(72) Blaðsíða 60 (72) Blaðsíða 60
60 A TOUR TWENTY YEARS AGO. from liis recumbent position. It seemed to me there was rather deep sorrow than fear expressed on his countenance. “No,” said he, sadly, “ my hand did not the de^d; but listen. The revelry of the marriage-feast lasted long, and to escape it I stole out into the garden; it was near midnight, but the broad light of day was yet in the Lapland sky. I came on my friend, horrorstruck, in an agony of remorse, bending over a shattered frame, from the side of which trickled drop by drop, and slowly oozed into the grass, the subtle fluid which had so late given animating life to the form at his feet. I helped him to bury the mutilated remains. We hoped that earth would hide them, but I see all that is hidden will some day be divulged; it is the finger of Fate!” “ And you did not denounce the malefactor? You aided him to conceal the evidence of his crime? Oh, on him and his will descend to remote posterity the curse!” “Forbear, M‘Diarmid, forbear!” said X-----, in a voice preternaturally solemn; “forbear, rash man, lest the curse you pronounce recoil on those nearest and dearest to you!” M‘Diarmid at first hardly seemed to take in the sense of these words; then he staggered. “ Is it possible?” said he; and at last approached close to Mr. X-----. You might have heard a pin drop on the grass, as they whispered interrogatively and affirmatively in monosyllables. “The?” “ The.” “My?” “ Your.” “B.?” “B.” “Is it possible?” mused M‘Diarmid, “is it pos- sible? Yet there has always been a strange reticence on William’s part when I have talked of the Alten.
(1) Band
(2) Band
(3) Saurblað
(4) Saurblað
(5) Saurblað
(6) Saurblað
(7) Kápa
(8) Kápa
(9) Blaðsíða [1]
(10) Blaðsíða [2]
(11) Mynd
(12) Mynd
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(117) Blaðsíða 105
(118) Blaðsíða 106
(119) Blaðsíða 107
(120) Blaðsíða 108
(121) Saurblað
(122) Saurblað
(123) Saurblað
(124) Saurblað
(125) Band
(126) Band
(127) Kjölur
(128) Framsnið
(129) Kvarði
(130) Litaspjald

A tour twenty years ago


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