(93) Blaðsíða 89 (93) Blaðsíða 89
[—] Voyage to the North. Containing an Ac- count of the Sea Coasts and Mines of Nor- way, the Danish, Swedish, and Muscovite Laplands; Borandia, Siberia, Samojedia, Zembla, and Iceland; With some very curi- ous Remarks on the Norwegians, Laplan- ders, Russians, Poles, Circassians, Cossacks, and other Nations. Extracted from the Journal of a Gentleman employed by the North-Sea Company at Copenhagen; and from the Memoirs of a French Gentleman, who after serving many Years in the Armies of Russia, was at last banished into Siberia. London MDCCXLVIII. Bls. 457-492., 10 mbl., 1 uppdr. 2°. John Harris. Navigantium atque Itineran- tiurn Bibliotheca Vol. II. Ferðasögusafn þetta birtist fyrst í London 1705 (Br. Mus. 98, 429), en þar er frásögn La Martiniéres ekki tekin með. Ný útg., talin prentuð með sama sátri, var gerð í London 1764. [-] Travels through the most Northern Parts of Europe. Particularly Norway, Danish, Swed- ish, and Muscovite Lapland, Borandia, Sa- mojedia, Zembla and Iceland. Extracted from the Journal of a Gentleman employed by the North Sea Company of Copenhagen to make Discoveries. London: ]. Newbery, MDCCLXI. Bls. 103-186, 1 mbl. 12°. The World Displayed; or a Curious Col- lection of Voyages and Travels. Vol. XX. Af ritsafni þessu komu út fjölmargar útg. Schiötz telur upp eftirfarandi: London 1759, 1761, 1767, 1774. Dublin 1779, 1814- 15. Philadelphia 1795. Paris 1760 með heit- inu Les voyageurs modernes (It. Norv. 255). Hvort frásögn La Martiniéres er birt í þeim öllum er mér ókunnugt. [-] A Voyage to the North of Europe, contain- ing an Account of the Sea Coasts and Mines of Norway and the Laplands, Siberia, Bo- randia, Iceland, Zembla, and other Coun- tries, interspersed with curious Remarks: to which are added some authentic Memoirs, relating to the ancient Manners and Cus- toms of the Russians. Extracted from the Observations of a Gentleman, employed by the North-Sea Company at Copenhagen, to make Discoveries. London 1766. Bls. 131— 243, 1 uppdr. 12°. [T. Smollett]. A Compendium of Authen- tic and Entertaining Voyages. Vol. V. Safn Smolletts kom upprunalega út 1756, en mér er ókunnugt, hvort frásögn La Marti- niéres er þar. [-] Travels through the Most Northern Parts of Europe. Particularly Norway; Danish; Swed- ish, and Moscovite Lapland; Borandia; Sa- mojedia; Zembla; and Iceland. Extracted from the Journal of a Gentleman employed by the North Sea Company of Copenhagen to make Discoveries. London 1767. Bls. 2— 61. 8°. J. Knox. A New Collection of Voyages, Discoveries and Travels. Vol. IV. [-] Travels through Norway, Lapland, Iceland, and other Northern countries of Europe; Abstracted from the Journal of a Gentle- man employed by the North Sea Company of Copenhagen to make Discoveries. Lon- don: E. Newbury, 1797. Bls. 1-58. 12°. William Mavor: Historical Account of the most Celebrated Voyages, Travels, and Discoveries, from the Time of Columbus to the present Period. Vol. XI. — De Noordsche Weereld; Vertond in twee nieuwe, aenmercklijcke, derwaerts gedaene Reysen: D’eene, van de Heer Martiniere, Door Noorweegen, Lapland, Boranday, Si- berien, Samojessie, Ys-land, Groenland en Nova Zembla: Met de Beschrijvingh van der Inwoonderen Seeden, Gewoonten, Overge- loven, Gestalte, Dragten, en Huysen: De Koophandel, met haer gedreven: En dwa- lingh der Weereld-beschrijvers, soo in de plaetsingh als uytstreckingh van Groenland en Zembla. D’andere, van de Hamburger Frederick Martens, Verright nae Spitsber- gen, of Groenland in ’t Jaer 1671. Met nauwkeurige Aenteeckeningh van de gele- genheyd deses Lands, en desselven uyterste Deelen: Van de Zee; ’t Ys; de Lught; de daer wassende verscheydene Kruyden; de sigh daer onthoudende Vogelen, Dieren, Visschen, Walvisschen en Zee-qualmen. Vertaelt, en doorgaens met toe-doeningen verrijckt, door S. de Vries. Met een goed ge- tal nae ’t leven afgeteeckende Figuren. t’Amsteldam, By Aert Dircksz. Ooszaen, Boeckverkoper op den Dam, M. DC- LXXXV. [10], 334, [17] bls., 20 mbl., 1 uppdr., titilm. 4°. Frásögn Martiniéres er á bls. 1-141. Henni fylgja 4 mbl., hvert með 4 myndum. - Viaggi del signor Martiniera(l) ne’ paesi set- tentrionali, ne’ quale si discorre(!) de’ loro costumi, del rnodo di vivere, e superstizioni de’ Norvegi, Lapponi, Kiloppi, Borandianj, 89
(1) Band
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(169) Saurblað
(170) Saurblað
(171) Band
(172) Band
(173) Kjölur
(174) Framsnið
(175) Kvarði
(176) Litaspjald

Ísland í skrifum erlendra manna um þjóðlíf og náttúru landsins


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