(80) Blaðsíða 70 (80) Blaðsíða 70
70 OEAFSEN AND FOVEESEN5 pose and melt the earths and stones, carrying them off with the matter in fusion. Of the acidulous mineral waters of the Hitardal, they have little to observe, except that they are the best in all Iceland, being as strong as the most spirituous beer, so that a person drinking above a certain quantity of them will become intoxicated. VARIOUS INTERESTING PARTICULARS. THE FOE G ES OF THE MYRAR. We have already observed, that there is a great quantity of iron in this district, particularly in the Myrar; but there are few accounts of the ancient forges of Iceland, except in some of the almost forgotten histories. In one of these, the Egils-Sagn, cap. xxi. is an account of the celebrated S/wlagrim, from which a fabulous legend ought to be erased: it is said that this man plunged into the sea, and succeeded in procuring a stone of an enormous size, which is shewn as a curiosity to all strangers who come to Roedenaes, the place at which Shalagrim resided. There are many traces to be perceived of a forge, and many authentic proofs may be obtained of the knowledge possessed by the ancient inhabitants of Iceland, as to the preparation of iron. ANCIENT INSCRIPTIONS. The scarcity of old inscriptions in Iceland is very astonishing, because the people are known to have been very exact in noting down remarkable occurrences. It may, therefore, be supposed, that inscriptions were not in use amongst them, though the Swedes generally adopted this practice, and in that country many inscriptions are to be found of a very ancient date. That which remains at Borg, in the Myrar, is the oldest that can be observed in Iceland, it is engraved on a stone that lias been conveyed hither front Baula, and is a piece of rock of the nature of basaltes. The characters are so much worn out, that it was with extreme difficulty they could be recognized, which difficulty was increased by the circumstance of the stone being broken into three pieces. The principal inesription is remarkable for its simplicity. It is in large Roman characters: Her lige Hurl Kartan—“ Here lies Charles Kartan.” After this are placed three straight lines, hut so much worn out, that they could not be decyphered; and as for the rest, they appear only to have been the initial letters of words. It is, however, conjectured, that these are the words intended—Firi svik af saaii deydi—“He died of the wounds given him by an assassin.’’ This Kartan was descended by the father’s side from blood royal, since his father
(1) Band
(2) Band
(3) Saurblað
(4) Saurblað
(5) Mynd
(6) Mynd
(7) Blaðsíða 1
(8) Blaðsíða 2
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(25) Mynd
(26) Mynd
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(29) Mynd
(30) Mynd
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(149) Mynd
(150) Mynd
(151) Blaðsíða 139
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(153) Mynd
(154) Mynd
(155) Blaðsíða 141
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(173) Blaðsíða 159
(174) Blaðsíða 160
(175) Blaðsíða 161
(176) Blaðsíða 162
(177) Saurblað
(178) Saurblað
(179) Saurblað
(180) Saurblað
(181) Saurblað
(182) Saurblað
(183) Band
(184) Band
(185) Kjölur
(186) Framsnið
(187) Toppsnið
(188) Undirsnið
(189) Kvarði
(190) Litaspjald

Travels in Iceland


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