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HEKLA AND BURNT NJAL’S COUNTRY. 87 a stream which drains the Gothalands, the Merkr and the Torfa Jokulls. There is a mountain gorge between the latter, in which, in true Icelandic topsy-turviness, crystal snow and verdant lawns, glacier ice, volcanic sand, and the bosky dells of Thdrsmork, take it in turns to fringe the flood, that hurries oceanwards in four great streams, the Markarfljdt, the Alar, the Affall, and the Thverd. Sometimes one is large, sometimes another, for a shifting sandbank at the angle will turn the bulk of rushing water now to right and now to left. The plain through which they flow is tiresome in its uniformity; mile follows mile of boggy grassland, every rising hummock crowned with a little homestead. In the southern portion one almost needs a guide from farm to farm, save where little peat and shingle causeways have been laid upon the trembling morass. Without lies a sand reef, from which, in storm time, the upreflected waves are spurned in great surf- columns, the curtains of the deep. The whole is called Landeyjar, or the Land Isles. On a blazing summer day the flickering haze plays curious pranks with the hillocks, and, mirage-like, turns them into floating islands, while the haycocks stand for groves that vanish as we reach them. But all this grass means food for horses, sheep, and cattle, which everywhere abound, and in the north across the Thverd lies a line of famous farms and parsonages, among which are Oddi and Breithabolstathr, whose hospitable doors have welcomed generations of weary wayfarers. Behind these lie the graceful triple peaks of the Thrihyrm'ngr, and twenty miles beyond the river uprises from the plain the ridge of Hekla. But the interest of the region centres in two grassy knolls, two of the sacred spots of classic Iceland, Hlithdrendi and Bergthdrshvoll, the homes of Gunnar and of Njal, the David and the Jonathan of old Icelandic story. At ‘Ledge End’ dwelt the peerless Gunnar. His homestead on the ‘ Ledge,’ a hundred feet above the river, overlooked the fertile meadow, which he loved so well, now disappearing fast beneath the Thvera’s gnawing waves. In Dr. Dasent’s fine translation of the Saga, we find a picture of him, handsome, blue-eyed, bright-eyed, courteous, bountiful, and gentle; strong and wealthy, able to leap his own height with all his war-gear, a skilful warrior, who ‘ smote so swiftly with his sword, that three seemed to flash through the air at once.’ At ‘ Bergthora’s Knoll,’ named after his ‘high-spirited, brave-hearted’ wife, dwelt Njal, wealthy, too, and handsome, ‘so great a lawyer that his match was not to be found. Wise too he was, and fore-knowing and fore- sighted. Gentle and generous, he unravelled every man’s knotty points who came to see him about them.’ In 974, Gunnar rode to the Thing, and there he met his evil genius, for ‘It happened one day that Gunnar ’ ‘ saw a woman coming to meet him, and she was in goodly attire ; but when they met she spoke to Gunnar at ’ ‘and bade him tell her of his voyages.’ Hallgerda, already thrice a once
(1) Band
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(189) Saurblað
(190) Saurblað
(191) Band
(192) Band
(193) Kjölur
(194) Framsnið
(195) Kvarði
(196) Litaspjald

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