografiske Skrifter om Norge og norske Landsdele, forfattede i Norge i det 16de Aarhun- drede. Um ísland, bls. 46-49. Pedersen, Folmer. Populære motorrejser med og uden camping. Hefte 11. Islandsrejser. Fly — Bil — Skib. Kpbenhavn: E. A. S. For- Iag, 1971. 94 bls., uppdr. 8°. Peek, Cuthbert E. Across Iceland by the Sprengisandr Route. [London 1882]. Bls. 130-140. 8°. Proceed. of the Royal Geogr. Soc. Peeps at Iceland. The Land and its People, and how the Gospel reached them. Kilmarnock: John Ritchie, s. a. Peerse, Gories. Van Ysslandt, Wat vor Egenschop, wunder vnd ardt des Volckes, der Deertte Vögel vnd Vische, darsiilest ge- funden werden. Geschreuen dörch einen gebaren Ysslander vnd dörch de yennen, so Jaerlikes yn Ysslandt handeln yn den Driick vorferdiget. Að bókarlokum: Gories Peerse Anno Domine LXI Gedriicket im Jare 1594. Ekki er vitað, hvenær bókin var fyrst prentuð, en Arngrímur Jónsson getur um tvær eða þrjár útgáfur, sem hljóta að vera eldri en þessi, því að frásögn hans er prentuð 1592. Engin þessara útgáfna né heldur síðari útgáfur eru nú kunnar. Ymis rök verða færð að því, að höfundurinn hafi verið búsettur í Hamborg og verið út- gerðarmaður, skipstjóri og kaupmaður, sem sigldi til íslands. íslensk þýðing: Um ísland. (Glöggt er gestsaugað. Urval ferða- sagna um fsland. Rv. 1946.) — Gedicht van Island. [Herausgeg. v. W. Seel- mann]. Norden und Leipzig 1884. Bls. 110- 125. 8°. 115
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(170) Saurblað
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(173) Kjölur
(174) Framsnið
(175) Kvarði
(176) Litaspjald

Ísland í skrifum erlendra manna um þjóðlíf og náttúru landsins


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