(82) Blaðsíða 72 (82) Blaðsíða 72
OX.APSEN ANT) POVKLSENS with so unfortunate an end; but it did not stand long, as it was' destroyed a few years after its erection, by an ignorant man in power, who came to reside in the Hitardal. OF TIIE FARM AND TEMPLE OF IDOLS IN THE KEYK- HO LZPAL. At Hofstadt, in the valley of Reykholz, a little distance from the place at which stands the church, was formerly built the most ancient Pagan temple. This place was also the residence of Il/uge, snrnamed the Red, w ho was one of the first conquerors of the country. On leaving this spot, he made over to Uohu-Starre, of Abranas, the care and direction of the •temple, and bargained with him not only for the exchange of all the property lie pos- sessed, but also for Ins wife named Igri; the latter, however, not being satisfied with the change, hung herself in the temple the moment her husband had taken leave of her. JOURNEY TO THE WESTERJCEKEL. GLACIER OF SCIINEEFICELD. Tins western glacier, which the inhabitants call Sclmeefioeldjoekel, or, as it was formerly denominated, Sniofell, which means a rock of snow, passes lor the highest mountain in Iceland. It may be considered as insulated from all the rest which stand around it, and it rises much above them. On our approach towards it, we passed by several caverns, which, like those already mentioned, had evidently been formed either by subterraneous fires, or a natural sinking of the soil. Beneath them we found a number of plants,‘that bad grown to an extraordinary height between the rocks, being nourished try the beat of the ground, though the rays of the jam never reached them; from which it is clear, that this vegeta- tion is produced entirely by the heat concentrated in the bowels of the. earth. Several plants were also growing amongst the lava, as well as between the uppermost rocks; and amongst others were some shrubs of birch, heath, &.c. on which the sheep de- pastured both in winter and summer. Among these caves is one called the “ Cavern of Blood,” and not only strangers, but likew ise the inhabitants of the island, never pass near it without paying it a visit. It is situated aniongst some rocks of sand-stone, a iittie beyond the Strappefell, which is a higlt peak below the neck of the glacier. The entrance to this cavern is so narrow, that the visitor is obliged to creep into it on bis belly. Within it is about fifteen feet high, by ten wide; but not so wide at top as at bottom. Tov „ ds the top it separates into two concave arches, which appear to have been formed by the action of the air and wind, to which, from its con-
(1) Band
(2) Band
(3) Saurblað
(4) Saurblað
(5) Mynd
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(25) Mynd
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(149) Mynd
(150) Mynd
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(153) Mynd
(154) Mynd
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(177) Saurblað
(178) Saurblað
(179) Saurblað
(180) Saurblað
(181) Saurblað
(182) Saurblað
(183) Band
(184) Band
(185) Kjölur
(186) Framsnið
(187) Toppsnið
(188) Undirsnið
(189) Kvarði
(190) Litaspjald

Travels in Iceland


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