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mit besonderer Riicksicht auf vulkanische Erscheinungen. Abgedruckt aus den Göt- tinger Studien 1847. Göttingen: Vandenho- eck und Ruprecht, 1847. 142, [2] bls. 8°. — Úber die vulkanischen Gesteine in Sicilien und Island und ihre submarine Umbildung. Göttingen: Dieterichschen Buchhandlung, 1853. xvi, 532 bls., 1 mbl. 8°. Wandel, Carl Frederik. Bemærkninger til Be- seilingen af Islands Kyster. Kjpbenhavn: C. C. Lose, 1879. 30 bls. 8°. - Den danske Ingolf-Expedition. Rejseberet- ning. Kjpbenhavn 1898. 4°. fsland, bls. 1-20. - Iagttagelser over Overfladevandets Tempe- ratur, Saltholdighed og Plankton paa is- landske og grpnlandske Skibsrouter i 1897— 1899. Kjpbenhavn 1898-1900. 8°. — Information Relating to Currents, Ice and Magnetism, with General Remarks on the Navigation of the Coast of Iceland. London 1896. [1], 23, [1] bls. 8°. - Den paabegyndte islandske Spopmaaling. Kjpbenbavn 1891. Bls. 59—61. 4°. Geogr. Tidsskrift 11. Ward, John. —» Garland, G. D. and John Ward. Magnetic Variation Measurements. Ward, Peter L. o.fl. Microearthquake Survey and the Mid-Atlandc Ridge in Iceland. Lon- don 1969. Bls. 665-684. 8°. Journ. of Geophys. Research 74. — o.íl. New Interpretation of the Geology of Iceland. New York 1971. Bls. 2991-3012. 8°. Geol. Soc. of America Bulletin 82. Warming, Eugfene]. Tabellarisk Oversigt over Grpnlands, Islands og Færpernes Flora 1887. Kjpbenhavn 1888. 58 bls. 8°. Særtr. af „Vidensk. Meddel. fra den na- turh. Foren." 1887. Wasmund, Erich. Ein Vulkanausbruch auf Is- land. Jena 1925. 2 bls. Sonderabdr. aus Mitt. der Islandfr. 11. Der Wasserfall bei Fossvöllum in Island. Leip- zig 1839. Bls. 109. 4°. Pfennig-Magazin 7. De Waterval von Fossvöllum, op IJsland. Am- sterdam 1840. Bls. 80. 4°. Nederlandsch Magazijn 1840. Watkins, Ernest. No Depression in Iceland. II- lustrations by Kate Hall. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1942. 83, [1] bls. 8°. Watkins, Norman D. and S. E. Haggerty. Ox- idation and Magnetic Polarity in Single Ice- landic Lavas and Dikes. [London] 1968. Bls. 305-315. Geophys. Journ. R. Astron. Soc. 15. — and S. E. Haggerty. Some Magnetic Proper- ties and the Possible Petrogenetic Signifi- cance of Oxidised Zones in an Icelandic Oli- vine Basalt. London 1965. Bls. 797—800. 4°. Nature 206. — o.n. Major and Trace Element Variations during the Initial Cooling of an Icelandic Lava. New York 1970. Bls. 24—29. American Journ. of Sci. 268. Watson, Adam. Iceland Knot Record Corrected to Purple Sandpiper. [London] 1952. Bls. 373. 8°. Ibis 94. Watson, Mark. A Research on the Iceland Dog (Also known as the Icelandic Sheepdog). S. 1. 1956. 64 bls., 8 mbl., 1 tfl. 8°. Watts, William Lord. Across the Vatna Jökull; or, Scenes in Iceland. Being a Description of Hitherto Unknown Regions. London: Longmans and Co., 1876. [10], 202 bls., 2 mbl., 2 uppdr. 8°. Islensk þýðing: Norður yflr Vatnajökul. Jón Eyþórsson snéri á Islensku. Rv. 1962. — Ascent of Myrdals Jökull. London: Long- mans, Green and Co., 1876. Bls. 179-191. 8°. The Alpine Journ. 7. — Journey Across the Vatna Jökull, in the Summer of 1875. [London] s.a. 10 bls., 1 uppdr. 8°. Journ. of Royal Geogr. Soc. 46. — De Nupstadt á Grimstadir á travers le Vatna jökull, Islande. D’aprés le livre de W. L. Watts, Across the Vatna jökull. Par Alfred Théze. Rochefort-sur-Mer 1886. Bls. 30-46. 8°. Bull. de la Soc. de géogr. de Rochefort 7. — Snioland; or, Iceland, Its Jokulls and Fjalls. London: Longmans and Co., 1875. 183 bls., 12 mbl., 1. uppdr. 8°. Wayre, P. and G. F. Jolly. Notes on the Breed- ing of the Icelandic Gyrfalcon. London 1958. Bls. 285-290. 8°. British Birds 51. 155
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Ísland í skrifum erlendra manna um þjóðlíf og náttúru landsins


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