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 23 and * ** *** darting to and fro were vert) irregular in the battle; and many fell on either fide. And when the Norwe- gians came to their ships, then had the Scotch killed all the fervants that were on land preparing victuals ; and all the flesh-kettles were carried away. They next made many defcents in Kin- tire, and proceeded thence north tothe Orkney Islands„ Soon after, mofl of the Norwe- giansfailedeafl to Norway, having, in thisexpeditionto the weflern isles, won great renown for their King, And when they came into his prefence, he thanked them" well for this their voyage; here endedthe a£ts of the Sudureyans. * j.e. alternately attacking and reti- ring, with incredible rapidity, occa- fioned great confufion in the Battle. ** heartily. *** transactions in the SudureyS.
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Anecdotes of Olave the black

Anecdotes of Olave the Black, king of Man, and the Hebridian princes of the Somerled family.

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