(57) Blaðsíða 53 (57) Blaðsíða 53
PROCEEDINGS OP THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION. 53 foundland, and the Southern and Western States of America. The line across Newfoundland traverses marshy and uninhabited regions, wholly unknown to the world until a few years ago when it was explored for the telegraph. Greenland.—The section of the route the least known is Greenland; and although that part of the country proposed to be traversed is not so cold as the climate of St. Petersburgh, a city of some 700,000 inhabitants, yet there prevail the most erroneous impressions in regard to the temperature of that interesting and wonderful country. Whether it is a continent, or numerous islands extending to the North Pole, is a problem yet to be solved. In the southern portion we find green valleys, covered with gras and vegetation, surrounded with mountains towering into th< heavens; and these in the morning are covered with white glittering snow, which with the mid-day sun disappears, leaving exposed their blackened minarets and spires. The scenery is grand and picturesque. The coasts of Greenland are barren hills and mountains. Along the shore are many islands. The fiords penetrate to the interior ten, twenty, or thirty miles. Some of these bring out ice, others do not. Into one of the fiords which are free of ice will be carried the telegraph cable, as indicated in the map. The water is very deep, and no iceberg can reach the bottom, or go far up their meanderings to their heads. They do not freeze except in narrow places where there is still water. A cable can be easily laid from the sea into one of these fiords, and when brought to land it can be well secured against native ice, as is the case at many places in America, and on the belts and sound of the Baltic Sea. The exact locality where the line is to cross Greenland has not been determined, but it will be in the southern portion, not sixty miles north of Cape Farewell. The particular kind of surface to be traversed—whether green valleys, or mountain ranges—is not fully known, but in either case no insuperable difficulties can be foreseen. What it is in the interior, or whether there is ice there or not, no one knows. I found alluvial soil on the ice several miles distant from the sea, and it may have been blown there from the interior. Some twelve thousand deer are killed in the IIol- stenberg district every year. They disappear in winter. Whither do they go ? The ice travelled over by me, was solid fresh-water ice. The snow falls in small quantities. I saw on the plateau some considerable collections of water. There were many deep crevices. The thick- ness of the ice no one has been able to determine. I cannot say it rests upon the earth, and it may form a bridge, and perhaps where
(1) Band
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(83) Saurblað
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(87) Kjölur
(88) Framsnið
(89) Kvarði
(90) Litaspjald

The North Atlantic telegraph via the Færöe Isles, Iceland, and Greenland


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Tengja á þessa bók: The North Atlantic telegraph via the Færöe Isles, Iceland, and Greenland

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