(153) Blaðsíða 95 (153) Blaðsíða 95
Lately in digging near the farmhouse, the present holder of the place has found remains of an ancient stone wall, perhaps part of the old hall, and heaped against it a number of stone hammers, great and small, made of lava pebbles from Hraunsfjord beach. The smaller hammers are such as are still used for pounding rikling, the dried fish of Iceland : the larger are very heavy tools. Round Gudriin at Helgafell cluster many names famous in northern history. Her last husband, Thorkel, was son of Thord Gellir, who was the son of Olaf Feilan (the Irish Faelan, wolf-cub), who was son of Thorstein the Red, whose parents were King Olaf and Queen Aud of Dublin. Gudrun and Thorkell had a son named Gellir, whose grandson was Ari the historian, born here in 1067. Gudrun established the monastery of Helgafell, which developed into a famous double community of monks and nuns, celebrated for literature and arts. There are still vague scandals current about nuns drowning babies in the tarn, and monks hung between the rocks of the Munkaskarth. But now the very site of the cloister is hardly traceable. Looking down from the holy hill we see beneath us the modern church, representing the Christian foundation which replaced the heathen temple removed hither from Hofstadir; and close to it the farmhouse which is all that is left to represent the great hall of Thorstein and Snorri and Gudrun. Beyond is the tarn, and behind that, to the left, is Temple-voe, and on its banks—a dot in the distance—the house of Hofstadir. Across the Hraunsfjord (Lavafirth) is Bjarnarhofn, with the Berserks’ lava and Trollahals to the left, and the Eyr of the Ere-dwellers to the right. From the ancient bield on the top, where Snorri so often gave counsel to his friends, we can overlook to eastward the site of the newer Thorsness-thing on its three promontories against the blue of Breidifjord. At the newer Thorsness-thing, says “the Ere-dwellers”:—“There is yet to be seen the Doom-ring where men were doomed to the sacrifice. In that ring stands the stone of Thor over which those men were broken who were sacrificed, and the colour of the blood on that stone is yet to be seen.” The stone is th^re, a glacial boulder standing four feet above the ground; and upon it here and there a brown stain which may have been what the saga-man saw: not of blood, but of iron in the stone. Whether men were ever sacrificed here is doubtful, in spite of the word of the ancient writer. Human sacrifice was no doubt a part of the old pagan religion, but there are no records of it in Iceland, and it is quite against analogy if we imagine a conclave sitting round an altar, and enjoying the shrieks of the victim. The more we get to know of the real manners and customs of the 10th and nth century Icelanders, the more we find them like ourselves, and unlike the races which enjoyed cruelty and flourished in crime. They liked fighting, and carried out a vendetta to the bitter end,—but not for the sake of slaying, and still less of torturing. Abroad, in viking cruises, they robbed and massacred hereditary foes, but with less ferocity than their foes put to their account; though now and then, as in all wars, there were atrocities, unnecessary and inexcusable. Here perhaps there may have been some tradition of human sacrifice to justify the saga-man: but there is not a morsel of evidence that it was part of their system of law and religion after settling in Iceland. 95
(1) Band
(2) Band
(3) Saurblað
(4) Saurblað
(5) Saurblað
(6) Saurblað
(7) Blaðsíða I
(8) Blaðsíða II
(9) Mynd
(10) Mynd
(11) Mynd
(12) Mynd
(13) Blaðsíða III
(14) Blaðsíða IV
(15) Blaðsíða V
(16) Blaðsíða VI
(17) Blaðsíða VII
(18) Blaðsíða VIII
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(21) Blaðsíða XI
(22) Blaðsíða XII
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(36) Mynd
(37) Mynd
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(39) Mynd
(40) Mynd
(41) Mynd
(42) Mynd
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(70) Mynd
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(87) Mynd
(88) Mynd
(89) Mynd
(90) Mynd
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(101) Mynd
(102) Mynd
(103) Mynd
(104) Mynd
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(119) Mynd
(120) Mynd
(121) Mynd
(122) Mynd
(123) Mynd
(124) Mynd
(125) Mynd
(126) Mynd
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(137) Mynd
(138) Mynd
(139) Mynd
(140) Mynd
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(171) Mynd
(172) Mynd
(173) Mynd
(174) Mynd
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(215) Mynd
(216) Mynd
(217) Mynd
(218) Mynd
(219) Blaðsíða 153
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(227) Mynd
(228) Mynd
(229) Mynd
(230) Mynd
(231) Blaðsíða 161
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(255) Blaðsíða 185
(256) Blaðsíða 186
(257) Blaðsíða 187
(258) Blaðsíða 188
(259) Saurblað
(260) Saurblað
(261) Saurblað
(262) Saurblað
(263) Band
(264) Band
(265) Kjölur
(266) Framsnið
(267) Kvarði
(268) Litaspjald

A pilgrimage to the saga-steads of Iceland


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Tengja á þessa bók: A pilgrimage to the saga-steads of Iceland

Tengja á þessa síðu: (153) Blaðsíða 95

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